- Radian is an unit for angles.
- 1 radian is the angle when the arc length is same as the radius
- Circumference is same as radians of 360 degrees = 2π
180 degrees = 3.141592653589793 radians = PI
360 degrees = 6.283185307179586 radians = TWO_PI
1.0 radian = 180 / PI
= 57.29577951308232 degrees
Conversions between degrees and radians
radians = degrees * PI / 180
degrees = radians * 180 / PI
In some programming languages, sin() or cos() function uses radians, not degrees for its argument.
Here are the values of sin or cos when 0, 90, 180, 270, 360 degrees.
//---use "signed long" type to get accurate values to avoid to be rounded
0° = 0 * PI/180 radians
sin(0) = 0
cos(0) = 1
90° = 90 * PI/180 radians
sin(PI / 2) = 1
cos(PI / 2) = 0
180° = 180 * PI/180 radians
sin(PI) = 0
cos(PI) = -1
270° = 270 * PI/180 radians
sin(PI * 3/2) = -1
cos(PI * 3/2) = 0
360° = 360 * PI/180 radians
sin(TWO_PI) = 0
cos(TWO_PI) = 1
Calculate a coordinate on a circle from an angle
x = cos(radians) * r
y = sin(radians) * r
x = cos(degrees * PI / 180) * r
y = sin(degrees * PI / 180) * r
Calculate a coordinate on a circle from a percentage
TWO_PI = 360° = 100%. You can calculate radians from a percentage.
percentage = degrees / 360
x = cos(percentage * TWO_PI) * r
y = sin(percentage * TWO_PI) * r
The divisor is a number of vertices you want to set on a circle.
If the vertices is 10, the shape will be a decagon rather than a circle.
It's important when you want to get edges of the circle with for-loop etc.
percentage = i / 10
x = radius * cos(percentage * TWO_PI) * r
y = radius * sin(percentage * TWO_PI) * r
atan2 returns an angle between two points in radians.
atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1)