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合成数列の和Advent Calendar 2018

Day 12

合成数列の和 (Kuin)

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-11
合成数列の和 https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2018/composite-number
Python(/Ruby) https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/dcbd839b0c66af1bc971
Crystal https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/1a0dd1a94aca9935f5aa
Kuin https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/47fd18fc68055d990599
Swift https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/6cde3b20866c842dc9e2
Kotlin https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/f58eaa30f90781229a6d
Pascal https://qiita.com/cielavenir/items/35c2fc54ca16b620c9c7



func isqrt(n: int): int
	if(n <= 0)
		ret 0
	end if
	if(n < 4)
		ret 1
	end if
	var x: int :: 0
	var y: int :: n
	while(x <> y & x + 1 <> y)
		do x :: y
		do y :: (n / y + y) / 2
	end while
	ret x
end func

func main()
	var n: int :: 0
	var cnt: int :: 0
	var i: int :: 3
	var s: int :: 0
	var _: bool
	do n :: cui@input().toInt(&_)
	while _composite(cnt < n)
		do i :: i + 1
		block _chkprime
			if(i < 2)
				break _chkprime
			end if
			for j(2, @isqrt(i))
				if(i % j < 1)
					break _chkprime
				end if
			end for
			; prime
			skip _composite
		end block
		; composite
		do cnt :: cnt + 1
		do s :: s + i
	end while
	do cui@print(s.toStr())
	do cui@print("\n")
end func

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