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:v: アピールポイント :v:

  • USBシリアルデバイス(CANable)をWSLのDockerコンテナから利用
  • 過去のQiita記事のPythonスクリプトを流用


  • 「Windows環境で」といいつつ、WSL(Ubuntu)で実行しています
  • CANableはLinuxではSocketCANインタフェース(can0など)ではなくシリアルデバイス(/dev/ttyACM0)と認識されるため、candumpコマンドやループバック設定が使えません(変更にはFirmware書きかえが必要)



1. WSL2(Ubuntu)+Docker環境を構築

WindowsでWSL2(Ubuntu)+Docker環境を準備します。Docker Desktopは使用しません。設定手順は割愛します。

2. WSL2(Ubuntu)からUSBシリアルデバイスを利用可能にする


2.1 usbipd-winをインストール


2.2 USBシリアルデバイスをWSLに接続

  1. 管理者権限のコマンドプロンプトで、USBデバイスのBUSIDを確認
    usbipd list
    BUSID  VID:PID    DEVICE                                   STATE
    1-1    16d0:117e  USB シリアル デバイス (COM4)            Not shared
  2. USBデバイスを共有
    usbipd bind --busid 1-1
  3. WSL2(Ubuntu)を起動
  4. USBデバイスをWSL2に接続
    usbipd attach --busid 1-1 --wsl
  5. WSL2内でデバイスが認識されていることを確認
    ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
    crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Mar  9 12:47 /dev/ttyACM0

3. 必要なPythonパッケージをインストールしたDockerコンテナを起動


3.1 Dockerfileの作成

FROM    python:3
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends can-utils && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN     pip3 install --upgrade pip
RUN     pip3 install python-can can-isotp udsoncan pyserial



3.2 Dockerイメージのビルド

docker image build -t myudsoncan:latest -f Dockerfile .

3.3 コンテナの起動

docker container run --name myudsoncan --network host --rm --device=/dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 -v .:/mnt -it myudsoncan:latest bash

/dev/ttyACM0 をコンテナと連携

4. UDS Clientをシミュレート

4.1 UDS Client のPythonスクリプトを作成


import can
from udsoncan.connections import PythonIsoTpConnection
from udsoncan.client import Client
import udsoncan.configs
import isotp

# Refer to isotp documentation for full details about parameters
isotp_params = {
 'stmin': 32,                            # Will request the sender to wait 32ms between consecutive frame. 0-127ms or 100-900ns with values from 0xF1-0xF9
 'blocksize': 8,                         # Request the sender to send 8 consecutives frames before sending a new flow control message
 'wftmax': 0,                            # Number of wait frame allowed before triggering an error
 'tx_data_length': 8,                    # Link layer (CAN layer) works with 8 byte payload (CAN 2.0)
 'tx_data_min_length': None,
 'tx_padding': 0,                        # Will pad all transmitted CAN messages with byte 0x00.
 'rx_flowcontrol_timeout': 1000,         # Triggers a timeout if a flow control is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
 'rx_consecutive_frame_timeout': 1000,   # Triggers a timeout if a consecutive frame is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
 'max_frame_size': 4095,                 # Limit the size of receive frame.
 'can_fd': False,                        # Does not set the can_fd flag on the output CAN messages
 'bitrate_switch': False,                # Does not set the bitrate_switch flag on the output CAN messages
 'rate_limit_enable': False,             # Disable the rate limiter
 'rate_limit_max_bitrate': 1000000,      # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the max bitrate when rate_limit_enable=True
 'rate_limit_window_size': 0.2,          # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the averaging window size for bitrate calculation when rate_limit_enable=True
 'listen_mode': False,                   # Does not use the listen_mode which prevent transmission.

uds_config = udsoncan.configs.default_client_config.copy()

# bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
bus = can.Bus(interface='slcan', channel='/dev/ttyACM0', bitrate=500000)

notifier = can.Notifier(bus, [can.Printer()])                                       # Add a debug listener that print all messages
tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x123, rxid=0x456) # Network layer addressing scheme
stack = isotp.NotifierBasedCanStack(bus=bus, notifier=notifier, address=tp_addr, params=isotp_params)  # Network/Transport layer (IsoTP protocol). Register a new listenenr
conn = PythonIsoTpConnection(stack)                                                 # interface between Application and Transport layer
with Client(conn, config=uds_config) as client:                                     # Application layer (UDS protocol)
        print('Reset failed')


- bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
+ bus = can.Bus(interface='slcan', channel='/dev/ttyACM0', bitrate=500000)

4.2 UDS Client の実行

docker exec -it myudsoncan python uds_client.py

ECUReset(0x11) サービスのリクエストを送信して、レスポンスを待ちます。1秒でタイムアウト。

5. UDS Serverをシミュレート

5.1 UDS Server のPythonスクリプトを作成

import can
from udsoncan.connections import PythonIsoTpConnection
from udsoncan.client import Client
import udsoncan.configs
import isotp
from udsoncan import Request,Response
from udsoncan.services import ECUReset

# Refer to isotp documentation for full details about parameters
isotp_params = {
 'stmin': 32,                            # Will request the sender to wait 32ms between consecutive frame. 0-127ms or 100-900ns with values from 0xF1-0xF9
 'blocksize': 8,                         # Request the sender to send 8 consecutives frames before sending a new flow control message
 'wftmax': 0,                            # Number of wait frame allowed before triggering an error
 'tx_data_length': 8,                    # Link layer (CAN layer) works with 8 byte payload (CAN 2.0)
 'tx_data_min_length': None,
 'tx_padding': 0,                        # Will pad all transmitted CAN messages with byte 0x00.
 'rx_flowcontrol_timeout': 1000,         # Triggers a timeout if a flow control is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
 'rx_consecutive_frame_timeout': 1000,   # Triggers a timeout if a consecutive frame is awaited for more than 1000 milliseconds
 'max_frame_size': 4095,                 # Limit the size of receive frame.
 'can_fd': False,                        # Does not set the can_fd flag on the output CAN messages
 'bitrate_switch': False,                # Does not set the bitrate_switch flag on the output CAN messages
 'rate_limit_enable': False,             # Disable the rate limiter
 'rate_limit_max_bitrate': 1000000,      # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the max bitrate when rate_limit_enable=True
 'rate_limit_window_size': 0.2,          # Ignored when rate_limit_enable=False. Sets the averaging window size for bitrate calculation when rate_limit_enable=True
 'listen_mode': False,                   # Does not use the listen_mode which prevent transmission.

uds_config = udsoncan.configs.default_client_config.copy()

# bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
bus = can.Bus(interface='slcan', channel='/dev/ttyACM0', bitrate=500000)

notifier = can.Notifier(bus, [can.Printer()])                                       # Add a debug listener that print all messages
# tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x123, rxid=0x456) # Network layer addressing scheme
tp_addr = isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, txid=0x456, rxid=0x123) # txid,rxidを入れ換え
stack = isotp.NotifierBasedCanStack(bus=bus, notifier=notifier, address=tp_addr, params=isotp_params)  # Network/Transport layer (IsoTP protocol). Register a new listenenr
conn = PythonIsoTpConnection(stack)                                                 # interface between Application and Transport layer

# 受信待ち
payload = conn.wait_frame(timeout=None)

# リクエスト解析
request = Request.from_payload(payload)
if request.service and hasattr(request.service, "_sid"):
    sid = request.service._sid  # SID を取得

    # Reset要求にポジティブレスポンスを返す
    if sid == 0x11:
        response = Response(service=ECUReset, code=Response.Code.PositiveResponse, data=b'\x01')
        payload = response.get_payload()



- bus = can.Bus(channel='can0', interface='socketcan')
+ bus = can.Bus(interface='slcan', channel='/dev/ttyACM0', bitrate=500000)

5.2 UDS Server の実行

docker exec -it myudsoncan python uds_server.py

CANバスに接続した別の機器からの ECUReset(0x11) サービスのリクエストを受信したら、ポジティブレスポンスを返します。



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