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Every enterprise marketer should be aware of this new feature in WordPress 6.0

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Are you a WordPress User? Or is your work related to WordPress? Then you should need to know about WordPress 6.0 updates.
WordPress is a very popular CMS platform because it always tries to provide the best experience to its users. Its motto is to provide the best website design and development features without basic programming language knowledge.
To follow their motto, WordPress launched its latest version 6, also known as 'Arturo'. In this blog, we discuss some of the major features of WordPress 6.0 updates.

List of Most Important Upgrades of WordPress 6.0

In WordPress 6.0 version, the company tries to provide all those facilities that save users’ working time. Including more than 1000 updates, the main focus feature updates are related to making the user’s experience of writing, reading, block editing, designing, site performance, etc., more convenient. Sounds interesting! So, let's learn more about some major updates in depth.

WordPress 6.0 Writing Upgrade

If you are writing any content on WordPress, you know that we have to select a block to edit at a time, but WordPress 6.0 enhances your multiple-block text selection. Additionally, you can get a list of recent posts and pages in the writing area by simply typing two open brackets "[[". In this version, you can save existing styles when converting certain blocks from one type to another. Create custom buttons, and any new buttons you create will automatically customize the style and make your written content more visible. Also, WordPress 6.0 makes cloud tags and public icons even more appealing with updated settings and controls, as well as a new style of tag cloud framework.

Improving WordPress 6.0 accessibility

The main purpose of WordPress is to promote an inclusive community and to support all kinds of users worldwide. With this in mind, WordPress 6.0 includes more than 50 updates focusing on improving platform accessibility. WordPress 6.0 is full of many improvements to boost the user experience for those with accessibility needs. Here are the key points selected: • List View enhances the experience of navigation of content quickly. Updated management media of WordPress 6.0 include “Copy URL to the clipboard,” for custom photo attachment features in the content. • When the image links to the post as a featured image, then the page title is used as alt text of the image. • Easy keyboard navigation allows tabbing into a placeholder's location. • Navigation Block user experience refined to ensure changes in UI continues to include accessibility features. It prevents the setting of voice definitions that are readable by VoiceOver, providing the blockchain and the resulting controls.

Improved Performance in WordPress 6.0

The latest WordPress 6.0 has improved page load and upload speed, reduced performance time for various query types, quick navigation menus, and more. The main focus of this update is to provide a better website experience.

WordPress Version 6.0 Features for Editors

Here is a quick summary of our favorite features that are very useful functionality and we should pay attention to: • Block Patterns give full control over specific block designs for better visual consistency across all sites. It allows designers to create unique, reusable original content for creators. • It provides block lock power so that other editors can not remove that block, making it easier to stick to standards and teamwork. • It makes it easy to edit heavy text pages with multiple blocks. • You can see all the best views of your blocks which make it easy to trick a few blocks at once. • Code Editor provides quick access to the basic code and also the Flexibility to switch back and forth.

WordPress 6.0 Template Updates

In WordPress 6.0, developers include the latest five options for a block theme template: author, date, categories, tag, and taxonomy. These additional templates provide great flexibility for content creators.

WordPress 6.0 for Designers

WP 6.0 adopts a WordPress site development potpourri for the WordPress web designers that allows for fine control that includes group block variations to create new layout options. Also the option to set the featured image on the cover block, and control the exact size of the featured image. It also provides Gallery block gap support, a new color panel, and many options showing through. We are also pleased to see the Webfonts API, which allows theme writers to insert multiple font options within a single `theme.json` file or provide very different styles using different font options in their many `theme.json`. This uses the standard API to work with any type of theme, including old themes.

Additional Design Tools of WordPress 6.0

The design tools of WordPress have grown very powerful and accurate with each release. There are some highlights designing tools of WordPress 6.0: • The new color panel design saves space but still displays your options at a glance. • The latest border controls provide an easy way to set your border the way you like. • Light levels of colors allow for more creative color options. • You can manage spaces, margins, typing, and more in the blocks, all at once, in Group blocks. • Switch between the stack, row, and group variations to groups with more structural flexibility. • Use the gap support function in the Gallery block to create a unique look from adding space between all images to completely removing space.


In conclusion, we can say that WordPress 6.0 has become successful in providing great control on block editors to businesses. In this version, WordPress includes more than 50 updates focusing on improving platform accessibility.


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