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Last updated at Posted at 2022-06-11

Trailhead関係 個別の課題別 に戻る

Use Basic Logic in Checkbox Formulas


We can’t find a validation rule named 'Close_Date_Alert'.

CloseDate < TODAY()



IF( Contribution_Percentage__c <= 0.10, "Low", 
IF( Contribution_Percentage__c > 0.10 && Contribution_Percentage__c < 0.40, "Medium", "High"

We submitted an opportunity and expected the Contribution Level to be Low, but it wasn't. Check your formula in the 'Contribution Level' field.

Level up with advanced formula

Thanks for all the support. Issues resolved by changing the following: LOW to Low MEDIUM to Medium HIGH to High Appreciate

Use Text Formulas

  • 何もしないで確認ボタンを押した時

We can’t find the 'Lead_Quality_Helper__c' field in the Lead object.

  • Lead Quality Helperだけを作った場合 または間違った数式にした場合

We can’t find the 'Lead_Quality__c' field in the Lead object.

  • Lead Quality Helperの数式を間違ったままにして、Lead Qualityを作成した場合

We created a new lead with a value for company, but not email, phone, title, or industry. We expected it to have the '1 star' image but it didn't. If you use a CASE() function, make sure it’s positioned outside the IMAGE() function.

  • Lead Quality Helperの数式を正しいものにして、わざとLead Qualityの数式を変えた場合

なんかこのエラーメッセージは逆ではないですかね? 多分バグだろう。

We created a new lead with a value for company, but not email, phone, title, or industry. We expected it to have the '1 star' image but it didn't. Consider using this structure to build your formula: IF(ISBLANK(Email), 0, 1) + IF(ISBLANK(Phone), 0, 1), and so on.

For the Lead Quality Helper to work:

IF(ISBLANK(Email), 0, 1) + 
IF(ISBLANK(Phone), 0, 1) + 
IF(ISBLANK(Company), 0, 1) + 
IF(ISBLANK(Title), 0, 1) + 
IF(ISBLANK(TEXT(Industry))), 0 ,1)  

For the Lead Quality to use the values correctly from the helper, the IMAGE needs to be inside the CASE instead of the example in the lecture:

0, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_000.gif","0 stars"), 
1, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_100.gif", "1 star"), 
2, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_200.gif", "2 stars"), 
3, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_300.gif", "3 stars"), 
4, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_400.gif", "4 stars"), 
5, IMAGE("/img/samples/stars_500.gif", "5 stars"), 

I had the same message, even though my formula was written correctly.

It turned out that on the Lead object I had some validation rule from some previous task, which forced the email or phone fields to be populated, and I guess that's where Check Challenge crashed. I deleted it and then the challenge has been completed.

I believe there is no issue with my formulae. This is how I fixed. Thank you

Deactivate VALIDATION RULE for the LEAD object, if so just uncheck the ACTIVE checkbox and try the challenge.



I think the formula is fine.
It might be a good idea to try using a new playground.


We expected the validation rule to prevent creating an opportunity with yesterday as the CloseDate, but it didn’t. Make sure the validation rule fires when CloseDate is before today.

I deleted the "discount percentage" field in the "opportunity" object and finally it worked after 2 days...

I had the same issue and I changed the Discount Percent field to be not required and then it worked fine.


We created an opportunity with radius and height values. We expected the 'Cylinder_Volume__c' field to show the correct cylinder volume, but it didn’t. Make sure that your formula uses the correct calculation for the volume of a cylinder, and that radius x radius is enclosed in parentheses.

You can try this as stated below:

go to: object manager > opportunity > fileds and relationships > discount percent > click on Edit and then remove the "REQUIRED" checkbox under general options,

Formula Used in the Cylinder__Volume field is: ROUND((radius__c * radius__c) * height__c,0)* 3.14159

and Finally You will be able to complete the challenge.



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