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Summary of how to upgrade NEM nodes.

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-08


I have upgraded the NEM node to the latest version (v0.6.98 Harlock), so I tried to summarize how to do it.
Since it describes the case of uploading to root, please change it as appropriate, such as adding sudo.

##1.Stop node

systemctl stop nem-nis.service
systemctl stop nem-servant.service

The above is when registered with systemd. It doesn't matter how you start or stop it. In addition, I wrote a postscript about the method of automatic startup.

##2.Back up

Rename the folder nemServer (same as backing up).
The new folder nemServer will be created later.

mv nemServer nemServer_backup

Make a backup of the nem folder (it will take a few minutes).

cp -rpi nem/ nem_backup/

##3.Download new version

wget https://github.com/NemProject/nis/releases/download/v0.6.98/nis-0.6.98.tgz

If necessary, download the servant as well.
wget http://bob.nem.ninja/servant_0_0_4.zip


tar xzf nis-0.6.98.tgz
unzip -q servant_0_0_4.zip

##5.Put them together in one folder called nemServer

mv servant package
mv package nemServer
chmod -R g-w nemServer

##6.Copy the following 4 files from backup to nemServer

cp -i nemServer_backup/nis/config.properties nemServer/nis
cp -i nemServer_backup/servant/config.properties nemServer/servant

cp -i nemServer_backup/nix.runNis.sh nemServer
cp -i nemServer_backup/servant/startservant.sh nemServer/servant

##7.Give execute permission

chmod u+x nemServer/nix.runNis.sh
chmod u+x nemServer/servant/startservant.sh


systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl enable nem-nis.service
systemctl enable nem-servant.service

systemctl start nem-nis.service
systemctl start nem-servant.service

##9.Check if it is double started

pgrep -fa org.nem

##10.Check if it is the latest version

At the link below, if the height is increasing, the startup is successful!
http://(IP address):7890/chain/height

Synchronization will be completed after 5 or 6 hours.
In the link below, if the version is "version": "0.6.98", the upgrade is successful.
http://(IP address):7890/node/info

After a while, the NEM node list will be updated.

That's all.

I was able to upgrade this way, so I've summarized it.

##Postscript:The setting of automatic start

《How to use vi》
esc ・ ・ ・ command mode
i ・ ・ ・・ Insert mode
:wq ・ ・ ・ End of writing

(1) Setting for automatic startup of NIS server

vi /etc/systemd/system/nem-nis.service

Paste the following with i (insert mode) and write with :wq.

Description = NEM NIS Server
After = network.target

WorkingDirectory = /root/nemServer
ExecStart = /root/nemServer/nix.runNis.sh
Restart = always

WantedBy = multi-user.target


(2) Setting for automatic startup of Servant server

vi /etc/systemd/system/nem-servant.service

Paste the following with i (insert mode) and write with :wq.

Description = NEM Servant program
After = network.target nem-nis.target

WorkingDirectory = /root/nemServer/servant
ExecStart = /root/nemServer/servant/startservant.sh
Restart = always

WantedBy = multi-user.target


(3) Then register the NIS server and Servant server with systemd

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable nem-nis.service
systemctl enable nem-servant.service

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