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Last updated at Posted at 2018-08-01



import Foundation
import Accelerate

class Homography {
    public func transeform(points: [CGPoint], to: [CGPoint], from: [CGPoint]) -> [CGPoint] {
        let td: [Double] = [Double(to[0].x), Double(to[1].x), Double(to[2].x), Double(to[3].x),
                            Double(to[0].y), Double(to[1].y), Double(to[2].y), Double(to[3].y)]
        let fd: [Double] = [Double(from[0].x), Double(from[1].x), Double(from[2].x), Double(from[3].x),
                            Double(from[0].y), Double(from[1].y), Double(from[2].y), Double(from[3].y)]
        let vector = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(td, 8, 1, 1, la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
        let e: [Double] = [fd[0], fd[4], 1.0,   0.0,   0.0, 0.0, -td[0] * fd[0], -td[0] * fd[4],
                           fd[1], fd[5], 1.0,   0.0,   0.0, 0.0, -td[1] * fd[1], -td[1] * fd[5],
                           fd[2], fd[6], 1.0,   0.0,   0.0, 0.0, -td[2] * fd[2], -td[2] * fd[6],
                           fd[3], fd[7], 1.0,   0.0,   0.0, 0.0, -td[3] * fd[3], -td[3] * fd[7],
                             0.0,   0.0, 0.0, fd[0], fd[4], 1.0, -td[4] * fd[0], -td[4] * fd[4],
                             0.0,   0.0, 0.0, fd[1], fd[5], 1.0, -td[5] * fd[1], -td[5] * fd[5],
                             0.0,   0.0, 0.0, fd[2], fd[6], 1.0, -td[6] * fd[2], -td[6] * fd[6],
                             0.0,   0.0, 0.0, fd[3], fd[7], 1.0, -td[7] * fd[3], -td[7] * fd[7]]
        let i = invert(matrix: e)
        let matrix = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(i, 8, 8, 8, la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
        let product = la_matrix_product(matrix, vector)
        let n: la_count_t = la_matrix_rows(product)
        let m: la_count_t = la_matrix_cols(product)
        var a = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: Int(n * m))
        la_matrix_to_double_buffer(&a, m, product)
        var results = [CGPoint]()
        for p in points {
            let x = (a[0] * Double(p.x) + a[1] * Double(p.y) + a[2]) / (a[6] * Double(p.x) + a[7] * Double(p.y) + 1.0)
            let y = (a[3] * Double(p.x) + a[4] * Double(p.y) + a[5]) / (a[6] * Double(p.x) + a[7] * Double(p.y) + 1.0)
            results.append(CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
        return results
    private func invert(matrix: [Double]) -> [Double] {
        var inMatrix = matrix
        var N = __CLPK_integer(sqrt(Double(matrix.count)))
        var pivots = [__CLPK_integer](repeating: 0, count: Int(N))
        var workspace = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: Int(N))
        var error: __CLPK_integer = 0
        withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &N) { (clpk_integer) -> Void in
            dgetrf_(clpk_integer, clpk_integer, &inMatrix, clpk_integer, &pivots, &error)
            dgetri_(clpk_integer, &inMatrix, clpk_integer, &pivots, &workspace, clpk_integer, &error)
        return inMatrix


// 射影変換後の四角形の頂点
let toPoints = [CGPoint(x: bounds.minX + 20, y: bounds.minY + 20),
                CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX - 20, y: bounds.minY + 20),
                CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX - 20, y: bounds.maxY - 20),
                CGPoint(x: bounds.minX + 20, y: bounds.maxY - 20)]

// 射影変換前の四角形の頂点
let fromPoints = [CGPoint(x: bounds.minX + 60, y: bounds.minY + 60),
                  CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX - 30, y: bounds.minY + 40),
                  CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX - 50, y: bounds.maxY - 50),
                  CGPoint(x: bounds.minX + 80, y: bounds.maxY - 30)]

// 射影変換前の四角形内の点
let targetPoint = CGPoint(x: 200, y: 150)

let homography = Homography()

// 射影変換後の四角形内の点
let result = homography.transeform(points: [targetPoint], to: toPoints, from: fromPoints)[0]

.transform(points: [CGPoint], to: [CGPoint], from: [CGPoint])メソッドの説明

  • 一つ目の引数は射影変換したい点の配列です.
  • 二つ目の引数は射影変換後の四角形の頂点の配列です.
  • 三つ目の引数は射影変換前の四角形の頂点の配列です.





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