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CoArray Fortran で Mandelbrot (再)

Last updated at Posted at 2017-06-05

CoArray Fortran (CAF)

CoArray Fortran で Mandelbrot

今回は余計な配列をとらずに、ファイル I/O のところで、横長の短冊状に並列で計算した CoArray を直接書き出しています。class 変数は CoArray に出来ないようなのですが、派生型の成分として取ることで OO (Object Oriented) 風に書き出しています。

(H29.6.6 追記)
CAF では同時に同じファイルにアクセスできると知ったので、I/O を書き直してみたのですが、さすがにシーケンシャルファイルの書き込みはダメなようでしたw APPEND で毎回 open することにしました。(読み取りや DIRECT access は可能?) これによりシリアルなコードからの改変がより少なくなりました。


image=   3: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: start Mandel
image=   5: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: start Mandel
image=   4: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: start Mandel
image=   2: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: start Mandel
image=   1: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: start Mandel
image=   5: time=       0.0320 cpu=       0.0312: end   Mandel
image=   1: time=       0.1310 cpu=       0.0312: end   Mandel
image=   5: time=       0.1550 cpu=       0.0781: start bmp
image=   1: time=       0.1080 cpu=       0.0781: start bmp
image=   4: time=       0.3040 cpu=       0.2969: end   Mandel
image=   2: time=       0.3160 cpu=       0.3125: end   Mandel
image=   4: time=       0.0560 cpu=       0.0625: start bmp
image=   2: time=       0.0590 cpu=       0.0625: start bmp
image=   1: time=       0.1370 cpu=       0.0000: end   bmp
image=   1: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: normal end
image=   3: time=       0.7160 cpu=       0.7188: end   Mandel
image=   3: time=       0.0570 cpu=       0.0469: start bmp
image=   2: time=       0.3990 cpu=       0.0000: end   bmp
image=   2: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: normal end
image=   3: time=       0.0060 cpu=       0.0156: end   bmp
image=   3: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: normal end
image=   4: time=       0.4260 cpu=       0.0000: end   bmp
image=   4: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: normal end
image=   5: time=       0.5990 cpu=       0.0000: end   bmp
image=   5: time=       0.0000 cpu=       0.0000: normal end
続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .

BMP 出力

(BMP upload不可の為、手動でPNGに変換後の図)


coarray 変数の allocate/deallocate は、暗黙の内に sync all となるので、無駄なバリアを作らないよう置く位置に注意が必要です。

    module m_bmp
      implicit none
      type :: t_bmp_file_header
        integer(2) :: bfType = transfer('BM', 0_2, 1) ! BitMap
        integer(4) :: bfSize          ! file size in bytes
        integer(2) :: bfReserved1 = 0 ! always 0
        integer(2) :: bfReserved2 = 0 ! always 0
        integer(4) :: bfOffBits
      end type t_bmp_file_header
      type :: t_bmp_info_header
        integer(4) :: biSize     = Z'28' ! size of bmp_info_header ; 40bytes 
        integer(4) :: biWidth
        integer(4) :: biHeight
        integer(2) :: biPlanes   = 1 ! always 1
        integer(2) :: biBitCount
        integer(4) :: biCompression = 0 !0:nocompression,1:8bitRLE,2:4bitRLE,3:bitfield
        integer(4) :: biSizeImage
        integer(4) :: biXPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi
        integer(4) :: biYPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi 
        integer(4) :: biClrUsed      = 0
        integer(4) :: biClrImportant = 0 
      end type t_bmp_info_header  
      type :: t_rgb
        character :: b, g, r  ! order is b g r 
      end type t_rgb 
      type :: t_bmp
        type(t_rgb), allocatable :: rgb(:, :)[:]
        procedure :: wr => wr_bmp_caf
      end type
      subroutine wr_bmp_caf(bmp, fn)
        class(t_bmp), intent(in) :: bmp 
        character(len = *), intent(in) :: fn
        type(t_bmp_file_header) :: bmp_file_header
        type(t_bmp_info_header) :: bmp_info_header
        integer :: me, ni, ir, ic
        ni = num_images()
        me = this_image()
        associate(nx => size(bmp%rgb, 1), ny => size(bmp%rgb, 2) * ni)
          bmp_file_header%bfSize      = 14 + 40 + 0 + nx * ny * 3
          bmp_file_header%bfOffBits   = 14 + 40
          bmp_info_header%biWidth     = nx       ! nx shouold be a multiple of 4
          bmp_info_header%biHeight    = ny
          bmp_info_header%biBitCount  = 24 
          bmp_info_header%biSizeImage = nx * ny * 3
        end associate
        if (me == 1) then
          open(9, file = fn//'.bmp', access = 'stream', status = 'replace')
          write(9) bmp_file_header
          write(9) bmp_info_header
        end if  
        if (me > 1) sync images(me - 1) ! order 1, 2, 3...., n 
        open(9, file = fn//'.bmp', access = 'stream', status = 'old', position = 'append')
        write(9) bmp%rgb
        if (me < ni) sync images(me + 1) 
      end subroutine wr_bmp_caf

! convert to t_RGB    
      pure elemental type(t_rgb) function to_rgb(ir, ig, ib)
        integer, intent(in) :: ir, ig, ib
        to_rgb = t_rgb(achar(ib), achar(ig), achar(ir))
      end function to_rgb  
    end module m_bmp

    program Mandel
      use m_bmp
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: nx = 1920, ny = 1920, maxiter = 255
      real   , parameter :: x0 = -2.0, x1 = 1.0, y0 = -1.5, y1 = 1.5
      complex, allocatable :: c(:, :)[:], z(:, :)[:]
      integer :: i, j, me, ni, my
      integer, allocatable :: niter(:, :)[:]
      type (t_bmp) :: bmp
      ni = num_images()
      me = this_image()
      if (mod(ny, ni) /= 0) stop 'ny must be a multiple of num_image()'
      my = ny / ni
      allocate(c(nx, my)[*], z(nx, my)[*], bmp%rgb(nx, my)[*])     
! make 2D-mesh :  c(:, :)
        real  :: x(nx), y(ny)
        x = [( (x1 - x0) / (nx - 1) * (i - 1) + x0, i = 1, nx )]
        y = [( (y1 - y0) / (ny - 1) * (i - 1) + y0, i = 1, ny )]
        forall (i = 1:nx, j = 1:my) c(i, j) = cmplx(x(i), y((me - 1) * my + j)) 
      end block
 ! main iteration : niter(:, :)        
      call stamp('start Mandel')
      allocate(niter(nx, my)[*]) ! implicitly sync all
      niter = imandel(c)         
      call stamp('end   Mandel')
 ! make bmp file: Mandel.bmp   
      bmp%rgb = to_rgb(256 - niter, 256 - niter, 256 - niter)
      call stamp('start bmp')
      call bmp%wr('Mandel')  
      call stamp('end   bmp')
      call stamp('normal end')
      deallocate(bmp%rgb) ! implicitly sync all    

      pure elemental integer function imandel(c)
        complex, intent(in) :: c
        complex :: z
        z = c
        do imandel = 1, maxiter
          if (abs(z) > 2.0) exit
          z = z * z + c
        end do    
      end function imandel

      subroutine stamp(text)
        character(*), intent(in) :: text
        real :: t0 = 0.0, t1      ! t0 save
        integer :: c0 = 0, c1, cr ! c0 save
        logical :: first = .true.
        if (first) then 
          first = .false.
          call cpu_time(t1)
          call system_clock(c1, cr)
          t0 = t1
          c0 = c1
        end if  
        call cpu_time(t1)
        call system_clock(c1, cr)
        print '(a, i3, a, f12.4, a, f12.4, 2a)', 'image= ', this_image(), ': time= ', real(c1 - c0) / cr,' cpu= ', t1 - t0, ': ', text
        t0 = t1
        c0 = c1
      end subroutine stamp
    end program Mandel


sync images によって image 1,2..., n の順に実行されるようにしています。普通の do loop のように使えます。


    program order
      implicit none
      integer :: me, ni
      me = this_image()
      ni = num_images()
      if (me > 1 ) sync images(me - 1)  
      print *, me ! 1, 2, ...., n
      if (me < ni) sync images(me + 1)
    end program order


続行するには何かキーを押してください . . .

(参考)ソースコード 旧

    module m_bmp
      implicit none
      type :: t_bmp_file_header
        integer(2) :: bfType = transfer('BM', 0_2, 1) ! BitMap
        integer(4) :: bfSize          ! file size in bytes
        integer(2) :: bfReserved1 = 0 ! always 0
        integer(2) :: bfReserved2 = 0 ! always 0
        integer(4) :: bfOffBits
      end type t_bmp_file_header
      type :: t_bmp_info_header
        integer(4) :: biSize     = Z'28' ! size of bmp_info_header ; 40bytes 
        integer(4) :: biWidth
        integer(4) :: biHeight
        integer(2) :: biPlanes   = 1 ! always 1
        integer(2) :: biBitCount
        integer(4) :: biCompression = 0 !0:nocompression,1:8bitRLE,2:4bitRLE,3:bitfield
        integer(4) :: biSizeImage
        integer(4) :: biXPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi
        integer(4) :: biYPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi 
        integer(4) :: biClrUsed      = 0
        integer(4) :: biClrImportant = 0 
      end type t_bmp_info_header  
      type :: t_rgb
        character :: b, g, r  ! order is b g r 
      end type t_rgb 
      type :: t_bmp
        type(t_rgb), allocatable :: rgb(:, :)[:]
        procedure :: wr => wr_bmp_caf
      end type
      subroutine wr_bmp_caf(bmp, fn)
        class(t_bmp), intent(in) :: bmp 
        character(len = *), intent(in) :: fn
        type(t_bmp_file_header) :: bmp_file_header
        type(t_bmp_info_header) :: bmp_info_header
        integer :: i, ir, ic
        associate(nx => size(bmp%rgb, 1), ny => size(bmp%rgb, 2) * num_images())
          bmp_file_header%bfSize      = 14 + 40 + 0 + nx * ny * 3
          bmp_file_header%bfOffBits   = 14 + 40
          bmp_info_header%biWidth     = nx       ! nx shouold be a multiple of 4
          bmp_info_header%biHeight    = ny
          bmp_info_header%biBitCount  = 24 
          bmp_info_header%biSizeImage = nx * ny * 3
        end associate
        open(9, file = fn//'.bmp', form = 'binary', status = 'unknown')
        write(9) bmp_file_header
        write(9) bmp_info_header
        do i = 1, num_images()
          write(9) bmp%rgb[i]
        end do  
      end subroutine wr_bmp_caf

! convert to t_RGB    
      pure elemental type(t_rgb) function to_rgb(ir, ig, ib)
        integer, intent(in) :: ir, ig, ib
        to_rgb = t_rgb(achar(ib), achar(ig), achar(ir))
      end function to_rgb  
    end module m_bmp

    program Mandel
      use m_bmp
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: nx = 1920, ny = 1920, maxiter = 255
      real   , parameter :: x0 = -2.0, x1 = 1.0, y0 = -1.5, y1 = 1.5
      complex, allocatable :: c(:, :)[:], z(:, :)[:]
      integer :: i, j, k, ni, my
      integer, allocatable :: niter(:, :)[:]
      type (t_bmp) :: bmp
      ni = num_images()
      k  = this_image()
      if (mod(ny, ni) /= 0) stop 'ny must be a multiple of num_image()'
      my = ny / ni
      allocate(c(nx, my)[*], z(nx, my)[*])
! make 2D-mesh :  c(:, :)
        real  :: x(nx), y(ny)
        x = [( (x1 - x0) / (nx - 1) * (i - 1) + x0, i = 1, nx )]
        y = [( (y1 - y0) / (ny - 1) * (i - 1) + y0, i = 1, ny )]
        forall (i = 1:nx, j = 1:my) c(i, j)[k] = cmplx(x(i), y((k - 1) * my + j)) 
      end block
 ! main iteration : niter(:, :)        
      call stamp('start Mandel')
      allocate(niter(nx, my)[*]) ! implicitly sync all
      niter = imandel(c)         
      call stamp('end   Mandel')
 ! make bmp file in image 1 : Mandel.bmp   
      allocate(bmp%rgb(nx, my)[*])      
      bmp%rgb = to_rgb(256 - niter, 256 - niter, 256 - niter)
      sync all
      if (k == 1) then
        call stamp('start bmp')
        call bmp%wr('mandel')  
        call stamp('end   bmp')
      end if
      deallocate(bmp%rgb) ! implicitly sync all    
      call stamp('normal end')

      pure elemental integer function imandel(c)
        complex, intent(in) :: c
        complex :: z
        z = c
        do imandel = 1, maxiter
          if (abs(z) > 2.0) exit
          z = z * z + c
        end do    
      end function imandel

      subroutine stamp(text)
        character(*), intent(in) :: text
        real :: t0 = 0.0, t1      ! t0 save
        integer :: c0 = 0, c1, cr ! c0 save
        logical :: first = .true.
        if (first) then 
          first = .false.
          call cpu_time(t1)
          call system_clock(c1, cr)
          t0 = t1
          c0 = c1
        end if  
        call cpu_time(t1)
        call system_clock(c1, cr)
        print '(a, i3, a, f12.4, a, f12.4, 2a)', 'image= ', this_image(), ': time= ', real(c1 - c0) / cr,' cpu= ', t1 - t0, ': ', text
        t0 = t1
        c0 = c1
      end subroutine stamp
    end program Mandel

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