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Type Annotations

Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-29

Previous << Constants and Variable Declarations
Next >> Values and Types




/* Declare a variable named `boolVarWithAnnotation`, which has an explicit type annotation.
 * `Bool` is the type of booleans.
var boolVarWithAnnotation: Bool = false

/* Declare a constant named `integerWithoutAnnotation`, which has no type annotation
 * and for which the type is inferred to be `Int`, the type of arbitrary-precision integers.
 * This is based on the initial value which is an integer literal.
 * Integer literals are always inferred to be of type `Int`.
let integerWithoutAnnotation = 1

/* Declare a constant named `smallIntegerWithAnnotation`, which has an explicit type annotation.
 * Because of the explicit type annotation, the type is not inferred.
 * This declaration is valid because the integer literal `1` fits into the range of the type `Int8`,
 * the type of 8-bit signed integers.
let smallIntegerWithAnnotation: Int8 = 1


/* Invalid: declare a variable with an explicit type `Bool`,
 * but the initial value has type `Int`.
let booleanConstant: Bool = 1

/* Declare a variable that has the inferred type `Bool`. */
var booleanVariable = false

/* Invalid: assign a value with type `Int` to a variable which has the inferred type `Bool`. */
booleanVariable = 1


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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Type Annotations)

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