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More than 3 years have passed since last update.

Apple M1 Max Macbook Pro 2021 development init

Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-11
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1832:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
    {                                                   \
statement.c:601:17: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro]
  intern_to_s = rb_intern("to_s");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:24: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1837:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
statement.c:601:17: note: ')' token is here
  intern_to_s = rb_intern("to_s");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:56: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
statement.c:602:23: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro]
  intern_merge_bang = rb_intern("merge!");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:23: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
statement.c:602:23: note: '{' token is here
  intern_merge_bang = rb_intern("merge!");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:24: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1832:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
    {                                                   \
statement.c:602:23: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro]
  intern_merge_bang = rb_intern("merge!");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:24: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1837:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
statement.c:602:23: note: ')' token is here
  intern_merge_bang = rb_intern("merge!");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:56: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
statement.c:603:26: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro]
  intern_query_options = rb_intern("@query_options");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:23: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
statement.c:603:26: note: '{' token is here
  intern_query_options = rb_intern("@query_options");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:24: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1832:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
    {                                                   \
statement.c:603:26: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro]
  intern_query_options = rb_intern("@query_options");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:24: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1837:5: note: expanded from macro 'RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE'
statement.c:603:26: note: ')' token is here
  intern_query_options = rb_intern("@query_options");
/Users/jun/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/include/ruby-2.7.0/ruby/ruby.h:1847:56: note: expanded from macro 'rb_intern'
        __extension__ (RUBY_CONST_ID_CACHE((ID), (str))) : \
34 warnings generated.
linking shared-object mysql2/mysql2.bundle
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib'
ld: library not found for -lssl
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [mysql2.bundle] Error 1

make failed, exit code 2

Gem files will remain installed in /Users/jun/workspace/financie/coconut/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.3 for inspection.
Results logged to /Users/jun/workspace/financie/coconut/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/extensions/arm64-darwin-21/2.7.0/mysql2-0.5.3/gem_make.out

An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.5.3), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install mysql2 -v '0.5.3' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling.

In Gemfile:
cd /opt/homebrew/bin
ls -la



true => Go command

bundle config --local build.mysql2 "--with-opt-dir="$(brew --prefix openssl) --with-ldflags=-L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zstd/1.5.2/lib""


Fetching https://github.com/capistrano/bundler.git
Fetching https://github.com/ekho/capistrano-git-with-submodules.git
Fetching https://github.com/chiastolite/capistrano-locally.git
The dependency tzinfo-data (>= 0) will be unused by any of the platforms Bundler is installing for. Bundler is installing for ruby but the dependency is only for x86-mingw32, x86-mswin32, x64-mingw32, java. To add those platforms to the bundle, run `bundle lock --add-platform x86-mingw32 x86-mswin32 x64-mingw32 java`.
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
Resolving dependencies..................................
Using rake 13.0.6
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.9
Using i18n 1.9.1
Using minitest 5.15.0
Using tzinfo 2.0.4
Using zeitwerk 2.5.4
Using activesupport
Using builder 3.2.4
Using erubi 1.10.0
Using mini_portile2 2.7.1
Using racc 1.6.0
Using nokogiri 1.13.1 (arm64-darwin)
Using rails-dom-testing 2.0.3
Using crass 1.0.6
Using loofah 2.13.0
Using rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2
Using actionview
Using rack 2.2.3
Using rack-test 1.1.0
Using actionpack
Using nio4r 2.5.8
Using websocket-extensions 0.1.5
Using websocket-driver 0.7.5
Using actioncable
Using globalid 1.0.0
Using activejob
Using activemodel
Using activerecord
Using marcel 1.0.2
Using mini_mime 1.1.2
Using activestorage
Using mail 2.7.1
Using actionmailbox
Using actionmailer
Using actiontext
Using public_suffix 4.0.6
Using addressable 2.8.0
Using net-ssh 6.1.0
Using net-scp 3.0.0
Using sshkit 1.21.2
Using airbrussh 1.4.0
Using ast 2.4.2
Using execjs 2.8.1
Using autoprefixer-rails
Using bcrypt 3.1.16
Using bcrypt_pbkdf 1.1.0
Using bindex 0.8.1
Using binding_ninja 0.2.3
Using msgpack 1.4.4
Using bootsnap 1.10.3
Using popper_js 1.16.0
Using method_source 1.0.0
Using thor 1.2.1
Using railties
Using ffi 1.15.5
Using sassc 2.4.0
Using sprockets 4.0.2
Using sprockets-rails 3.4.2
Using tilt 2.0.10
Using sassc-rails 2.1.2
Using bootstrap 4.3.1
Using momentjs-rails
Using bootstrap3-datetimepicker-rails 4.17.47
Using brakeman 5.2.1
Using bugsnag 6.24.2
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using byebug 11.1.3
Using cancancan 3.3.0
Using capistrano 3.16.0
Using capistrano-bundler 2.0.1 from https://github.com/capistrano/bundler.git (at master@78eb7cc)
Using capistrano-git-with-submodules 2.0.3 from https://github.com/ekho/capistrano-git-with-submodules.git (at master@d1a85bf)
Using capistrano-locally 0.2.0 from https://github.com/chiastolite/capistrano-locally.git (at empty_hosts@301e1bd)
Using capistrano-rails 1.6.1
Using capistrano-rbenv 2.2.0
Using capistrano3-unicorn 0.2.1
Using matrix 0.4.2
Using regexp_parser 2.2.0
Using xpath 3.2.0
Using capybara 3.36.0
Using mime-types-data 3.2022.0105
Using mime-types 3.4.1
Using ssrf_filter 1.0.7
Using carrierwave 1.3.2
Using childprocess 4.1.0
Using chronic 0.10.2
Using sexp_processor 4.16.0
Using code_analyzer 0.5.5
Using coderay 1.1.3
Using database_cleaner-core 2.0.1
Using database_cleaner-active_record 2.0.1
Using database_cleaner 2.0.1
Using declarative 0.0.20
Using diff-lcs 1.5.0
Using digest-sha3 1.1.0
Using docile 1.4.0
Using ed25519 1.3.0
Using erubis 2.7.0
Using et-orbi 1.2.6
Using keccak 1.3.0
Using money-tree 0.10.0
Using rlp 0.7.3
Using ffi-compiler 1.0.1
Using scrypt 3.0.7
Using eth 0.4.17
Using ethereum.rb 2.5
Using excon 0.91.0
Using factory_bot 6.2.0
Using factory_bot_rails 6.2.0
Using faker 2.19.0
Using faraday-em_http 1.0.0
Using faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0
Using faraday-excon 1.1.0
Using faraday-httpclient 1.0.1
Using multipart-post 2.1.1
Using faraday-multipart 1.0.3
Using faraday-net_http 1.0.1
Using faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0
Using faraday-patron 1.0.0
Using faraday-rack 1.0.0
Using faraday-retry 1.0.3
Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.5
Using faraday 1.9.3
Using formatador 0.3.0
Using fog-core 2.1.0
Using multi_json 1.15.0
Using fog-json 1.2.0
Using fog-xml 0.1.4
Using jwt 2.3.0
Using memoist 0.16.2
Using os 1.1.4
Using signet 0.16.0
Using googleauth 1.1.0
Using httpclient 2.8.3
Using trailblazer-option 0.1.2
Using uber 0.1.0
Using representable 3.1.1
Using retriable 3.1.2
Using rexml 3.2.5
Using webrick 1.7.0
Using google-apis-core 0.4.2
Using google-apis-compute_v1 0.24.0
Using google-apis-dns_v1 0.19.0
Using google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 0.10.0
Using google-apis-monitoring_v3 0.20.0
Using google-apis-pubsub_v1 0.12.0
Using google-apis-sqladmin_v1beta4 0.24.0
Using google-apis-storage_v1 0.11.0
Using google-cloud-env 1.5.0
Using fog-google 1.17.0
Using raabro 1.4.0
Using fugit 1.5.2
Using romaji 0.2.4
Using gimei 1.0.1
Using google-qr 0.2.2
Using rails
Using rotp 3.3.0
Using google-authenticator-rails 2.0.0
Using jbuilder 2.11.5
Using jquery-rails 4.4.0
Using json 2.6.1
Using kaminari-core 1.2.2
Using kaminari-actionview 1.2.2
Using kaminari-activerecord 1.2.2
Using kaminari 1.2.2
Using kgio 2.11.4
Using rb-fsevent 0.11.1
Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
Using listen 3.7.1
Using makara 0.5.1
Using meta-tags 2.16.0
Using mini_magick 4.11.0
Using multi_xml 0.6.0
Fetching mysql2 0.5.3
Installing mysql2 0.5.3 with native extensions
Fetching oauth 0.5.8
Installing oauth 0.5.8
Fetching oauth2 1.4.7
Installing oauth2 1.4.7
Fetching parallel 1.21.0
Installing parallel 1.21.0
Fetching parser
Installing parser
Fetching unparser 0.6.3
Installing unparser 0.6.3
Fetching proc_to_ast 0.1.0
Installing proc_to_ast 0.1.0
Fetching pry 0.14.1
Installing pry 0.14.1
Fetching pry-rails 0.3.9
Installing pry-rails 0.3.9
Fetching puma 5.6.1
Installing puma 5.6.1 with native extensions
Fetching rack-mini-profiler 2.3.3
Installing rack-mini-profiler 2.3.3
Fetching rack-proxy 0.7.2
Installing rack-proxy 0.7.2
Fetching rails-i18n 7.0.1
Installing rails-i18n 7.0.1
Fetching require_all 3.0.0
Installing require_all 3.0.0
Fetching ruby-progressbar 1.11.0
Installing ruby-progressbar 1.11.0
Fetching rails_best_practices 1.23.0
Installing rails_best_practices 1.23.0
Fetching rainbow 3.1.1
Installing rainbow 3.1.1
Fetching raindrops 0.20.0
Installing raindrops 0.20.0 with native extensions
Fetching redis 4.6.0
Installing redis 4.6.0
Fetching redis-store 1.9.1
Installing redis-store 1.9.1
Fetching redis-rack 2.1.4
Installing redis-rack 2.1.4
Fetching redis-actionpack 5.3.0
Installing redis-actionpack 5.3.0
Fetching redis-activesupport 5.3.0
Installing redis-activesupport 5.3.0
Fetching redis-namespace 1.8.1
Installing redis-namespace 1.8.1
Fetching redis-objects 1.5.1
Installing redis-objects 1.5.1
Fetching redis-rails 5.0.2
Installing redis-rails 5.0.2
Fetching remotipart 1.4.4
Installing remotipart 1.4.4
Fetching rspec-support 3.11.0
Installing rspec-support 3.11.0
Fetching rspec-core 3.11.0
Installing rspec-core 3.11.0
Fetching rspec-expectations 3.11.0
Installing rspec-expectations 3.11.0
Fetching rspec-mocks 3.11.0
Installing rspec-mocks 3.11.0
Fetching rspec 3.11.0
Installing rspec 3.11.0
Fetching rspec-parameterized 0.5.1
Installing rspec-parameterized 0.5.1
Fetching rspec-rails 5.1.0
Installing rspec-rails 5.1.0
Fetching rubocop-ast 1.15.1
Installing rubocop-ast 1.15.1
Fetching unicode-display_width 2.1.0
Installing unicode-display_width 2.1.0
Fetching rubocop 1.25.1
Installing rubocop 1.25.1
Fetching rubocop-rails 2.13.2
Installing rubocop-rails 2.13.2
Fetching rubocop-rspec 2.8.0
Installing rubocop-rspec 2.8.0
Fetching rubyzip 2.3.2
Installing rubyzip 2.3.2
Fetching rufus-scheduler 3.8.1
Installing rufus-scheduler 3.8.1
Fetching sass-rails 6.0.0
Installing sass-rails 6.0.0
Fetching seed-fu 2.3.9
Installing seed-fu 2.3.9
Fetching selenium-webdriver 4.1.0
Installing selenium-webdriver 4.1.0
Fetching semantic_range 3.0.0
Installing semantic_range 3.0.0
Fetching settingslogic 2.0.9
Installing settingslogic 2.0.9
Fetching shoulda-matchers 5.1.0
Installing shoulda-matchers 5.1.0
Fetching silencer 1.0.1
Installing silencer 1.0.1
Fetching simplecov-html 0.12.3
Installing simplecov-html 0.12.3
Fetching simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.3
Installing simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.3
Fetching simplecov 0.21.2
Installing simplecov 0.21.2
Fetching temple 0.8.2
Installing temple 0.8.2
Fetching slim 4.1.0
Installing slim 4.1.0
Fetching sorcery 0.16.2
Installing sorcery 0.16.2
Fetching spring 4.0.0
Installing spring 4.0.0
Fetching sqlite3 1.4.2
Installing sqlite3 1.4.2 with native extensions
Fetching timecop 0.9.4
Installing timecop 0.9.4
Fetching turbolinks-source 5.2.0
Installing turbolinks-source 5.2.0
Fetching turbolinks 5.2.1
Installing turbolinks 5.2.1
Fetching unicorn 6.1.0
Installing unicorn 6.1.0 with native extensions
Fetching web-console 4.2.0
Installing web-console 4.2.0
Fetching webdrivers 5.0.0
Installing webdrivers 5.0.0
Fetching webpacker 5.4.3
Installing webpacker 5.4.3
Fetching whenever 1.0.0
Installing whenever 1.0.0
Bundle complete! 73 Gemfile dependencies, 236 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`
Post-install message from rails_best_practices:

  rails_best_practices is a code metric tool to check the quality of rails codes.

  I highly recommend you browse the Rails Best Practices website first.



      Richard Huang (flyerhzm@gmail.com)

Post-install message from rubyzip:
RubyZip 3.0 is coming!

The public API of some Rubyzip classes has been modernized to use named
parameters for optional arguments. Please check your usage of the
following classes:
  * `Zip::File`
  * `Zip::Entry`
  * `Zip::InputStream`
  * `Zip::OutputStream`

Please ensure that your Gemfiles and .gemspecs are suitably restrictive
to avoid an unexpected breakage when 3.0 is released (e.g. ~> 2.3.0).
See https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip for details. The Changelog also
lists other enhancements and bugfixes that have been implemented since
version 2.3.0.
Post-install message from sorcery:
As of version 1.0 oauth/oauth2 won't be automatically bundled so you may need to add those dependencies to your Gemfile.
You may need oauth2 if you use external providers such as any of these: https://github.com/Sorcery/sorcery/tree/master/lib/sorcery/providers




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Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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