Message: "First error: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00K8c00000F9TAZEA3; first error: ENTITY_IS_DELETED, entity is deleted: []" Context: npsp__ACCT_AccountMerge_TDTM.handleAccountMergeFixupsFuture
This error is coming because it thinks that the record it is trying to delete has already been deleted
Records beginning 00K are Opportunity Contact Roles - so it thinks that the Opportunity Contact Role it is trying to delete has already been deleted
Does that give you any clue as to what is going on?
00K で始まるレコードは商談取引先責任者の役割です。そのため、削除しようとしている商談取引先担当者の役割はすでに削除されていると考えられます。