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Last updated at Posted at 2020-07-28





Arduino IDEのライブラリマネージャでNimBLEを検索してインストールします




NimBLE-Arduino/NimBLE_Client.ino at master · h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino · GitHub


HIDで接続してReport Charcteristicを使うのでUUIDを定義します

static NimBLEUUID serviceUUID("1812");
// UUID Report Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID charUUID("2a4d");

NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacksの中をHID UUIDを使うように修正します

class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

  void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
    Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
// toString()に不具合がある?
//        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("name:%s,address:%s", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(), advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("UUID:%s\n", advertisedDevice->haveServiceUUID() ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str() : "none");

    // HID UUIDかチェックして正しければスキャンをストップ
    if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
      Serial.println("Found Our Service");
      /** stop scan before connecting */
      /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
      advDevice = advertisedDevice;
      /** Ready to connect now */
      doConnect = true;



以下の画像ではHID UUID(1812)の下に複数のReport Characteristic(2a4d)が存在しているのですが、


ライブラリを見るとstd::vector* NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics(bool refresh)がありましたのでこれを使います


  NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
// 複数扱うためにvectorを使う
//  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
  std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*> *pChrs = nullptr;

  NimBLERemoteDescriptor *pDsc = nullptr;

  // HIDサービスを取得する
  pSvc = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
  if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
    // 複数のCharacterisiticsを取得(リフレッシュtrue)
    pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

  if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */
    // 複数のReport Characterisiticsの中からNotify属性を持っているものをCallbackに登録する
    for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {

      if (pChrs->at(i)->canNotify()) {
        if (!pChrs->at(i)->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
          /** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
          return false;



void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t *pData, size_t length, bool isNotify) {
  std::string str = (isNotify == true) ? "Notification" : "Indication";
  str += " from ";
  str += pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getClient()->getPeerAddress().toString();
  str += ": Service = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getUUID().toString();
  str += ", Characteristic = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getUUID().toString();
  Serial.print("\ndata: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    // uint8_tを頭0のstringで表示する
    Serial.printf("%02X ", pData[i]);








Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 01 00 
Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 00 00 


Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 00 28 
Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 01 00 
Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 00 00 
Notification from ff:ff:c3:19:fa:0b: Service = 0x1812, Characteristic = 0x2a4d
data: 00 00 

という風にデータを送ってくるので00 28,01 00が来たらLEDを点灯して
01 00が来たら消灯するようにしてみます

// 点灯したあと01 00を読み飛ばすためのフラグ
bool on = false;

/** Notification / Indication receiving handler callback */
void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t *pData, size_t length, bool isNotify) {
 Serial.print("data: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    // uint8_tを頭0のstringで表示する
    Serial.printf("%02X ", pData[i]);
  if (pData[1] & 0x28) {
    // 00 28ならばLEDを点灯してフラグを立てる
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, LOW);
    on = true;
  if (pData[0] & 0x01) {
    // フラグが立っている(00 28の直後)ならば読み飛ばす
    if (on) {
    on = false;
    // LEDを消灯する
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);






/** NimBLE_Server Demo:
 *  Demonstrates many of the available features of the NimBLE client library.
 *  Created: on March 24 2020
 *      Author: H2zero

#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
#include <M5StickC.h>

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results);

static NimBLEUUID serviceUUID("1812");
// UUID Report Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID charUUID("2a4d");

static NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advDevice;

static bool doConnect = false;
static uint32_t scanTime = 0; /** 0 = scan forever */

class ClientCallbacks: public NimBLEClientCallbacks {
  void onConnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
    /** After connection we should change the parameters if we don't need fast response times.
     *  These settings are 150ms interval, 0 latency, 450ms timout.
     *  Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
     *  I find a multiple of 3-5 * the interval works best for quick response/reconnect.
     *  Min interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, Max interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, 0 latency, 60 * 10ms = 600ms timeout
    pClient->updateConnParams(120, 120, 0, 60);

  void onDisconnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
    Serial.println(" Disconnected - Starting scan");
    NimBLEDevice::getScan()->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB);

  /** Called when the peripheral requests a change to the connection parameters.
   *  Return true to accept and apply them or false to reject and keep
   *  the currently used parameters. Default will return true.
  bool onConnParamsUpdateRequest(NimBLEClient *pClient, const ble_gap_upd_params *params) {
    if (params->itvl_min < 24) { /** 1.25ms units */
      return false;
    else if (params->itvl_max > 40) { /** 1.25ms units */
      return false;
    else if (params->latency > 2) { /** Number of intervals allowed to skip */
      return false;
    else if (params->supervision_timeout > 100) { /** 10ms units */
      return false;

    return true;

  /********************* Security handled here **********************
   ****** Note: these are the same return values as defaults ********/
  uint32_t onPassKeyRequest() {
    Serial.println("Client Passkey Request");
    /** return the passkey to send to the server */
    return 123456;

  bool onConfirmPIN(uint32_t pass_key) {
    Serial.print("The passkey YES/NO number: ");
    /** Return false if passkeys don't match. */
    return true;

  /** Pairing proces\s complete, we can check the results in ble_gap_conn_desc */
  void onAuthenticationComplete(ble_gap_conn_desc *desc) {
    if (!desc->sec_state.encrypted) {
      Serial.println("Encrypt connection failed - disconnecting");
      /** Find the client with the connection handle provided in desc */

/** Define a class to handle the callbacks when advertisments are received */
class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

  void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
    Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
//        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("name:%s, address:%s ", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(), advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("UUID:%s\n", advertisedDevice->haveServiceUUID() ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str() : "none");

    if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
      Serial.println("Found Our Service");
      /** stop scan before connecting */
      /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
      advDevice = advertisedDevice;
      /** Ready to connect now */
      doConnect = true;

const uint8_t START = 0x08;
const uint8_t SELECT = 0x04;

const int INDEX_BUTTON = 6;

bool on = false;

/** Notification / Indication receiving handler callback */
void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t *pData, size_t length, bool isNotify) {
  std::string str = (isNotify == true) ? "Notification" : "Indication";
  str += " from ";
  str += pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getClient()->getPeerAddress().toString();
  str += ": Service = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getUUID().toString();
  str += ", Characteristic = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getUUID().toString();
//    str += ", Value = " + std::string((char*)pData, length);
  Serial.print("\ndata: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    // uint8_tを頭0のstringで表示する
    Serial.printf("%02X ", pData[i]);
  if (pData[1] & 0x28) {
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, LOW);
    on = true;
  if (pData[0] & 0x01) {
    if (on) {
    on = false;
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);


/** Callback to process the results of the last scan or restart it */
void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results) {
  Serial.println("Scan Ended");

/** Create a single global instance of the callback class to be used by all clients */
static ClientCallbacks clientCB;

/** Handles the provisioning of clients and connects / interfaces with the server */
bool connectToServer() {
  NimBLEClient *pClient = nullptr;

  /** Check if we have a client we should reuse first **/
  if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize()) {
    /** Special case when we already know this device, we send false as the
     *  second argument in connect() to prevent refreshing the service database.
     *  This saves considerable time and power.
    pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(advDevice->getAddress());
    if (pClient) {
      if (!pClient->connect(advDevice, false)) {
        Serial.println("Reconnect failed");
        return false;
      Serial.println("Reconnected client");
    /** We don't already have a client that knows this device,
     *  we will check for a client that is disconnected that we can use.
    else {
      pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();

  /** No client to reuse? Create a new one. */
  if (!pClient) {
    if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
      Serial.println("Max clients reached - no more connections available");
      return false;

    pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();

    Serial.println("New client created");

    pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
    /** Set initial connection parameters: These settings are 15ms interval, 0 latency, 120ms timout.
     *  These settings are safe for 3 clients to connect reliably, can go faster if you have less
     *  connections. Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
     *  Min interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, Max interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, 0 latency, 51 * 10ms = 510ms timeout
    pClient->setConnectionParams(12, 12, 0, 51);
    /** Set how long we are willing to wait for the connection to complete (seconds), default is 30. */

    if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
      /** Created a client but failed to connect, don't need to keep it as it has no data */
      Serial.println("Failed to connect, deleted client");
      return false;

  if (!pClient->isConnected()) {
    if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to connect");
      return false;

  Serial.print("Connected to: ");
  Serial.print("RSSI: ");

  /** Now we can read/write/subscribe the charateristics of the services we are interested in */
  NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
//  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
  std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*> *pChrs = nullptr;

  NimBLERemoteDescriptor *pDsc = nullptr;

  pSvc = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
  if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
    pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

  if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */

    for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {

      if (pChrs->at(i)->canNotify()) {
        /** Must send a callback to subscribe, if nullptr it will unsubscribe */
        if (!pChrs->at(i)->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
          /** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
          return false;

  else {
    Serial.println("DEAD service not found.");

  Serial.println("Done with this device!");
  return true;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Starting NimBLE Client");
  pinMode(GPIO_NUM_10, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);

  /** Initialize NimBLE, no device name spcified as we are not advertising */

  /** Set the IO capabilities of the device, each option will trigger a different pairing method.
   *  BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY    - Passkey pairing
   *  BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO   - Numeric comparison pairing
   *  BLE_HS_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT - DEFAULT setting - just works pairing
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY); // use passkey
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO); //use numeric comparison
  /** 2 different ways to set security - both calls achieve the same result.
   *  no bonding, no man in the middle protection, secure connections.
   *  These are the default values, only shown here for demonstration.
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(false, false, true);

  /** Optional: set the transmit power, default is 3db */
  NimBLEDevice::setPower(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9); /** +9db */

  /** Optional: set any devices you don't want to get advertisments from */
// NimBLEDevice::addIgnored(NimBLEAddress ("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"));
  /** create new scan */
  NimBLEScan *pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan();

  /** create a callback that gets called when advertisers are found */
  pScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());

  /** Set scan interval (how often) and window (how long) in milliseconds */

  /** Active scan will gather scan response data from advertisers
   *  but will use more energy from both devices
  /** Start scanning for advertisers for the scan time specified (in seconds) 0 = forever
   *  Optional callback for when scanning stops.
  pScan->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB);

void loop() {
  if (M5.BtnA.wasReleased()) {
    if (doConnect) {
        if (connectToServer()) {
            Serial.println("Success! we should now be getting notifications, scanning for more!");
        else {
            Serial.println("Failed to connect, starting scan");
        doConnect = false;
    /** Found a device we want to connect to, do it now */



static NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advDevice;

// vectorを追加
std::vector<NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*> advDevices;

class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

    void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
        Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
//        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
        Serial.printf("name:%s,address:%s", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(), advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str());
        Serial.printf("UUID:%s\n", advertisedDevice->haveServiceUUID() ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str() : "none");

        if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
            Serial.println("Found Our Service");
            //      NimBLEDevice::getScan()->stop();
            /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
            // HIDデバイスが登録されてなければ登録
            if (advDevices.size() == 0) {
                advDevice = advertisedDevice;
                // vectorに追加
                Serial.printf("onResult:myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());
            else {
                for (int i = 0; i < advDevices.size(); i++) {
                    // すでに登録されていれば重複チェック
                    if (advDevices.at(i)->getAddress().equals(advertisedDevice->getAddress())) {
                        Serial.printf("onResult:device already added\n");
                        // 重複していたらreturn
                // 重複がなければvectorに登録
                advDevice = advertisedDevice;
                Serial.printf("onResult:myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());


bool connectToServer() {
    NimBLEClient *pClient = nullptr;
    // vectorに存在するHIDデバイスの数だけNotify登録を行う
    Serial.printf("myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < advDevices.size(); i++) {
        if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize()) {
            pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(advDevice->getAddress());
            if (pClient) {
                if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i), false)) {
                    Serial.println("Reconnect failed");
                    return false;
                Serial.println("Reconnected client");
            /** We don't already have a client that knows this device,
             *  we will check for a client that is disconnected that we can use.
            else {
                pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();

        /** No client to reuse? Create a new one. */
        if (!pClient) {
            if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
                Serial.println("Max clients reached - no more connections available");
                return false;

            pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();

            Serial.println("New client created");

            pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
            pClient->setConnectionParams(12, 12, 0, 51);
            /** Set how long we are willing to wait for the connection to complete (seconds), default is 30. */

            if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i))) {
                /** Created a client but failed to connect, don't need to keep it as it has no data */
                Serial.println("Failed to connect, deleted client");
                return false;

        if (!pClient->isConnected()) {
            if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i))) {
                Serial.println("Failed to connect");
                return false;

        Serial.print("Connected to: ");
        Serial.print("RSSI: ");

        /** Now we can read/write/subscribe the charateristics of the services we are interested in */
        NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
        //  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
        std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*> *pChrs = nullptr;

        pSvc = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
        if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
            pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

        if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */

            for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {

                if (pChrs->at(i)->canNotify()) {
                    /** Must send a callback to subscribe, if nullptr it will unsubscribe */
                    if (!pChrs->at(i)->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
                        /** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
                        return false;

        else {
            Serial.println("HID service not found.");
    Serial.println("Done with this device!");
    return true;



/** NimBLE_Server Demo:
 *  Demonstrates many of the available features of the NimBLE client library.
 *  Created: on March 24 2020
 *      Author: H2zero

#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
#include <M5StickC.h>

void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results);

static NimBLEUUID serviceUUID("1812");
// UUID Report Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID charUUID("2a4d");

static NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advDevice;

std::vector<NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*> advDevices;

static bool doConnect = false;
static uint32_t scanTime = 1; /** 0 = scan forever */

/**  None of these are required as they will be handled by the library with defaults. **
 **                       Remove as you see fit for your needs                        */
class ClientCallbacks: public NimBLEClientCallbacks {
    void onConnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
        /** After connection we should change the parameters if we don't need fast response times.
         *  These settings are 150ms interval, 0 latency, 450ms timout.
         *  Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
         *  I find a multiple of 3-5 * the interval works best for quick response/reconnect.
         *  Min interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, Max interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, 0 latency, 60 * 10ms = 600ms timeout
        pClient->updateConnParams(120, 120, 0, 60);

    void onDisconnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
        Serial.println(" Disconnected - Starting scan");
        NimBLEDevice::getScan()->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB);

    /** Called when the peripheral requests a change to the connection parameters.
     *  Return true to accept and apply them or false to reject and keep
     *  the currently used parameters. Default will return true.
    bool onConnParamsUpdateRequest(NimBLEClient *pClient, const ble_gap_upd_params *params) {
        if (params->itvl_min < 24) { /** 1.25ms units */
            return false;
        else if (params->itvl_max > 40) { /** 1.25ms units */
            return false;
        else if (params->latency > 2) { /** Number of intervals allowed to skip */
            return false;
        else if (params->supervision_timeout > 100) { /** 10ms units */
            return false;

        return true;

    /********************* Security handled here **********************
     ****** Note: these are the same return values as defaults ********/
    uint32_t onPassKeyRequest() {
        Serial.println("Client Passkey Request");
        /** return the passkey to send to the server */
        return 123456;

    bool onConfirmPIN(uint32_t pass_key) {
        Serial.print("The passkey YES/NO number: ");
        /** Return false if passkeys don't match. */
        return true;

    /** Pairing proces\s complete, we can check the results in ble_gap_conn_desc */
    void onAuthenticationComplete(ble_gap_conn_desc *desc) {
        if (!desc->sec_state.encrypted) {
            Serial.println("Encrypt connection failed - disconnecting");
            /** Find the client with the connection handle provided in desc */

/** Define a class to handle the callbacks when advertisments are received */
class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

    void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
        Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
//        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
        Serial.printf("name:%s,address:%s", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(), advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str());
        Serial.printf("UUID:%s\n", advertisedDevice->haveServiceUUID() ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str() : "none");

        if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
            Serial.println("Found Our Service");
            /** stop scan before connecting */
//      NimBLEDevice::getScan()->stop();
            /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/

            if (advDevices.size() == 0) {
                advDevice = advertisedDevice;
                Serial.printf("onResult:myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());
            else {
                for (int i = 0; i < advDevices.size(); i++) {
                    if (advDevices.at(i)->getAddress().equals(advertisedDevice->getAddress())) {
                        Serial.printf("onResult:device already added\n");
                advDevice = advertisedDevice;
                Serial.printf("onResult:myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());


const uint8_t START = 0x08;
const uint8_t SELECT = 0x04;

const int INDEX_BUTTON = 6;

bool on = false;

/** Notification / Indication receiving handler callback */
void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t *pData, size_t length, bool isNotify) {
    std::string str = (isNotify == true) ? "Notification" : "Indication";
    str += " from ";
    str += pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getClient()->getPeerAddress().toString();
    str += ": Service = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getUUID().toString();
    str += ", Characteristic = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getUUID().toString();
//    str += ", Value = " + std::string((char*)pData, length);
    Serial.print("\ndata: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        // uint8_tを頭0のstringで表示する
        Serial.printf("%02X ", pData[i]);
    if (pData[1] & 0x28) {
        digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, LOW);
        on = true;
    if (pData[0] & 0x01) {
        if (on) {
            on = false;
        digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);


/** Callback to process the results of the last scan or restart it */
void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results) {
    Serial.println("Scan Ended");
    if (advDevices.size() != 0 && !doConnect) {
//        NimBLEDevice::getScan()->stop();
        doConnect = true;

/** Create a single global instance of the callback class to be used by all clients */
static ClientCallbacks clientCB;

/** Handles the provisioning of clients and connects / interfaces with the server */
bool connectToServer() {
    NimBLEClient *pClient = nullptr;

    Serial.printf("myDevices=%d\n", advDevices.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < advDevices.size(); i++) {
        /** Check if we have a client we should reuse first **/
        if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize()) {
            /** Special case when we already know this device, we send false as the
             *  second argument in connect() to prevent refreshing the service database.
             *  This saves considerable time and power.
            pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(advDevice->getAddress());
            if (pClient) {
                if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i), false)) {
                    Serial.println("Reconnect failed");
                    return false;
                Serial.println("Reconnected client");
            /** We don't already have a client that knows this device,
             *  we will check for a client that is disconnected that we can use.
            else {
                pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();

        /** No client to reuse? Create a new one. */
        if (!pClient) {
            if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
                Serial.println("Max clients reached - no more connections available");
                return false;

            pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();

            Serial.println("New client created");

            pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
            /** Set initial connection parameters: These settings are 15ms interval, 0 latency, 120ms timout.
             *  These settings are safe for 3 clients to connect reliably, can go faster if you have less
             *  connections. Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
             *  Min interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, Max interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, 0 latency, 51 * 10ms = 510ms timeout
            pClient->setConnectionParams(12, 12, 0, 51);
            /** Set how long we are willing to wait for the connection to complete (seconds), default is 30. */

            if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i))) {
                /** Created a client but failed to connect, don't need to keep it as it has no data */
                Serial.println("Failed to connect, deleted client");
                return false;

        if (!pClient->isConnected()) {
            if (!pClient->connect(advDevices.at(i))) {
                Serial.println("Failed to connect");
                return false;

        Serial.print("Connected to: ");
        Serial.print("RSSI: ");

        /** Now we can read/write/subscribe the charateristics of the services we are interested in */
        NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
        //  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
        std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*> *pChrs = nullptr;

//    NimBLERemoteDescriptor *pDsc = nullptr;

        pSvc = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
        if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
            pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

        if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */

            for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {

                if (pChrs->at(i)->canNotify()) {
                    /** Must send a callback to subscribe, if nullptr it will unsubscribe */
                    if (!pChrs->at(i)->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
                        /** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
                        return false;

        else {
            Serial.println("HID service not found.");
    Serial.println("Done with this device!");
    return true;

void setup() {
    Serial.println("Starting NimBLE Client");
    pinMode(GPIO_NUM_10, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);

    /** Initialize NimBLE, no device name spcified as we are not advertising */

    /** Set the IO capabilities of the device, each option will trigger a different pairing method.
     *  BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY    - Passkey pairing
     *  BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO   - Numeric comparison pairing
     *  BLE_HS_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT - DEFAULT setting - just works pairing
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY); // use passkey
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO); //use numeric comparison
    /** 2 different ways to set security - both calls achieve the same result.
     *  no bonding, no man in the middle protection, secure connections.
     *  These are the default values, only shown here for demonstration.
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(false, false, true);

    /** Optional: set the transmit power, default is 3db */
    NimBLEDevice::setPower(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9); /** +9db */

    /** Optional: set any devices you don't want to get advertisments from */
// NimBLEDevice::addIgnored(NimBLEAddress ("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"));
    /** create new scan */
    NimBLEScan *pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan();

    /** create a callback that gets called when advertisers are found */
    pScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());

    /** Set scan interval (how often) and window (how long) in milliseconds */

    /** Active scan will gather scan response data from advertisers
     *  but will use more energy from both devices
    /** Start scanning for advertisers for the scan time specified (in seconds) 0 = forever
     *  Optional callback for when scanning stops.
    pScan->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB, false);

void loop() {
    if (M5.BtnA.wasReleased()) {
    if (M5.BtnB.wasReleased()) {
    if (doConnect) {
        if (connectToServer()) {
            Serial.println("Success! we should now be getting notifications, scanning for more!");
        else {
            Serial.println("Failed to connect, starting scan");
        doConnect = false;
    /** Found a device we want to connect to, do it now */




bCore4 - スイッチサイエンス


bCore4は、汎用多目的超小型BLEリモコンロボットコアデバイス bCoreシリーズの第四世代です。500円玉よりも小さい超小型でありながら、4つのサーボ、4つのLED、2つのモーターを電池2〜4本でiOS/Androd/Windowsアプリから動かすことができます。 技適対応で日本国内で法令に則って利用が可能です




2.1._bCoreServiceCharacteristic · ymmtynk/bCore Wiki


// UUID bCore Service
static NimBLEUUID bCoreUUID("389CAAF0-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID getBattery Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID getBatteryUUID("389CAAF1-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID burstComand Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID burstCommandUUID("389CAAF5-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID getFunctions Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID getFunctionUUID("389CAAFF-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");

NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *burstCommandCharacteristic;
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *getBatteryCharacteristic;


class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks : public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

  void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
    Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
    //        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("name:%s, address:%s ", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(),
                      ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str()
                      : "none");

// bCoreUUIDを使用する
    if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(bCoreUUID)) {
      Serial.println("Found Our Service");
      /** stop scan before connecting */
      /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
      advDevice = advertisedDevice;
      /** Ready to connect now */
      doConnect = true;


// 該当部を抜粋

  NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
  //  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
  std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *> *pChrs = nullptr;

  NimBLERemoteDescriptor *pDsc = nullptr;

//  bCore Serviceを取得する
  pSvc = pClient->getService(bCoreUUID);
  if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
    // Characteristicsのvectorを取得する
    pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

  if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */

    for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {
      if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(getFunctionUUID)) {
        // getFunctions Charcteristicなら内容を表示
        Serial.println("getFunctionChars found.");
        Serial.printf("data:%02X \n", pChrs->at(i)->readUInt16());
      else if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(burstCommandUUID)) {
        // burstCommandCharacteristicを取得する
        Serial.println("burstCommandChars found.");
        burstCommandCharacteristic = pChrs->at(i);
      else if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(getBatteryUUID)) {
        // getBattery Charcteristicを取得する
        Serial.println("getBatteryChars found.");
        getBatteryCharacteristic = pChrs->at(i);


byte burstCommandBuffer[7];

// モーターを操作するので[0],[1]のみ設定してその他はすべて出力無し
void sendBurstCommand(uint8_t ch0, uint8_t ch1) {
  burstCommandBuffer[0] = ch0;
  burstCommandBuffer[1] = ch1;
  burstCommandBuffer[2] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[3] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[4] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[5] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[6] = 0x80;

// 使用例
// 停止
sendBurstCommand(0x80, 0x80);
// 前進
sendBurstCommand(0xFF, 0xFF);
// 後退
sendBurstCommand(0x00, 0x00);


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <M5StickC.h>
#include <NimBLEDevice.h>

#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "porthub.h"
void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results);

// UUID bCore Service
static NimBLEUUID bCoreUUID("389CAAF0-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID getBattery Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID getBatteryUUID("389CAAF1-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID burstComand Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID burstCommandUUID("389CAAF5-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");
// UUID getFunctions Charcteristic
static NimBLEUUID getFunctionUUID("389CAAFF-843F-4d3b-959D-C954CCE14655");

static NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advDevice;

NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *burstCommandCharacteristic;
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *getBatteryCharacteristic;

static bool doConnect = false;
static uint32_t scanTime = 0; /** 0 = scan forever */

class ClientCallbacks : public NimBLEClientCallbacks {
  void onConnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
    /** After connection we should change the parameters if we don't need fast
     * response times. These settings are 150ms interval, 0 latency, 450ms
     * timout. Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
     *  I find a multiple of 3-5 * the interval works best for quick
     * response/reconnect. Min interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, Max interval: 120
     * * 1.25ms = 150, 0 latency, 60 * 10ms = 600ms timeout
    pClient->updateConnParams(120, 120, 0, 60);

  void onDisconnect(NimBLEClient *pClient) {
    Serial.println(" Disconnected - Starting scan");
    NimBLEDevice::getScan()->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB);

  /** Called when the peripheral requests a change to the connection parameters.
   *  Return true to accept and apply them or false to reject and keep
   *  the currently used parameters. Default will return true.
  bool onConnParamsUpdateRequest(NimBLEClient *pClient,
                                 const ble_gap_upd_params *params) {
    if (params->itvl_min < 24) { /** 1.25ms units */
      return false;
    else if (params->itvl_max > 40) { /** 1.25ms units */
      return false;
    else if (params->latency > 2) { /** Number of intervals allowed to skip */
      return false;
    else if (params->supervision_timeout > 100) { /** 10ms units */
      return false;

    return true;

  /********************* Security handled here **********************
   ****** Note: these are the same return values as defaults ********/
  uint32_t onPassKeyRequest() {
    Serial.println("Client Passkey Request");
    /** return the passkey to send to the server */
    return 123456;

  bool onConfirmPIN(uint32_t pass_key) {
    Serial.print("The passkey YES/NO number: ");
    /** Return false if passkeys don't match. */
    return true;

  /** Pairing proces\s complete, we can check the results in ble_gap_conn_desc
  void onAuthenticationComplete(ble_gap_conn_desc *desc) {
    if (!desc->sec_state.encrypted) {
      Serial.println("Encrypt connection failed - disconnecting");
      /** Find the client with the connection handle provided in desc */

/** Define a class to handle the callbacks when advertisments are received */
class AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks : public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

  void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice) {
    Serial.print("Advertised Device found: ");
    //        Serial.println(advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
    Serial.printf("name:%s, address:%s ", advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(),
                      ? advertisedDevice->getServiceUUID().toString().c_str()
                      : "none");

    if (advertisedDevice->isAdvertisingService(bCoreUUID)) {
      Serial.println("Found Our Service");
      /** stop scan before connecting */
      /** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
      advDevice = advertisedDevice;
      /** Ready to connect now */
      doConnect = true;

const uint8_t START = 0x08;
const uint8_t SELECT = 0x04;

const int INDEX_BUTTON = 6;

bool on = false;

/** Notification / Indication receiving handler callback */
void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t *pData,
              size_t length, bool isNotify) {
  std::string str = (isNotify == true) ? "Notification" : "Indication";
  str += " from ";
  str += pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()
  str += ": Service = " +
  str += ", Characteristic = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getUUID().toString();
  //    str += ", Value = " + std::string((char*)pData, length);
  Serial.print("\ndata: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    // uint8_tを頭0のstringで表示する
    Serial.printf("%02X ", pData[i]);
  if (pData[1] & 0x28) {
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, LOW);
    on = true;
  if (pData[0] & 0x01) {
    if (on) {
      on = false;
    digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);

/** Callback to process the results of the last scan or restart it */
void scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results) { Serial.println("Scan Ended"); }

/** Create a single global instance of the callback class to be used by all
 * clients */
static ClientCallbacks clientCB;

/** Handles the provisioning of clients and connects / interfaces with the
 * server */
bool connectToServer() {
  NimBLEClient *pClient = nullptr;

  /** Check if we have a client we should reuse first **/
  if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize()) {
    /** Special case when we already know this device, we send false as the
     *  second argument in connect() to prevent refreshing the service database.
     *  This saves considerable time and power.
    pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(advDevice->getAddress());
    if (pClient) {
      if (!pClient->connect(advDevice, false)) {
        Serial.println("Reconnect failed");
        return false;
      Serial.println("Reconnected client");
    /** We don't already have a client that knows this device,
     *  we will check for a client that is disconnected that we can use.
    else {
      pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();

  /** No client to reuse? Create a new one. */
  if (!pClient) {
    if (NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
      Serial.println("Max clients reached - no more connections available");
      return false;

    pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();

    Serial.println("New client created");

    pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
    /** Set initial connection parameters: These settings are 15ms interval, 0
     * latency, 120ms timout. These settings are safe for 3 clients to connect
     * reliably, can go faster if you have less connections. Timeout should be a
     * multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms. Min interval: 12 * 1.25ms =
     * 15, Max interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, 0 latency, 51 * 10ms = 510ms timeout
    pClient->setConnectionParams(12, 12, 0, 51);
    /** Set how long we are willing to wait for the connection to complete
     * (seconds), default is 30. */

    if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
      /** Created a client but failed to connect, don't need to keep it as it
       * has no data */
      Serial.println("Failed to connect, deleted client");
      return false;

  if (!pClient->isConnected()) {
    if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to connect");

      return false;

  Serial.print("Connected to: ");
  Serial.print("RSSI: ");

  /** Now we can read/write/subscribe the charateristics of the services we are
   * interested in */
  NimBLERemoteService *pSvc = nullptr;
  //  NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *pChr = nullptr;
  std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic *> *pChrs = nullptr;

  NimBLERemoteDescriptor *pDsc = nullptr;

  pSvc = pClient->getService(bCoreUUID);
  if (pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
    pChrs = pSvc->getCharacteristics(true);

  if (pChrs) { /** make sure it's not null */

    for (int i = 0; i < pChrs->size(); i++) {
      if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(getFunctionUUID)) {
        Serial.println("getFunctionChars found.");
        Serial.printf("data:%02X \n", pChrs->at(i)->readUInt16());
      else if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(burstCommandUUID)) {
        Serial.println("burstCommandChars found.");
        burstCommandCharacteristic = pChrs->at(i);
      else if (pChrs->at(i)->getUUID().equals(getBatteryUUID)) {
        Serial.println("getBatteryChars found.");
        getBatteryCharacteristic = pChrs->at(i);

  else {
    Serial.println("DEAD service not found.");

  Serial.println("Done with this device!");
  digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, LOW);

  return true;
PortHub porthub;
void setup() {
  Serial.println("Starting NimBLE Client");
  Wire.begin(32, 33);

  pinMode(GPIO_NUM_10, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(GPIO_NUM_10, HIGH);


  NimBLEDevice::setPower(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9); /** +9db */
  NimBLEScan *pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan();

  pScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new AdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());


  pScan->start(scanTime, scanEndedCB);
byte burstCommandBuffer[7];

                       HUB4_ADDR, HUB5_ADDR, HUB6_ADDR};

void sendBurstCommand(uint8_t ch0, uint8_t ch1) {
  burstCommandBuffer[0] = ch0;
  burstCommandBuffer[1] = ch1;
  // burstCommandBuffer[2] = burstCommandBuffer[2] & 0x01 ? 0x00 : 0x01;
  burstCommandBuffer[2] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[3] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[4] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[5] = 0x80;
  burstCommandBuffer[6] = 0x80;

bool motorFlag = false;

void loop() {
  if (M5.BtnA.wasReleased()) {
    uint16_t voltage = getBatteryCharacteristic->readUInt16();
    Serial.printf("voltage:%d mV\n", voltage);

    motorFlag = !motorFlag;

  if (M5.BtnB.wasReleased()) {

  if (motorFlag) {

    M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

    // 13-407-703
    // M5.Lcd.printf("%d:%d\n%d:%d", 0, porthub.hub_a_read_value(HUB_ADDR[0]),
    // 1,
    //               porthub.hub_a_read_value(HUB_ADDR[1]));
    uint16_t value0 = porthub.hub_a_read_value(HUB_ADDR[0]);
    uint16_t value1 = porthub.hub_a_read_value(HUB_ADDR[1]);

    if (value0 < 360) {
      value0 = ::map(value0, 360, 10, 200, 255);
    else if (480 < value0) {
      value0 = ::map(value0, 440, 710, 50, 0);
    else {
      value0 = 0x0080;
    if (value0 != 0x0080) {
      porthub.hub_wire_setBrightness(HUB_ADDR[0], 1);
      porthub.hub_wire_fill_color(HUB_ADDR[0], 0, 15, rand() % 250,
                                  rand() % 250, rand() % 250);
    else {
      porthub.hub_wire_setBrightness(HUB_ADDR[0], 0);
      porthub.hub_wire_fill_color(HUB_ADDR[0], 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);

    if (value1 < 360) {
      value1 = ::map(value1, 360, 10, 200, 255);
    else if (480 < value1) {
      value1 = ::map(value1, 440, 710, 50, 0);
    else {
      value1 = 0x0080;
    if (value1 != 0x0080) {
      porthub.hub_wire_setBrightness(HUB_ADDR[1], 1);
      porthub.hub_wire_fill_color(HUB_ADDR[1], 0, 15, rand() % 250,
                                  rand() % 250, rand() % 250);
    else {
      porthub.hub_wire_setBrightness(HUB_ADDR[1], 0);
      porthub.hub_wire_fill_color(HUB_ADDR[1], 0, 15, 0, 0, 0);

    //  M5.Lcd.printf("%d:%d\n%d:%d", 0, ::map(value0, 12, 704, 255, 0), 1,
    //  ::map(value1, 12, 704, 255, 0));

    sendBurstCommand(value0, value1);
    M5.Lcd.printf("0:%04X\n1:%04X", value0, value1);

  if (doConnect) {
    if (connectToServer()) {
      Serial.println("Success! we should now be getting notifications, "
                     "scanning for more!");
    else {
      Serial.println("Failed to connect, starting scan");
    doConnect = false;


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