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RHEL on Power10 で Whisper.cpp (音声認識モデル) を使用した文字起こし

Last updated at Posted at 2024-03-18


最近、いろいろなAIのモデルを見ている中で、たまたまOpenAI がリリースしたオープンソースの 音声認識モデルであるWhisperの派生モデル、 "Whisper.cpp" の Github Readmeで気になる記述を発見。

VSX intrinsics support for POWER architectures

PowerISA (Power Instruction Set Architecture) の Vector Scalar Extension (VSX) がサポートされるということでしょうか?



IBM Power S1022 (CPUのみです)
RHEL 9.2


・RHEL9 の Base, AppStream のリポジトリを設定済

# dnf repolist
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
repo id                                   repo name

rhel-9-for-ppc64le-appstream-rpms         Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for Power, little endian - AppStream (RPMs)
rhel-9-for-ppc64le-baseos-rpms            Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for Power, little endian - BaseOS (RPMs)

① git make gcc gcc-c++ を導入

# dnf install git make gcc gcc-c++


依存関係のあるパッケージを含めて 28つのパッケージが導入され、3つのパッケージがアップグレードされました。

② Whisper.cpp のセットアップ

Whisper.cpp の Quick start の手順を実行します。


# git clone https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp.git

Cloning into 'whisper.cpp'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 7595, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1827/1827), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (151/151), done.
remote: Total 7595 (delta 1716), reused 1711 (delta 1675), pack-reused 5768
Receiving objects: 100% (7595/7595), 11.64 MiB | 34.24 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4953/4953), done.


# cd whisper.cpp

③ makeの実行

# make

which: no nvcc in (/root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
I whisper.cpp build info:
I UNAME_S:  Linux
I UNAME_P:  ppc64le
I UNAME_M:  ppc64le
I CFLAGS:   -I.              -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11   -fPIC 
I CXXFLAGS: -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC
I CC:       cc (GCC) 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)
I CXX:      g++ (GCC) 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)
cc  -I.              -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11   -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread   -c ggml.c -o ggml.o
cc  -I.              -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11   -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600
 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread   -c ggml-alloc.c -o ggml-alloc.o


g++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 
-D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread examples/server/server.cpp examples/common.cpp 
examples/common-ggml.cpp ggml.o ggml-alloc.o ggml-backend.o ggml-quants.o 
whisper.o -o server
examples/server/server.cpp: In lambda function:
examples/server/server.cpp:601:51: note: the layout of aggregates containing 
vectors with 2-byte alignment has changed in GCC 5
  601 |     svr.Post(sparams.request_path + "/inference", [&]
  (const Request &req, Response &res){
      |                                                   ^
# echo $?

make の実行は 1 分くらいでした。

④ baseモデルのダウンロード

ダウンロード元はこちら -> https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp

# bash ./models/download-ggml-model.sh base

Downloading ggml model base from 'https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp' ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1200  100  1200    0     0  18461      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 18461
100  141M  100  141M    0     0   122M      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  136M
Done! Model 'base' saved in '/work/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-base.bin'
You can now use it like this:
$ ./main -m /work/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-base.bin -f samples/jfk.wav

⑤ サンプルの文字起こし実行

サンプルにあるjfk.wav で Speech to Text を実行します。

# ./main -m /work/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-base.bin -f samples/jfk.wav
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from '/work/whisper.cpp/models/ggml-base.bin'
whisper_model_load: loading model
whisper_model_load: n_vocab       = 51865
whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx   = 1500
whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 512
whisper_model_load: n_audio_head  = 8
whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 6
whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx    = 448
whisper_model_load: n_text_state  = 512
whisper_model_load: n_text_head   = 8
whisper_model_load: n_text_layer  = 6
whisper_model_load: n_mels        = 80
whisper_model_load: ftype         = 1
whisper_model_load: qntvr         = 0
whisper_model_load: type          = 2 (base)
whisper_model_load: adding 1608 extra tokens
whisper_model_load: n_langs       = 99
whisper_model_load:      CPU total size =   147.37 MB
whisper_model_load: model size    =  147.37 MB
whisper_init_state: kv self size  =   16.52 MB
whisper_init_state: kv cross size =   18.43 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (conv)   =   16.39 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (encode) =  132.07 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (cross)  =    4.78 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (decode) =   96.48 MB

system_info: n_threads = 4 / 8 | AVX = 0 | AVX2 = 0 | AVX512 = 0 | FMA = 0 | NEON = 0 |
ARM_FMA = 0 | METAL = 0 | F16C = 0 | FP16_VA = 0 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 0 | SSE3 = 0 
| SSSE3 = 0 | VSX = 1 | CUDA = 0 | COREML = 0 | OPENVINO = 0

main: processing 'samples/jfk.wav' (176000 samples, 11.0 sec), 4 threads, 1 processors, 
5 beams + best of 5, lang = en, task = transcribe, timestamps = 1 ...

[00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.000]   And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your 
country can do for you,
[00:00:08.000 --> 00:00:11.000]   ask what you can do for your country.

whisper_print_timings:     load time =    42.54 ms
whisper_print_timings:     fallbacks =   0 p /   0 h
whisper_print_timings:      mel time =    17.87 ms
whisper_print_timings:   sample time =    72.48 ms /   139 runs (    0.52 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   encode time =  3761.49 ms /     1 runs ( 3761.49 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   decode time =     0.00 ms /     1 runs (    0.00 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   batchd time =   612.94 ms /   137 runs (    4.47 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   prompt time =     0.00 ms /     1 runs (    0.00 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:    total time =  4509.29 ms

ここでは、CPU 1 Core, Memory 16GB の割り当てで実行しています。

" And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." という結果が得られています。

system_info: の箇所で VSX=1 が表示されており、VSX Vector Scalar Extension での構成が認識されているようです。



bench ディレクトリの確認

# ls -l bench
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1373688 Mar 17 07:16 bench

make の実行

# make bench
which: no nvcc in (/root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
I whisper.cpp build info:
I UNAME_S:  Linux
I UNAME_P:  ppc64le
I UNAME_M:  ppc64le
I CFLAGS:   -I.              -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11   -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread
I CXXFLAGS: -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread
I CC:       cc (GCC) 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)
I CXX:      g++ (GCC) 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)

make: 'bench' is up to date.

# echo $?


base モデルで 8 thread での実行です。
LPARには CPU 2 Core, Memory 64GB のリソース割り当てです。

# ./bench -m ./models/ggml-base.bin -t 8
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from './models/ggml-base.bin'

whisper_model_load: loading model
whisper_model_load: n_vocab       = 51865
whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx   = 1500
whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 512
whisper_model_load: n_audio_head  = 8
whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 6
whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx    = 448
whisper_model_load: n_text_state  = 512
whisper_model_load: n_text_head   = 8
whisper_model_load: n_text_layer  = 6
whisper_model_load: n_mels        = 80
whisper_model_load: ftype         = 1
whisper_model_load: qntvr         = 0
whisper_model_load: type          = 2 (base)
whisper_model_load: adding 1608 extra tokens
whisper_model_load: n_langs       = 99
whisper_model_load:      CPU total size =   147.37 MB
whisper_model_load: model size    =  147.37 MB
whisper_init_state: kv self size  =   16.52 MB
whisper_init_state: kv cross size =   18.43 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (conv)   =   16.39 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (encode) =  132.07 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (cross)  =    4.78 MB
whisper_init_state: compute buffer (decode) =   96.48 MB

system_info: n_threads = 8 / 16 | AVX = 0 | AVX2 = 0 | AVX512 = 0 | FMA = 0 | NEON = 0 | ARM_FMA = 0 | METAL = 0 | F16C = 0 | FP16_VA = 0 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 0 | SSE3 = 0 | SSSE3 = 0 | VSX = 1 | CUDA = 0 | COREML = 0 | OPENVINO = 0

whisper_print_timings:     load time =    43.40 ms
whisper_print_timings:     fallbacks =   0 p /   0 h
whisper_print_timings:      mel time =     0.00 ms
whisper_print_timings:   sample time =     0.00 ms /     1 runs (    0.00 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   encode time =  1992.42 ms /     1 runs ( 1992.42 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   decode time =  1146.21 ms /   256 runs (    4.48 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   batchd time =   819.36 ms /   320 runs (    2.56 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:   prompt time =  9071.34 ms /  4096 runs (    2.21 ms per run)
whisper_print_timings:    total time = 13030.68 ms

If you wish, you can submit these results here:


Please include the following information:

  - CPU model
  - Operating system
  - Compiler

load time = 43.40 ms、 encode time = 1992.42 ms という結果です。

Benchmark result #89

上記で公開されている他の実行結果と比較すると、 encode time はそう速いとは言えないかもしれませんが、(すごく遅いわけでもない)、load_time については同様の実行と比較して速いような気がします。


動かすのに苦労するかと思いましたが、IBM Power10上ですんなり動いて嬉しいです。





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