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10 Most Effective Web Design Principles

Last updated at Posted at 2022-06-10

Web designing is a vast concept which covers various creative elements. One may want to stay within the limits of conventional designing or may choose to push the boundaries of creativity with innovation. However, it doesn’t really require any hard-core efforts. All you have to do is follow the right strategy with good web design principles.

But, what is required to make a great web design? Is it some secret tactic of a web design company? Or, is it a skill-based concept? What happens when you hire a web designer for an appealing web design? If you’re also baffled about all this then we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we have compiled the best web design principles to get you started.

So, what are you waiting for? Read till the end!

What is Web Design?

A web design is the layout of a website. It is the particular design in which a website is displayed.

The website layout signifies how the website looks and content is structured. It signifies the use of fonts, colors, themes, images etc. all in a particular manner. Years back, the web designing was particularly focused on desktop browsers. With due time, it became necessary to develop websites with responsive designs which were small-screen friendly.

When you hire a web designer or a web design company, they work on the minute details of the web design to give you the best results. They always keep the web design principles checklist handy. The web design which consists of elements like visual appeal, content, layout etc. is handled with utmost care and diligence.

Hence, it’s strongly advised to seek help from a reputed web design company for your website. An efficient web design is not complicated. It offers great user experience, provides satisfaction at every step, and is cohesive to your brand/business.

Two most common methods for designing websites perfect for desktop and small-screen are:

Responsive design: The design allows the content to move dynamically as per the screen size.

Adaptive design: Such a design doesn’t allow free movement of content, wherein, it is fixed according to the common screen sizes.

Standard Web Design Principles

  1. Define a Purpose
    A good web design should be goal-oriented. It should target the design concerns and your business requirements very effectively. For a great user experience, always keep it clear in your mind as to why you need a website in the first place. Is it an entertainment website or an Ecommerce store? Having a clear purpose gives you a clear plan and lets you offer the best to the users.

  2. Set a Goal
    No strategy works if you haven’t set a particular target to hit. There has to be a central goal around which the web designing team will be required to work. Therefore, set clear goals before moving forward for a great design with effective web design principles. The goal you set will significantly impact the decision making process of the web designers.

  3. Content and Colors
    In order to attract visitors and retain them for a longer period, you need to have a website design which is visually appealing and has good quality content. It is important to have content which delights your audience and meets their needs.
    How about using good colors and fonts? Well, it’s definitely going to hit the bull’s eye! Captivating yet decent colors grab the attention of visitors and hold them longer. Select a color palette with less than 5 colors.
    The blend of a great color palette and awesome content will always entice users to browse more, thus increasing the user engagement as well. On the contrary, poor choice of colors and unclear content distracts a user very easily.

  4. Keep it Simple
    Simple layout will always remain the best choice for skilled designers. A simple and clear web design offers excellent user experience due to the uncluttered layout. It makes browsing easy and increases the usability of your website.
    Don’t forget to keep the content, description, and all the other information very concise. Too much information all at one place tends to frustrate the users.

  5. Easy Typography and Readability
    Keep limited text on the website, short sentences and very short paragraphs are recommended wherever necessary. Use easy to understand terms and phrases. Text determines the SEO activity, so use appropriate keywords. And, keep the typography attractive and readable.
    Use easy to read fonts such as Calibri, Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, etc. for every design element and text body.

  6. Grid Layouts
    Nothing beats an organized layout. Randomly placed content makes everything appear cluttered on a website. Hence, using Grid based layouts will help you arrange the content in a decent manner. You can place it into sections, boxes, rows, and columns. With Grid based layouts, it becomes easy to find and read the content.

  7. White Space
    One of the finest solutions a good web design principle offers a website is ‘balance’. To achieve a balanced look, it’s necessary to use ample white space on web pages. White space is the ‘negative space’ or ‘blank space’ which consists of no elements. White space allows the user to focus on the desired visual. It’s the key component of a great website design strategy.

  8. Page Loading Time
    Another important aspect of effective web design principles is the page loading time which is positively correlated to the loading speed. Users tend to lose interest in a web page that is too slow to load. In order to ensure quick loading of the web pages, it is very necessary to optimize the image, videos, and other visual content.

  9. Mobile friendly
    A responsive web design refers to a website layout which works flawlessly regardless of the device being used. Be it laptops/PC, tablets, or smartphones, it works without any hassles. And, as everyone is now accessing websites via multiple devices having different screen sizes, having a mobile-friendly design has become a need of the hour.
    To make a web design responsive, follow the mobile web design principles mentioned below:

    • Optimize the images/videos
    • Ensure the menu options are properly managed
    • Make sure the links and buttons can be easily tapped on tablets/smartphones
    • Make different prototypes
    • Try the mobile-first design strategy
  10. Easy Navigation
    Complicated browsing will take your website nowhere. Navigation is the process by which a user may find something on the website which they’re looking for. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep the browsing experience efficient and seamless for the users. Easy and quick navigation options with call-to-action buttons, logical page hierarchy, and clickable features enhance the user engagement. On the other hand, a complex navigation system makes it difficult for the visitors to browse your website. Hence, follow the two basic rules:

    • Keep the navigation bar simple with minimal elements

    • Simplify the drop-down menu options and categories


A good web design is no more a dream. With the help of a good web design company, one can successfully get a modern website developed. However, a great web design is not a single-step process since it follows various expert strategic approaches.

At the end of the day, the best web design must relate to your business goals and shouldn’t drive off the track. It should convey the message properly and keep the audience engaged at all times. Hire a web designer or a web design company which abides by all the rules of good website development. A great website should be well-optimized and must offer the best user experience. Follow the web design principles mentioned in our post and make your website a success. Make sure the website you create scores high on usability and functionality. If you have any questions about web design visit Pixlogix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. today.


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