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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


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v0.8.17 から直接、0.9.7にはできませんでした

root% embulk selfupdate
2018-06-06 19:24:43.273 +0900: Embulk v0.8.17
Checking the latest version...
Found new version 0.9.7.
Downloading https://dl.bintray.com/embulk/maven/embulk-0.9.7.jar ...
Corruption checking failed (No such file or directory - jar:file:/var/folders/5p/04q0zd2n743384ct9h7smyc0pr0kw3/T/embulk-selfupdate20180606-44186-xp296u.jar!/embulk/version.rb).
This version might include incompatible changes.
Please add '-f' argument to selfupdate command to skip checking.

なので、0.8系 の最新版を経由してから上げました

# embulk selfupdate 0.8.39
2018-06-06 19:28:09.293 +0900: Embulk v0.8.17
Checking version 0.8.39...
Found version 0.8.39.
Downloading https://dl.bintray.com/embulk/maven/embulk-0.8.39.jar ...
Embulk::VERSION in (J)Ruby is deprecated. Use org.embulk.EmbulkVersion::VERSION instead. If this message is from a plugin, please tell this to the author of the plugin!
Updated to 0.8.39.
bash-3.2# embulk -v
Embulk v0.8.39


# embulk selfupdate
2018-06-06 19:28:53.264 +0900: Embulk v0.8.39

********************************** INFORMATION **********************************
  Join us! Embulk-announce mailing list is up for IMPORTANT annoucement such as
    compatibility-breaking changes and key feature updates.

Checking the latest version...
Found a newer version 0.9.7.
Downloading https://dl.bintray.com/embulk/maven/embulk-0.9.7.jar ...
Updated to 0.9.7.



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