- Taku Fukada@ciscorn
GIS as a playground
- @sorami
- Kanahiro Iguchi@Kanahiro
FOSS4G Enthusiast | MapLibre User Group Japan 単著「位置情報エンジニア養成講座」「位置情報デベロッパー養成講座」好評発売中
- Yasunori Kirimoto@dayjournal
Geospatial Architect|AWS DevTools Hero| Co-Founder and CEO of MIERUNE|Owner of dayjournal| Community - MapLibre, Amplify, FOSS4G, Notion
- Toru Mori@moritoru
Cartographer specializes in creating cool map styles in high zoom.
- Y furuchin@Yfuruchin
主にGIS系のぬるぬるプロレス / Be Curious, Not Judgmental