- enpitsu HB@HBenpitsu
- Shintaro Kaneko@kaneshin
I'm the CTO at Eureka. I relish building things with Go, C, PHP, Bash and so on. I have substantial experience in cloud solutions which are GCP and AWS. I also have a strong mathematics experience.
- まー@mash0510
- Tetsuo Yutani@te20
Architect & founder of First Four Notes, LLC
- ぼへぼへ@bohebohechan
developer & founder of First Four Notes, LLC. I write 4 panel comic on Toyo-Keizai Online. http://toyokeizai.net/category/diary
- Takashi Sugimoto@tksugimoto
- twinbee@twinbee
フリーランスエンジニア Fukuoka.exでelixir強力推し 自社販売管理EPRパッケージによる基幹系ソリューションを手掛けてます Delphi / Oracle 案件納入歴 20年 フロントエンド vue.js / vuex / typescript サーバーサイドは Oracle / dot netcore C# / Elixir / Node.js