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Knowledge Version

Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-12

You mean this standard component, right?
I don't think this component can be edited.

I think it is possible to create and place a custom component with no action.



In the Knowledge Action, please changed it from "Publish" to "Publish as New". This resolved the issue as a Knowledge Article that goes through the approval process and is approved would result in the action to publish the knowledge article as a new one rather than just publishing it.

That field populates automatically for us - see my screenshot for an article revised several times. Usually, the first action is "published article" but it updates as you move on with further revisions. For example, when I published this article for the first time, the action was "published article". But when I published the second version, the first version Action updated to "archived article". I don't believe you can control what goes there but I would think you should see a value based on the actions you take on the article - definitely Publishing an article. Perhaps a support case is in order?

このフィールドは自動的に入力されます。何度か改訂された記事のスクリーンショットを参照してください。通常、最初のアクションは「記事の公開」ですが、さらに改訂を進めると更新されます。たとえば、この記事を初めて公開したとき、アクションは「記事を公開」でした。しかし、2 番目のバージョンを公開すると、最初のバージョンのアクションが「アーカイブされた記事」に更新されました。そこに何を入れるかを制御できるとは思えませんが、記事に対して実行したアクションに基づいて値が表示されるはずだと思います。間違いなく記事の公開です。おそらくサポートケースが必要なのでしょうか?




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