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[自分メモ] コレグラフ2.4.3の標準ボックス一覧

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とりあえず Say を貼れ、とりあえず Switch case を貼れ。といった感じで、

最初に Animation を見ることになり、数が多すぎて震える。だからこそ全体像を見ておきたかったのです。

ちなみに Animation 以外に注目すると意外と数が少なくてChoregrapheに震えなくても良さそうでした。

それぞれのボックスの詳細は インスペクタ に説明が出るのでそれで確認することにしよう。


Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.4)


|-- LEDs
|   |-- Creation
|   |   |-- Color Edit
|   |   |-- Ear LEDs
|   |   |-- Eye LEDs
|   |   |-- Set LEDs
|   |   |-- Set Single LED
|   |   |-- Single Ear LED
|   |   `-- Single Eye LED
|   `-- LEDs Library
|       |-- Blink
|       |-- Random Eyes
|       `-- Twinkle
|-- Movement
|   |-- Motors
|   |   |-- Hands
|   |   |-- Motor Heat
|   |   |-- Motor On/Off
|   |   |-- Rest
|   |   |-- Set Stiffness
|   |   `-- WakeUp
|   |-- Navigation
|   |   |-- Compass Move To
|   |   |-- Move Along
|   |   |-- Move To
|   |   |-- Move Toward
|   |   |-- Obstacle Avoidance
|   |   `-- Walk Toward
|   |-- Oriented
|   |   |-- Look At
|   |   `-- Point At
|   |-- Posture
|   |   |-- Apply Posture
|   |   |-- Goto Posture
|   |   |-- Posture Family
|   |   |-- Robot Posture
|   |   |-- Sit Down
|   |   `-- Stand Up
|   `-- Safety
|       |-- Fall Detector
|       |-- Is In Collision
|       |-- Set External Anti-Collision
|       |-- Set Fall Manager
|       `-- Set Self Anti-Collision
|-- Multimedia
|   |-- Internet
|   |   |-- Fetch E-mail
|   |   `-- Send E-mail
|   |-- Sound
|   |   |-- Play Sound
|   |   `-- Record Sound
|   |-- Tablet
|   |   |-- Hide Web View
|   |   |-- Show App
|   |   |-- Show Image
|   |   `-- Show Web View
|   `-- Video
|       |-- Play Video
|       `-- Record Video
|-- Programming
|   |-- Behavior Control
|   |   |-- Behavior State
|   |   |-- Run Behavior
|   |   |-- Start Behavior
|   |   `-- Stop Behavior
|   |-- Data Edition
|   |   |-- Angle Edit
|   |   |-- Get Parameter
|   |   |-- Multi Edit
|   |   |-- Number Edit
|   |   `-- Text Edit
|   |-- Logic
|   |   |-- Counter
|   |   |-- If
|   |   |-- Only Once
|   |   |-- Switch Case
|   |   `-- Wait For Signals
|   |-- Math
|   |   |-- Divide
|   |   |-- Multiply
|   |   |-- Random Float
|   |   `-- Random Int.
|   |-- Memory
|   |   |-- Expression Watcher
|   |   |-- Get Data
|   |   |-- Insert Data
|   |   |-- Raise Event
|   |   |-- Remove Data / Event
|   |   `-- Subscribe to Event
|   |-- Robot Information
|   |   |-- Battery
|   |   |-- Choregraphe Connection
|   |   |-- Get Body ID
|   |   |-- Get Date
|   |   |-- Get Name
|   |   |-- Get Temperature
|   |   |-- Has Hardware
|   |   `-- Internet Connection
|   |-- System Actions
|   |   |-- Reboot
|   |   `-- Shutdown
|   |-- Templates
|   |   |-- Diagram
|   |   `-- Python Script
|   |-- Time
|   |   |-- Delay
|   |   |-- Timer
|   |   `-- Wait
|   `-- Tools
|       |-- Comment
|       `-- Log
|-- Sensing
|   |-- Hearing
|   |   |-- Sound Loc.
|   |   |-- Sound Peak
|   |   `-- Sound Tracker
|   |-- Human Understanding
|   |   |-- Age
|   |   |   |-- Get Age
|   |   |   `-- Get Age (Multi)
|   |   |-- Emotion
|   |   |   |-- Get Expression
|   |   |   |-- Get Expression (Multi)
|   |   |   |-- Get Mood
|   |   |   |-- Get Smile
|   |   |   |-- Get Smile (Multi)
|   |   |   `-- Preload Mood
|   |   `-- Gender
|   |       |-- Get Gender
|   |       `-- Get Gender (Multi)
|   |-- Sonar
|   |   `-- Sonar
|   |-- Touch
|   |   |-- Bumpers
|   |   |-- Foot Contact
|   |   |-- Tablet Touch
|   |   |-- Tactile Head
|   |   |-- Tactile L.Hand
|   |   `-- Tactile R.Hand
|   `-- Vision
|       |-- Camera Actions
|       |   |-- Select Camera
|       |   `-- Take Picture
|       |-- Human Detection
|       |   |-- Face Detection
|       |   |-- Face Reco.
|       |   |-- Face Tracker
|       |   |-- Learn Face
|       |   |-- People Tracker
|       |   |-- Unlearn All Faces
|       |   `-- Unlearn Face
|       |-- Surroundings
|       |   |-- Basic Awareness
|       |   |-- Is Backlit
|       |   |-- Is In Darkness
|       |   |-- Is Tracker Active
|       |   |-- LandMark Tracker
|       |   |-- LandMarks Tracker
|       |   |-- Movement Tracker
|       |   |-- NAOMark
|       |   |-- Red Ball Tracker
|       |   `-- Vision Reco.
|       `-- Virtual Object Representation
|           |-- Create Object Representation
|           |-- Edit Object Representation
|           |-- Move Object Representation
|           `-- Represent Object
`-- Speech
    |-- Creation
    |   |-- Animated Say
    |   |-- Choice
    |   |-- Choice (light)
    |   |-- Dialog
    |   |-- Say
    |   |-- Say Text
    |   `-- Speech Reco.
    `-- Speech Settings
        |-- Set Language
        |-- Set Reco. Lang.
        |-- Set Speaker Vol.
        `-- Set Speech Lang.


|-- Creation
|   |-- Goto (name)
|   |-- Goto (number)
|   |-- Play
|   |-- Stop
|   `-- Timeline
|-- Dialog animations
|   |-- Affirmation
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- FastGatherBothHandsOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- GatherBothHandsInFront_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_Flex
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_LeanLeft
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_LeanRight
|   |   |   |-- LittleBothArmsBump_DuckEnd_01
|   |   |   |-- OfferBothHands_HeadNod_LeanLeft_01
|   |   |   |-- SlowBowWithArms_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongArmsAndLegsBump_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongLeftArmInFront_LeanLeft_01
|   |   |   |-- WideGatherBothHandsOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   `-- WideOpenBothHands_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- FastGatherBothHandsOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- GatherBothHandsInFront_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_Flex
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_LeanLeft
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Affirmation_LeanRight
|   |       |-- LittleBothArmsBump_DuckEnd_01
|   |       |-- OfferBothHands_HeadNod_LeanLeft_01
|   |       |-- SlowBowWithArms_01
|   |       |-- StrongArmsAndLegsBump_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- StrongLeftArmInFront_LeanLeft_01
|   |       |-- WideGatherBothHandsOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |       `-- WideOpenBothHands_01
|   |-- Enumeration
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- DoubleLeftHandBump_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- DoubleRightHandBump_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Enumeration_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Enumeration_LeanRight
|   |   |   |-- LeftArmBump_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- LeftArmSpreadAndBack_01
|   |   |   |-- LittleFancyBothArmsInFront_01
|   |   |   |-- OfferLeftHandThenRightHand_01
|   |   |   `-- OpenBothHandsInFrontWithBump_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- DoubleLeftHandBump_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- DoubleRightHandBump_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Enumeration_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Enumeration_LeanRight
|   |       |-- LeftArmBump_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- LeftArmSpreadAndBack_01
|   |       |-- LittleFancyBothArmsInFront_01
|   |       |-- OfferLeftHandThenRightHand_01
|   |       `-- OpenBothHandsInFrontWithBump_01
|   |-- Exclamation
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- BothArmsShowGround_LeanBack_01
|   |   |   |-- CircleBothArmsLeaningFront_01
|   |   |   |-- FastBothArmsInFront_LeanLeft_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_Flex
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanBack
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanLeft
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanRight
|   |   |   |-- LeftArmOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- LittleAmsUpAndDownWithBump_01
|   |   |   |-- SpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongNodArmsUpAndDownLeaningBack_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongNodGatherArmsInFront_01
|   |   |   `-- WideBothArmsCircle_LeanLeft_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- BothArmsShowGround_LeanBack_01
|   |       |-- CircleBothArmsLeaningFront_01
|   |       |-- FastBothArmsInFront_LeanLeft_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_Flex
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanBack
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanLeft
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Exclamation_LeanRight
|   |       |-- LeftArmOnChest_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- LittleAmsUpAndDownWithBump_01
|   |       |-- SpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |       |-- StrongNodArmsUpAndDownLeaningBack_01
|   |       |-- StrongNodGatherArmsInFront_01
|   |       `-- WideBothArmsCircle_LeanLeft_01
|   |-- Negation
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- BothArmsUpAndDown_HeadShake_01
|   |   |   |-- DoubleHorizontalBumpRightArm_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Negation_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Negation_LeanLeft
|   |   |   |-- LittleSpreadRightArm_HeadShake_01
|   |   |   |-- RightArmUpAndDownWithBump_HeadShake_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongBothArmsUpAndDown_LeanLeft_01
|   |   |   `-- WideHorizontalRightArm_LeanLeft_HeadShake_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- BothArmsUpAndDown_HeadShake_01
|   |       |-- DoubleHorizontalBumpRightArm_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Negation_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Negation_LeanLeft
|   |       |-- LittleSpreadRightArm_HeadShake_01
|   |       |-- RightArmUpAndDownWithBump_HeadShake_01
|   |       |-- StrongBothArmsUpAndDown_LeanLeft_01
|   |       `-- WideHorizontalRightArm_LeanLeft_HeadShake_01
|   |-- Question
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- FancyRightArmCircle_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Question_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Question_Flex
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Question_LeanFront
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Question_LeanRight
|   |   |   |-- LittleArmsBumpInFront_LeanRight_01
|   |   |   |-- LittleArmsBump_01
|   |   |   |-- LittleBowAndSpreadArms_01
|   |   |   |-- SlowlyOfferBothHands_01
|   |   |   |-- StrongHeadShakeSpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |   |   `-- WideSpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- FancyRightArmCircle_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Question_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Question_Flex
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Question_LeanFront
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Question_LeanRight
|   |       |-- LittleArmsBumpInFront_LeanRight_01
|   |       |-- LittleArmsBump_01
|   |       |-- LittleBowAndSpreadArms_01
|   |       |-- SlowlyOfferBothHands_01
|   |       |-- StrongHeadShakeSpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |       `-- WideSpreadArms_FlexEnd_01
|   |-- Self & others
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- BothHandsBumpWithBump_01
|   |   |   |-- FastPointAtUserLeftArm_01
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_Center
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_Flex
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanBack
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanFront
|   |   |   |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanRight
|   |   |   |-- OpenArmInFrontWithBump_01
|   |   |   |-- PointAtSelfRightArm_01
|   |   |   |-- PointAtUserBothHands_01
|   |   |   |-- StrictPointAtUserRightArm_01
|   |   |   `-- WidePointAtUserRightArm_LeanRight_01
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- BothHandsBumpWithBump_01
|   |       |-- FastPointAtUserLeftArm_01
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_Center
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_Flex
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanBack
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanFront
|   |       |-- GoToStance_Self&Others_LeanRight
|   |       |-- OpenArmInFrontWithBump_01
|   |       |-- PointAtSelfRightArm_01
|   |       |-- PointAtUserBothHands_01
|   |       |-- StrictPointAtUserRightArm_01
|   |       `-- WidePointAtUserRightArm_LeanRight_01
|   `-- Space & time
|       |-- NAO
|       |   |-- BothArmsBumpInFront_01
|       |   |-- BothArmsBump_LeanRight_01
|       |   |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_Center
|       |   |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_LeanLeft
|       |   |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_LeanRight
|       |   |-- PointFrontLeftArm_LeanLeft_01
|       |   |-- ShowFarDistanceLeft_01
|       |   |-- ShowNearDistanceLeft_01
|       |   |-- ShowNearDistanceRight_01
|       |   `-- StrongArmsOpen_FlexEnd_01
|       `-- Pepper
|           |-- BothArmsBumpInFront_01
|           |-- BothArmsBump_LeanRight_01
|           |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_Center
|           |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_LeanLeft
|           |-- GoToStance_Space&Time_LeanRight
|           |-- PointFrontLeftArm_LeanLeft_01
|           |-- ShowFarDistanceLeft_01
|           |-- ShowNearDistanceLeft_01
|           |-- ShowNearDistanceRight_01
|           `-- StrongArmsOpen_FlexEnd_01
|-- Entertainment
|   |-- Animals
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- Elephant
|   |   |   |-- Gorilla
|   |   |   `-- Mouse
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- Elephant
|   |       |-- Gorilla
|   |       `-- Mouse
|   |-- Dances
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- Disco
|   |   |   |-- Headbang
|   |   |   `-- Tai Chi Chuan
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- Disco
|   |       |-- Headbang
|   |       `-- Tai Chi Chuan
|   |-- Fun
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- Mystical
|   |   |   |-- TakePicture
|   |   |   `-- Vacuum
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- Mystical
|   |       |-- TakePicture
|   |       `-- Vacuum
|   |-- Music
|   |   |-- NAO
|   |   |   |-- Guitar
|   |   |   `-- Saxophone
|   |   `-- Pepper
|   |       |-- Guitar
|   |       `-- Saxophone
|   `-- Sports
|       |-- NAO
|       |   |-- Football
|       |   `-- Golf
|       `-- Pepper
|           |-- Football
|           `-- Golf
`-- Moods
    |-- Negative
    |   |-- NAO
    |   |   |-- Bored
    |   |   |-- Confused
    |   |   `-- Fear
    |  `-- Pepper
    |       |-- Bored
    |       |-- Confused
    |       `-- Fear
    |-- Neutral
    |   |-- NAO
    |   |   |-- Chill
    |   |   |-- Curious
    |   |   `-- Thinking
    |   `-- Pepper
    |       |-- Chill
    |       |-- Curious
    |       `-- Thinking
    `-- Positive
        |-- NAO
        |   |-- Excited
        |   |-- Happy
        |   `-- Kisses
        `-- Pepper
            |-- Excited
            |-- Happy
            `-- Kisses

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