the goal
これはjupyter labにて IFrame widgetで開いた画面です。
- qiita-like drag-and-drop file uploading
- qiita-flavored markdown code highlight
- slack notification integration
- etc..
- 最強のWiki「Crowi」のフォーク、「GROWI(旧crowi-plus)」を公開した話
- 3年利用したQiita:TeamをやめてCrowiを使う理由
- Markdownで書ける、よさげなWikiサーバーソフトまとめ
working terminal
the following image is my working terminal. there are 3 panes on a byobu session
right-top pane
while true; do clear; docker ps; sleep 2; done
left pane
mkdir temp && cd temp
git clone
cd crowi
docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up
the working terminal image
the Result
some ideas
- what about adding google ad-sense and using like blog for monetizing?
- what about etherpad? or jupyter lab?