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『統計検定準1級対応統計学実践ワークブック』をR, Pythonで解く~第16章重回帰分析~

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日本統計学会公式認定 統計検定準1級対応 統計学実践ワークブック

が統計検定の準備だけでなく統計学の整理に役立つので、R, Pythonでの実装も試みた。





A data.frame: 6 × 6
Ozone   Solar.R Wind    Temp    Month   Day
<int>   <int>   <dbl>   <int>   <int>   <int>
1   41  190 7.4 67  5   1
2   36  118 8.0 72  5   2
3   12  149 12.6    74  5   3
4   18  313 11.5    62  5   4
5   NA  NA  14.3    56  5   5
6   28  NA  14.9    66  5   6
  • モデル0
model0 = lm(Ozone ~ 1, data = airquality)

sprintf("AIC=%.4f", AIC(model0))
lm(formula = Ozone ~ 1, data = airquality)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-41.13 -24.13 -10.63  21.12 125.87 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   42.129      3.063   13.76   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 32.99 on 115 degrees of freedom
  (37 observations deleted due to missingness)


  • モデル1
model1 = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Month, data = airquality)

sprintf("AIC=%.4f", AIC(model1))

lm(formula = Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Month, data = airquality)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-35.870 -13.968  -2.671   9.553  97.918 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -58.05384   22.97114  -2.527   0.0130 *  
Solar.R       0.04960    0.02346   2.114   0.0368 *  
Wind         -3.31651    0.64579  -5.136 1.29e-06 ***
Temp          1.87087    0.27363   6.837 5.34e-10 ***
Month        -2.99163    1.51592  -1.973   0.0510 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 20.9 on 106 degrees of freedom
  (42 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.6199,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6055 
F-statistic: 43.21 on 4 and 106 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


  • モデル2
model2 = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Month + Day, data = airquality)

sprintf("AIC=%.4f", AIC(model2))
lm(formula = Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Month + Day, data = airquality)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-37.014 -12.284  -3.302   8.454  95.348 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -64.11632   23.48249  -2.730  0.00742 ** 
Solar.R       0.05027    0.02342   2.147  0.03411 *  
Wind         -3.31844    0.64451  -5.149 1.23e-06 ***
Temp          1.89579    0.27389   6.922 3.66e-10 ***
Month        -3.03996    1.51346  -2.009  0.04714 *  
Day           0.27388    0.22967   1.192  0.23576    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 20.86 on 105 degrees of freedom
  (42 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.6249,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.6071 
F-statistic: 34.99 on 5 and 105 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16



  • RのデータセットをCSV出力したファイルを用いる。
  • sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegressionでも重回帰分析が出来るが、各種統計量を直接は出力しないので、各種統計量も出力する statmodels を用いる
    • 欠損値を自動処理しないので、事前に取り除く
  • c.f. StatsModelsによる重回帰解析
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm

df = pd.read_csv("airquality.csv")
    Ozone   Solar.R Wind    Temp    Month   Day
0   41.0    190.0   7.4 67  5   1
1   36.0    118.0   8.0 72  5   2
2   12.0    149.0   12.6    74  5   3
3   18.0    313.0   11.5    62  5   4
4   NaN NaN 14.3    56  5   5
  • モデル0
    • 定数項のみとするため説明変数にダミーでOzoneを入れて定数項を付与後Ozone列を削除している。
df0 = df.drop("Day", axis = 1)
df0 = df1[df1.isnull().any(axis = 1) == False]
x0 = df0.Ozone
x0 = sm.add_constant(x0)
x0 = x0.drop("Ozone", axis = 1)
y0 = df0.Ozone

model0 = sm.OLS(y0, x0)
result0 = model0.fit()
                  OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:    Ozone            R-squared:          -0.000
Model:            OLS              Adj. R-squared:     -0.000
Method:           Least Squares    F-statistic:        -inf
Date:             Thu, 23 Jul 2020 Prob (F-statistic): nan
Time:             05:00:56         Log-Likelihood:     -546.04
No. Observations: 111              AIC:                1094.
Df Residuals:     110              BIC:                1097.
Df Model:         0     
Covariance Type:  nonrobust     
               coef     std err   t       P>|t|   [0.025 0.975]
const          42.0991  3.158     13.329  0.000   35.840 48.358
Omnibus:       26.260   Durbin-Watson:  1.108
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000    Jarque-Bera (JB):   35.528
Skew:   1.248   Prob(JB):   1.93e-08
Kurtosis:   4.204   Cond. No.   1.00

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.


  • モデル1
df1 = df.drop("Day", axis = 1)
df1 = df1[df1.isnull().any(axis = 1) == False]
x1 = df1.drop("Ozone", 1)
x1 = sm.add_constant(x1)
y1 = df1.Ozone

model1 = sm.OLS(y1, x1)
result1 = model1.fit()

                OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:    Ozone         R-squared:          0.620
Model:            OLS           Adj. R-squared:     0.606
Method:           Least Squares F-statistic:        43.21
Date:   Thu, 23 Jul 2020        Prob (F-statistic): 1.85e-21
Time:             05:00:29      Log-Likelihood:     -492.36
No. Observations: 111           AIC:                994.7
Df Residuals:     106           BIC:                1008.
Df Model:         4     
Covariance Type:    nonrobust       
         coef    std err t  P>|t|   [0.025   0.975]
const   -58.0538 22.971  -2.527 0.013   -103.596 -12.511
Solar.R 0.0496   0.023   2.114  0.037   0.003    0.096
Wind    -3.3165  0.646   -5.136 0.000   -4.597   -2.036
Temp    1.8709   0.274   6.837  0.000   1.328    2.413
Month   -2.9916  1.516   -1.973 0.051   -5.997   0.014
Omnibus:    41.274  Durbin-Watson:  2.032
Prob(Omnibus):  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):   105.574
Skew:   1.394   Prob(JB):   1.19e-23
Kurtosis:   6.880   Cond. No.   2.53e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 2.53e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.


  • モデル2
df2 = df.copy()
df2 = df2[df2.isnull().any(axis = 1) == False]
x2 = df2.drop("Ozone", 1)
x2 = sm.add_constant(x2)
y2 = df2.Ozone

model2 = sm.OLS(y2, x2)
result2 = model2.fit()

                  OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:    Ozone         R-squared:          0.625
Model:            OLS           Adj. R-squared:     0.607
Method:           Least Squares F-statistic:        34.99
Date:   Thu, 23 Jul 2020        Prob (F-statistic): 6.50e-21
Time:             05:00:24      Log-Likelihood:     -491.61
No. Observations: 111           AIC:                995.2
Df Residuals:     105           BIC:                1011.
Df Model:         5     
Covariance Type:  nonrobust     
         coef    std err t  P>|t|   [0.025   0.975]
const   -64.1163 23.482  -2.730 0.007   -110.678 -17.555
Solar.R 0.0503   0.023   2.147  0.034   0.004    0.097
Wind    -3.3184  0.645  -5.149  0.000   -4.596   -2.041
Temp    1.8958   0.274  6.922   0.000   1.353    2.439
Month   -3.0400  1.513  -2.009  0.047   -6.041   -0.039
Day     0.2739   0.230  1.192   0.236   -0.182   0.729
Omnibus:    40.425  Durbin-Watson:  2.088
Prob(Omnibus):  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):   98.522
Skew:   1.388   Prob(JB):   4.04e-22
Kurtosis:   6.688   Cond. No.   2.60e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 2.6e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.





スパース推定法による統計モデリング (統計学One Point)




A data.frame: 6 × 2
Molecule    Activity
<fct>   <dbl>
1   (d)-limonene    5.29
2   111-trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanolol(chlorobytanol)  3.12
3   111-trichloroethane 3.40
4   1122-tetrachloroethane  3.92
5   112-trichloroethane 3.21
6   11-dichloroethylene(vinylidene  2.84
  • 列が長いので5列目までで略
head(AquaticTox_AtomPair[, 1:5])
A data.frame: 6 × 5
Molecule    AP_FP_522   AP_FP_41    AP_FP_521   AP_FP_402
<fct>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>
1   (d)-limonene    0   1   1   0
2   111-trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanolol(chlorobytanol)  0   0   0   0
3   111-trichloroethane 0   0   0   0
4   1122-tetrachloroethane  0   0   0   0
5   112-trichloroethane 0   0   0   0
6   11-dichloroethylene(vinylidene  0   0   0   0
  • 不要な化合物名列を削除し、値がIntegerなのでNumericにする。
df_x = AquaticTox_AtomPair[, -1]
df_x = apply(df_x, 2, as.numeric)
  • テキストのResidualの図に該当するはず。
    • defaultだとlog(λ)>0しか計算しないのでテキスト通りの範囲とした
model <- glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 0, lambda = exp(seq(log(exp(-6)), log(exp(6)), length.out = 100)))
rmse = apply((predict(model, newx = df_x) -  AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity)^2, 2, sum) / nrow(df_x)
plot(log(model$lambda), rmse, main = "Residual)

ダウンロード (1).png

  • テキストのcvの図に該当するはず。
    • defaultだとlog(λ)>0しか計算しないのでテキスト通りの範囲とした
model.cv <- cv.glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 0, lambda = exp(seq(log(exp(-6)), log(exp(6)), length.out = 100)))


  • λの最適値は


  • 下記の通り
    • model1: λ=0
    • model2: λ=e^-2, α=0
    • model3: λ=e^-2, α=0.5
    • model4: λ=e^-2, α=1
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(c(model.1$a0, model.1$beta[, 1]), main = "model1", xlab = "variabls", ylab = "coef.")
plot(c(model.2$a0, model.2$beta[, 1]), main = "model2", xlab = "variabls", ylab = "coef.")
plot(c(model.3$a0, model.3$beta[, 1]), main = "model3", xlab = "variabls", ylab = "coef.")
plot(c(model.4$a0, model.4$beta[, 1]), main = "model4", xlab = "variabls", ylab = "coef.")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

ダウンロード (2).png

  • よって
    • (a): model2
    • (b): model1
    • (c): model4
    • (d): model3


  • 下記の通り
    • model2.1: α=0
    • model2.2: α=0.5
    • model2.3: α=1
model2.1 <- glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 0)
model2.2 <- glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 0.5)
model2.3 <- glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 1)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(model2.1, xvar = "lambda", main = "model2.1")
plot(model2.2, xvar = "lambda", main = "model2.2")
plot(model2.3, xvar = "lambda", main = "model2.3")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

ダウンロード (3).png

  • # of nonzerosの図は(a)だけlog(λ)の範囲が異なっているので再計算して
model2.1 <- glmnet(x = df_x, y = AquaticTox_Outcome$Activity, alpha = 0, lambda = exp(seq(log(exp(-6)), log(exp(6)), length.out = 100)))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(log(model2.1$lambda), apply(model2.1$beta, 2, function(x) {return(sum(x != 0))}), main = "model2.1", xlab = "log(λ)", ylab = "# of nonzeros")
plot(log(model2.2$lambda), apply(model2.2$beta, 2, function(x) {return(sum(x != 0))}), main = "model2.2", xlab = "log(λ)", ylab = "# of nonzeros")
plot(log(model2.2$lambda), apply(model2.3$beta, 2, function(x) {return(sum(x != 0))}), main = "model2.3", xlab = "log(λ)", ylab = "# of nonzeros")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

ダウンロード (4).png

  • つまり
    • (a): model2.1
    • (b): model2.3
    • (c): model2.2


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet, enet_path
import statsmodels.api as sm

y = pd.read_csv("AquaticTox_Outcome.csv")
y = y.drop("Molecule", axis = 1)
x = pd.read_csv("AquaticTox_AtomPair.csv")
x = x.drop("Molecule", axis = 1)


# scikit-learn のみ

alpha_range = np.logspace(-6, 6, 30, base=np.e)
elout = np.empty((len(alpha_range), 2))
for i, a in enumerate(alpha_range):
  #l1 = np.log(l1)
  enet = ElasticNet(l1_ratio = 0, alpha = a)
  result = enet.fit(x, y)
  rmse = ((sum((result.predict(x) - y['Activity'])**2))/len(y))**0.5
  elout[i] = [a, rmse]

plt.plot(np.log(elout[:, 0]), elout[:, 1], color='lightgreen', linewidth=2, label='Elastic net coefficients')

ダウンロード (6).png


enet1 = ElasticNet(alpha = 0)
result1 = enet1.fit(x, y)
enet2 = ElasticNet(alpha = np.exp(-2), l1_ratio = 0)
result2 = enet2.fit(x, y)
enet3 = ElasticNet(alpha = np.exp(-2), l1_ratio = 0.5)
result3 = enet3.fit(x, y)
enet4 = ElasticNet(alpha = np.exp(-2), l1_ratio = 1)
result4 = enet4.fit(x, y)

fig = plt.figure()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=False)
axes[0, 0].scatter(np.arange(0, x.shape[1] + 1), np.append(np.array(result1.intercept_), result1.coef_))
axes[0, 1].scatter(np.arange(0, x.shape[1] + 1), np.append(np.array(result2.intercept_), result2.coef_))
axes[1, 0].scatter(np.arange(0, x.shape[1] + 1), np.append(np.array(result3.intercept_), result3.coef_))
axes[1, 1].scatter(np.arange(0, x.shape[1] + 1), np.append(np.array(result4.intercept_), result4.coef_))
fig.tight_layout()              #レイアウトの設定

ダウンロード (7).png

# statsmodels
model1 = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(x))
result1 = model1.fit_regularized(method='elastic_net', alpha = 0) # lambda = 0result2 = model.fit_regularized(alpha = np.exp(-2), L1_wt=0) # lambda = exp(-2), alpha = 0
model2 = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(x))
result2 = model2.fit_regularized(method='elastic_net', alpha = np.exp(-2), L1_wt=0) # lambda = exp(-2), alpha = 0
model3 = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(x))
result3 = model3.fit_regularized(method='elastic_net', alpha = np.exp(-2), L1_wt=0.5) # lambda = exp(-2), alpha = 0.5
model4 = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(x))
result4 = model4.fit_regularized(method='elastic_net', alpha = np.exp(-2), L1_wt=1) # lambda = exp(-2), alpha = 1
  • 図は略

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