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maya python xgenm set auxRenderPatch

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import xgenm as xg
import xgenm.xgGlobal as xgg
import xgenm.XgExternalAPI as xge
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
import xgenm.xmaya.xgmExternalAPI as xgmExternalAPI
import xgenm.XgExternalAPI as xge
import xgenm.xgGlobal as xgg
if xgg.Maya:
    import maya.mel as mel

strCurrentScene = cmds.file( q=True, sn=True )
strSceneName = ""
if strCurrentScene:
    strScenePath = os.path.dirname( strCurrentScene )
    strSceneFile = os.path.basename( strCurrentScene )
    strSceneName = os.path.splitext( strSceneFile )[0];
abcFolderPath = strScenePath.replace("scenes","") + "cache/alembic"
abcFiles = os.listdir(abcFolderPath)

def ExportBatchesAnim():
    ExportStartFrame = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.startFrame")
    ExportEndFrame = cmds.getAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame")
    cmdAlembicBase = 'AbcExport -j "' 
    cmdAlembicBase = cmdAlembicBase + '-frameRange '+str(ExportStartFrame)+' '+str(ExportEndFrame)
    cmdAlembicBase = cmdAlembicBase + ' -uvWrite -attrPrefix xgen -worldSpace'
    palette = cmds.ls( exactType="xgmPalette" )
    for p in range( len(palette) ):
        filename = abcFolderPath+ "/" + strSceneName + "__" + xgmExternalAPI.encodeNameSpace(str(palette[p])) + ".abc"
        descShapes = cmds.listRelatives( palette[p], type="xgmDescription", ad=True )
        cmdAlembic = cmdAlembicBase
        for d in range( len(descShapes) ):
            descriptions = cmds.listRelatives( descShapes[d], parent=True )
            if len(descriptions):
                patches = xg.descriptionPatches(descriptions[0])
                for patch in patches:
                    cmd = 'xgmPatchInfo -p "'+patch+'" -g';
                    geom = mel.eval(cmd)
                    geomFullName = cmds.ls( geom, l=True )
                    cmdAlembic += " -root " + geomFullName[0]
        cmdAlembic = cmdAlembic + ' -stripNamespaces -file \''+ filename+ '\'";';

def GetAbcFile(palette):
    pExplode = palette.split(":")
    pFirst = pExplode[0]
    pSecond = pExplode[1]
    for abcFile in abcFiles:
        explode = abcFile.split("__ns__")
        first = explode[0]
        second = explode[1]
        if pFirst in first and pSecond in second:
            abcFilePath = abcFolderPath + "/" + abcFile
            return str(os.path.normpath(abcFilePath))
    return ""

def SetAttr():
    if xgg.Maya:

        #palette is collection, use palettes to get collections first.
        palettes = xg.palettes()
        for palette in palettes:
            #print "Collection:" + palette

            #Use descriptions to get description of each collection
            descriptions = xg.descriptions(palette)
            for description in descriptions:
                #print " Description:" + description
                objects = xg.objects(palette, description, True)

                #Get active objects,e.g. SplinePrimtives
                for object in objects:
                    #print " Object:" + object
                    attrs = xg.allAttrs(palette, description, object)
                    for attr in attrs:
                        #print " Attribute:" + attr + ", Value:" + xg.getAttr(attr, palette, description, object)
                        if attr == "custom__arnold_useAuxRenderPatch":
                            xg.setAttr("custom__arnold_useAuxRenderPatch",xge.prepForAttribute("True"),palette, description, object)
                            #xg.setActive(palette, description, "custom__arnold_useAuxRenderPatch", xge.prepForAttribute(True))
                        elif attr == "custom__arnold_auxRenderPatch":
                            print " Attribute:" + attr + ", Value:" + xg.getAttr(attr, palette, description, object)
                            abcFile = GetAbcFile(palette)
                            if abcFile != "":
                                xg.setAttr(attr,xge.prepForAttribute(abcFile),palette, description, object)
                                #xg.setActive(palette, description, attr, xge.prepForAttribute(abcFile))

    # de = xgg.DescriptionEditor
    # de.refresh("Full")
    xg.registerCallback("RenderAPIRendererTabUIInit", "xgenArnoldUI.xgArnoldUI")
    xg.registerCallback("RenderAPIRendererTabUIRefresh", "xgenArnoldUI.xgArnoldRefresh")
    if xg.xgGlobal.DescriptionEditor is not None:

# generate abc        

# custom__arnold_auxRenderPatch

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