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Type Safety

Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-27

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Next >> Type Inference(型推論)

Cadence プログラミング言語は型安全言語(type-safe language)です。


/* Declare a variable that has type `Bool`. */
var a = true

/* Invalid: cannot assign a value that has type `Int` to a variable which has type `Bool`. */
a = 0


fun nand(_ a: Bool, _ b: Bool): Bool {
    return !(a && b)

nand(false, false)
/* is `true` */

/* Invalid: The arguments of the function calls are integers and have type `Int`,
 * but the function expects parameters booleans (type `Bool`).
nand(0, 0)


fun add(_ a: Int8, _ b: Int8): Int8 {
    return a + b

/* The arguments are not declared with a specific type, but they are inferred
   to be `Int8` since the parameter types of the function `add` are `Int8`. */
add(1, 2)
/* is `3` */

/* Declare two constants which have type `Int32`. */
let a: Int32 = 3_000_000_000
let b: Int32 = 3_000_000_000

/* Invalid: cannot pass arguments which have type `Int32` to parameters which have type `Int8`. */
add(a, b)


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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Type Safety)

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