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1. AlphaFold2をコードで理解する

AlphaFold2(以下AlphaFold)とはGoogle DeepMindが開発したタンパク質構造予測モデルで、アミノ酸配列からタンパク質の立体構造を予測します。2021年に発表されたHighly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFoldでアルゴリズムが説明されていて、ソースコードも公開されています。


1.2 AlphaFoldアルゴリズム概要

AlphaFoldではMSA(Multiple Sequene Alignmet)表現という入力アミノ酸配列に似ている配列を探してきて並べたものをもとにした特徴量と、ペア表現という入力配列の各残基間の関係性を表現するような特徴量の2つを使って特徴抽出します。

MSA表現、ペア表現をEvoformerブロックと呼ばれるモジュールに通して洗練し、その結果をStructure Moduleと呼ばれるモジュールに通して立体構造の座標情報を出力します。最終的に5種類の誤差関数を使って正解となる立体構造との誤差を最小化するように学習を行います。
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1.3 実装内容


  • MSA取得部分の処理
  • 学習時MSA表現にマスクをかける処理
  • Extra MSA処理
  • 出力結果を再度ネットワークに入力し直すRecycling処理
  • 側鎖の座標予測
  • 誤差関数



  1. MSA表現、ペア表現の埋め込み
  2. Evoformerブロック
  3. Struture Module


2. Input Embedding

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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from dataclasses import dataclass
from einops import rearrange, repeat


class InputEmbedder(nn.Module):
  Algorithm3: Embeddings for initial representations
  def __init__(self, channel_size_feat, channel_size_msa, channel_size_pair, sequence_size, sequence_num):
    self.to_a = nn.Linear(channel_size_feat, channel_size_pair)
    self.to_b = nn.Linear(channel_size_feat, channel_size_pair)
    self.to_m1 = nn.Linear(channel_size_feat, channel_size_msa)
    self.to_m2 = nn.Linear(channel_size_feat, channel_size_msa)
    self.pos_proj = nn.Linear(65, channel_size_pair)
    self.sequence_size = sequence_size
    self.sequence_num = sequence_num

  def forward(self, target_feat, residue_index, msa_feat):
    a = self.to_a(target_feat)
    b = self.to_b(target_feat)
    a = repeat(a, 'b s c -> b r s c', r=self.sequence_size)
    b = repeat(b, 'b s c -> b s r c', r=self.sequence_size)
    z = a + b
    z += self.relpos(residue_index)

    target_feat = repeat(target_feat, 'b r c -> b n r c', n=self.sequence_num)
    m = self.to_m1(msa_feat) + self.to_m2(target_feat)
    return m, z

  def relpos(self, residue_index, vbins=(torch.arange(65)-32)):
    Algorithm4: Relative position enccoding
    d_left = repeat(residue_index, 'b r -> b i r', i=self.sequence_size)
    d_right = repeat(residue_index, 'b r -> b r i', i=self.sequence_size)
    d = d_left - d_right
    p = self.one_hot(d, vbins)
    p = p.to(torch.float32)
    p = self.pos_proj(p)
    return p

  def one_hot(self, x, vbins):
    Algorithm5: One-hot ecoding with nearest bin
    bin_size = vbins.shape[0]
    b, r1, r2 = x.shape
    x = repeat(x, 'b r1 r2 -> b r1 r2 d', d=bin_size)
    vbins = repeat(vbins, 'd -> b r1 r2 d', b=b, r1=r1, r2=r2)
    index = torch.argmin(torch.abs(x - vbins), dim=-1)
    index = index.flatten()

    p = torch.zeros_like(x, dtype=x.dtype)
    p = rearrange(p, 'b r1 r2 v -> (b r1 r2) v')
    p[index] = 1
    p = rearrange(p, '(b r1 r2) v -> b r1 r2 v', r1=self.sequence_size, r2=self.sequence_size)
    return p


class Config:
  batch_size:int = 2 #バッチサイズ
  sequence_size:int = 100 #アミノ酸残基数(数字は適当)
  sequence_num:int = 7 #MSAで取ってくる配列数+1(+1は入力配列の分)
  channel_size_feat: int = 23 #入力MSAのチャンネルサイズ(アミノ酸20種類+不明(1)+ギャップ(1)+マスク(1)=23)
  channel_size_msa:int = 10 #MSA表現チャンネルサイズ(数字は適当)
  channel_size_pair:int = 10 #ペア表現チャンネルサイズ(数字は適当)


config = Config()
residue_index = repeat(torch.arange(config.sequence_size), 's -> b s', b=config.batch_size)
msa_feat = torch.randn(
target_feat = torch.randn(


embed = InputEmbedder(config.channel_size_feat, config.channel_size_msa, config.channel_size_pair, config.sequence_size, config.sequence_num)
msa_repr, pair_repr = embed(target_feat, residue_index, msa_feat)
target_feat.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 23])
residue_index.shape=torch.Size([2, 100])
msa_feat.shape=torch.Size([2, 7, 100, 23])

msa_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 7, 100, 10])
pair_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 100, 10])

3. Evoformer

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3.1 Process for MSA representation

3.1.1 MSARowWiseAttentionWithPairBias

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class MSARowWiseAttentionWithPairBias(nn.Module):
  Algorithm7: MSA row-wise gated self-attetion with pair bias
  def __init__(self, sequence_num, sequence_size, channel_size_msa, channel_size_pair, hidden_channel=32, nhead=8):
    self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(sequence_size)
    self.to_q = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_k = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_v = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_bias = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead)
    self.to_g = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel)
    self.last_layer = nn.Linear(nhead*hidden_channel, channel_size_msa)

    self.nhead = nhead
    self.hidden_channel = hidden_channel
    self.sequence_size = sequence_size

    self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
    self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=3)
    self.scale = 1 / (hidden_channel ** 0.5)

  def forward(self, msa_repr, pair_repr):
    #Input Projecction
    x = rearrange(msa_repr, 'b s r c -> b c s r')
    x = self.layernorm(x)
    x = rearrange(x, 'b c s r -> b s r c')
    tbatch = x.shape[1]
    x = rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> (b h) w c') #here should be changed in column-wise attention
    q = self.to_q(x)
    k = self.to_k(x)
    v = self.to_v(x)
    q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = self.nhead), (q, k, v))

    bias = self.to_bias(pair_repr)
    bias = rearrange(bias, 'b i j h -> b h i j')
    bias = repeat(bias, 'b i j h -> (a b) i j h', a=tbatch)

    g = self.sigmoid(self.to_g(x))
    g = rearrange(g, 'b i (h d) -> b h i d', d = self.hidden_channel)

    dots = torch.einsum('b h i d, b h j d -> b h i j', q, k)
    attn = self.softmax(self.scale * dots + bias)
    out = torch.einsum('b h i j, b h j d -> b h i d', attn, v)
    out = g * out

    #Output projetion
    out = rearrange(out, '(b h) n w d -> b h w n d', h=tbatch)
    out = torch.concat([out[:,:,:,i,:] for i in range(out.shape[3])], dim=-1) #out.shape = (b,h,w,n*d)
    out = self.last_layer(out) #out.shape = (b,h,w,c)

    return out

3.1.2 MSAColumnWiseAttention

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class MSAColumnWiseAttention(nn.Module):
  Algorithm8: MSA column-wise gated self-attention
  def __init__(self, sequence_num, sequence_size, channel_size_msa, channel_size_pair, hidden_channel=32, nhead=8):
    self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(sequence_num)
    self.to_q = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_k = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_v = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_bias = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead)
    self.to_g = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, nhead*hidden_channel)
    self.last_layer = nn.Linear(nhead*hidden_channel, channel_size_msa)

    self.nhead = nhead
    self.hidden_channel = hidden_channel
    self.sequence_size = sequence_size

    self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
    self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=3)
    self.scale = 1 / (hidden_channel ** 0.5)

  def forward(self, msa_repr):
    #Input Projecction
    msa_repr = rearrange(msa_repr, 'b s r c -> b r s c')
    x = rearrange(msa_repr, 'b s r c -> b c s r')
    x = self.layernorm(x)
    x = rearrange(x, 'b c s r -> b s r c')
    tbatch = x.shape[1]
    x = rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> (b h) w c') #here should be changed in column-wise attention
    q = self.to_q(x)
    k = self.to_k(x)
    v = self.to_v(x)
    q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> b h n d', h = self.nhead), (q, k, v))

    g = self.sigmoid(self.to_g(x))
    g = rearrange(g, 'b i (h d) -> b h i d', d = self.hidden_channel)

    dots = torch.einsum('b h i d, b h j d -> b h i j', q, k)
    attn = self.softmax(self.scale * dots)
    out = torch.einsum('b h i j, b h j d -> b h i d', attn, v)
    out = g * out

    #Output projetion
    out = rearrange(out, '(b h) n w d -> b h w n d', h=tbatch)
    out = torch.concat([out[:,:,:,i,:] for i in range(out.shape[3])], dim=-1) #out.shape = (b,h,w,n*d)
    out = self.last_layer(out) #out.shape = (b,h,w,c)
    out = rearrange(out, 'b h w c -> b w h c')

    return out

3.1.3 Transition

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class Trasition(nn.Module):
  Algorithm9: Transition layer in the MSA stack
  def __init__(self, channel_size_msa, n=4):
    self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(channel_size_msa)
    self.linear1 = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, n*channel_size_msa)
    self.relu = nn.ReLU()
    self.linear2 = nn.Linear(n*channel_size_msa, channel_size_msa)

  def forward(self, msa_repr):
    x = self.norm(msa_repr)
    x = self.linear1(x)
    x = self.relu(x)
    x = self.linear2(x)

    return x

3.2 Process for Pair represetation


  • OuterProductMean
  • TriangularMultiplicativeUpdate
  • TriangularGatedSelfAttention

3.2.1 OuterProductMean

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class OuterProductMean(nn.Module):
  Algorithm10: Outer product mean
  def __init__(self, sequence_num, sequence_size, channel_size_msa, channel_size_pair, hidden_channel=32):
    self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(channel_size_msa)
    self.left_proj = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, hidden_channel)
    self.right_proj = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, hidden_channel)
    self.out_proj = nn.Linear(hidden_channel**2, channel_size_pair)

    self.sequence_size = sequence_size
  def forward(self, msa_repr):
    x = rearrange(msa_repr, 'b s r c -> (b r) s c')
    x = self.norm(x)
    left = self.left_proj(x) #left.shape = (b,s,d)
    right = self.right_proj(x)
    left = repeat(left, '(b r) s d -> b r s d', r=self.sequence_size)
    right = repeat(right, '(b r) s d -> b r s d', r=self.sequence_size)
    outer = rearrange(left, 'b r s d -> b r () s d') * rearrange(right, 'b r s d -> b () r s d')
    outer = rearrange(outer, 'b a c s d -> b a c s d ()') * rearrange(outer, 'b a c s d -> b a c s () d')
    outer = outer.mean(dim=3)
    outer = rearrange(outer, 'b i j d e -> b i j (d e)')
    z = self.out_proj(outer)
    return z

3.2.2 TriangularMultiplicativeUpdate



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class TriangularMultiplicativeUpdate(nn.Module):
  Algorithm 11: Triangular multiplicative update using 'outgoing' edges
  Algorithm 12: Triangular multiplicative update using 'incoming' edges
  def __init__(self, channel_size_pair, hidden_channel=128, mode='outgoing'):
    self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(channel_size_pair)
    self.to_g1 = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, hidden_channel)
    self.to_g2 = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, hidden_channel)
    self.to_g3 = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, channel_size_pair)
    self.left_proj = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, hidden_channel)
    self.right_proj = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, hidden_channel)
    self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(channel_size_pair)
    self.out_proj = nn.Linear(hidden_channel, channel_size_pair)
    self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()

    assert mode in ['outgoing', 'incoming'], 'mode must be either "outgoing" or "incoming"'
    self.mode = mode

  def forward(self, pair_repr):
    z = self.norm(pair_repr)
    g1 = self.sigmoid(self.to_g1(z))
    g2 = self.sigmoid(self.to_g2(z))
    left = g1 * self.left_proj(z)
    right = g2 * self.right_proj(z)
    if self.mode == 'outgoing':
      x = torch.einsum('b i k d, b j k d -> b i j d', left, right)
    elif self.mode == 'incoming':
      x = torch.einsum('b k i d, b k j d -> b i j d', left, right)
    x = self.sigmoid(self.to_g3(z)) * self.norm2(self.out_proj(x))

    return x

3.2.3 TriangularGatedSelfAttention

TriangularMultiplicativeUpdateをもう少し複雑にしたような処理で、ペア表現の行方向と列方向にアテンションをとります。こちらもstarting nodeを基準とする場合とending nodeを基準とする場合で2種類ありますがまとめて実装します。

class TriangularGatedSelfAttention(nn.Module):
  Algorithm 13: Triangular gated self-attetion around starting node
  Algorithm 14: Triangular gated self-attetion around ending node
  def __init__(self, channel_size_pair, sequence_size, hidden_channel=32, nhead=4, around='starting'):
    self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(channel_size_pair)
    self.to_q = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_k = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_v = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead*hidden_channel, bias=False)
    self.to_bias = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead, bias=False)
    self.to_g = nn.Linear(channel_size_pair, nhead*hidden_channel)
    self.out_proj = nn.Linear(nhead*hidden_channel, channel_size_pair)

    self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
    self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=4)

    assert around in ['starting', 'ending'], 'around must be either "starting" or "ending"'
    self.around = around
    self.nhead = nhead
    self.sequence_size = sequence_size
    self.scale = 1 / (hidden_channel**0.5)

  def forward(self, pair_repr):
    #Input Projections
    z = self.norm(pair_repr)
    q, k, v = self.to_q(z), self.to_k(z), self.to_v(z)
    q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b h w (n d) -> b n h w d', n = self.nhead), (q, k, v))
    bias = self.to_bias(z) #bias.shape = (b, h, w, n)
    bias = rearrange(bias, 'b h w n -> b n h w')
    if self.around=='starting':
      bias = repeat(bias, 'b n h w -> b n k h w', k=self.sequence_size)
    elif self.around=='ending':
      bias = repeat(bias, 'b n h w -> b n h k w', k=self.sequence_size)
    g = self.sigmoid(self.to_g(z))
    g = rearrange(g, 'b h w (n d) -> b n h w d', n=self.nhead)

    if self.around == 'starting':
      dots = self.scale * torch.einsum('b n i j d, b n i k d -> b n i j k', q, k) + bias
    elif self.around == 'ending':
      dots = self.scale * torch.einsum('b n i j d, b n k j d -> b n i j k', q, k) + bias
    dots = self.softmax(dots)
    if self.around == 'starting':
      out = g * torch.einsum('b n i j k, b n i j d -> b n i j d', dots, v)
    elif self.around == 'ending':
      out = g * torch.einsum('b n i j k, b n k j d -> b n i j d', dots, v)
    out = rearrange(out, 'b n i j d -> b i j (n d)')

    #Outer Projection
    z = self.out_proj(out)

    return z

3.3 Evoformerブロックの処理全体

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class EvoformerBlock(nn.Module):
  Algorithm6: Evoformer stack
  def __init__(self, sequence_num, sequence_size, channel_size_msa, channel_size_pair, depth=5):
    self.msa_row = MSARowWiseAttentionWithPairBias(
    self.msa_column = MSAColumnWiseAttention(
    self.trans_msa = Trasition(
    self.outer_prod = OuterProductMean(
    self.outgoing = TriangularMultiplicativeUpdate(
    self.incoming = TriangularMultiplicativeUpdate(
    self.starting = TriangularGatedSelfAttention(
    self.ending = TriangularGatedSelfAttention(
    self.trans_pair = Trasition(
    self.depth = depth
    self.dropout15 = nn.Dropout(p=0.15)
    self.dropout25 = nn.Dropout(p=0.25)
    self.to_s = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, channel_size_msa)
  def forward(self, msa_repr, pair_repr):
    x = msa_repr
    z = pair_repr
    for i in range(self.depth):
      #MSA stack
      x += self.dropout15(self.msa_row(x, z))
      x += self.msa_column(x)
      x += self.trans_msa(x)

      z += self.outer_prod(x)

      #Pair stack
      z += self.dropout25(self.outgoing(z))
      z += self.dropout25(self.incoming(z))
      z += self.dropout25(self.starting(z))
      z += self.dropout25(self.ending(z))
      z += self.trans_pair(z)
    #Extract the sigle represetation
    s = self.to_s(x[:,0,:,:])
    return x, z, s

3.3.1 入出力形状確認


evoformer = EvoformerBlock(config.sequence_num, config.sequence_size, config.channel_size_msa, config.channel_size_pair)
msa_repr, pair_reppr, targe_seq = evoformer(msa_repr, pair_repr)
msa_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 7, 100, 10])
pair_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 100, 10])
target_seq.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 10])

4. Structure Module

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  • IPAモジュール(既存パッケージから流用)
  • テンプレート構造の入力
  • 側鎖構造の予測(出力は主鎖のみにとどめる)

4.1 インポート


from invariant_point_attention import IPABlock
import torch.nn.functional as F

4.2 Structure Module実装


def quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    Convert rotations given as quaternions to rotation matrices.

        quaternions: quaternions with real part first,
            as tensor of shape (..., 4).

        Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
    r, i, j, k = torch.unbind(quaternions, -1)
    # pyre-fixme[58]: `/` is not supported for operand types `float` and `Tensor`.
    two_s = 2.0 / (quaternions * quaternions).sum(-1)

    o = torch.stack(
            1 - two_s * (j * j + k * k),
            two_s * (i * j - k * r),
            two_s * (i * k + j * r),
            two_s * (i * j + k * r),
            1 - two_s * (i * i + k * k),
            two_s * (j * k - i * r),
            two_s * (i * k - j * r),
            two_s * (j * k + i * r),
            1 - two_s * (i * i + j * j),
    return o.reshape(quaternions.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))

def quaternion_raw_multiply(a: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    Multiply two quaternions.
    Usual torch rules for broadcasting apply.

        a: Quaternions as tensor of shape (..., 4), real part first.
        b: Quaternions as tensor of shape (..., 4), real part first.

        The product of a and b, a tensor of quaternions shape (..., 4).
    aw, ax, ay, az = torch.unbind(a, -1)
    bw, bx, by, bz = torch.unbind(b, -1)
    ow = aw * bw - ax * bx - ay * by - az * bz
    ox = aw * bx + ax * bw + ay * bz - az * by
    oy = aw * by - ax * bz + ay * bw + az * bx
    oz = aw * bz + ax * by - ay * bx + az * bw
    return torch.stack((ow, ox, oy, oz), -1)

class StructureModule(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, channel_size_msa, heads=8, scalar_key_dim=16, scalar_value_dim=16, point_key_dim=4, point_value_dim=4):
    self.ipa_block = IPABlock(
        dim = channel_size_msa,
        heads = heads,
        scalar_key_dim = scalar_key_dim,
        scalar_value_dim = scalar_value_dim,
    self.out_proj = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, 6)

  def forward(self, target_seq, pair_repr, translations, quaternions):
    rotations = quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions)
    single_repr = self.ipa_block(
        pairwise_repr = pair_repr,
        rotations = rotations,
        translations = translations,

    # update quaternion and translation
    updates = self.out_proj(single_repr)
    quaternion_update, translation_update = updates.chunk(2, dim=-1)
    quaternion_update = F.pad(quaternion_update, (1, 0), value = 1.)

    quaternions = quaternion_raw_multiply(quaternions, quaternion_update)
    translations = translations + torch.einsum('b n c, b n c r -> b n r', translation_update, rotations)

    return translations, quaternions

4.3 Backbone構造予測

実装したStructure ModuleをもとにBackboneの構造予測を簡易的に行います。テンプレートやRecycligを省略しているので最初のtranslationは乱数で初期化しています。


class PredictStructure(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, channel_size_msa, depth=2):
    self.structure_module = StructureModule(channel_size_msa)
    self.depth = depth
    self.to_points = nn.Linear(channel_size_msa, 3)

  def forward(self, msa_repr, pair_repr):
    b, _, n, _ = msa_repr.shape
    translations = torch.randn(b, n, 3)
    quaternions = repeat(torch.tensor([1., 0., 0., 0.]), 'd -> b n d', b = b, n = n)
    single_repr = msa_repr[:,0,:,:]
    for i in range(self.depth):
      translations, quaternions = self.structure_module(single_repr, pair_repr, translations, quaternions)
    points_local = self.to_points(single_repr)
    rotations = quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions)
    coords = torch.einsum('b n c, b n c d -> b n d', points_local, rotations) + translations

    return coords

4.4 入出力形状確認

実装したStructure ModuleにMSA表現とペア表現を入力してみて、出力として座標を取り出してみます。

predict = PredictStructure(config.channel_size_msa)
coords = predict(msa_repr, pair_repr)
msa_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 7, 100, 10])
pair_repr.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 100, 10])

coords.shape=torch.Size([2, 100, 3])

5. まとめ

以上AlphaFoldの各モジュールをPyTorchで実装してみました。最初に説明したように実際にはMSAのマスクやExtra MSA、誤差関数、側鎖予測など省略した処理が多々あるので全部実装するにはまだまだ足りないですが、アルゴリズムをシンプルなコードで理解する上では参考になると思います。


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