In the ‘Fully Operational Battle Station’ flow, in the Start element, we can’t find a condition that checks for Weapon_Status__c equal to ‘Fully Operational’. 新しいFlowになってからはこれが答え
- In the ‘Fully Operational Battle Station’ flow, in the Start element, we can’t find a condition that checks for Weapon_Status__c equal to ‘Fully Operational’.
- I keep getting this Error for my Add Business Logic unit for my Build Battle station App " In the ‘Fully Operational Battle Station’ flow, in the Start element, we can’t find a condition that checks for Weapon_Status__c equal to ‘Fully Operational’.c
I find this solution. You just go to "Battel Station" object ---> Then click "Field & Relationship" ----> then click "Weapons" field ----> then change it from "Weapons" to "Weapon". Just make it from Plural to Singular.
I suggest you to once try in fresh playground, if process is active and did the same steps as given.
We couldn't find a custom object named 'Battle Station'.
Create the Battle Station App - not recognized
Hi Object name should be Battle_Station Please check the below attachment Mark it as best answer if your issue is resolved. Thanks
We couldn't find the fields 'Project_Status__c' and 'Weapons_Status__c' on the 'Battle Station' object.
武器を複数形にする。 Just was missing that "s".
The 'Supplies' report was not the correct report type. Make sure your custom report uses the 'Battle Station with Supplies' report type.
The 'Battle Station Supplies' report was not correct report type. Id needs to be using the type 'Battled Station with Supplies'.
Please check this article.
The 'Supplies' report doesn't include all of the following columns: 'Supply: Supply Name', 'Unit Cost', 'Quantity', and 'Total Cost'.
- Hi I keep getting this Error in Build a Battle Station App
- Having Trouble With Battle Station Module 5 - Reports
- Speaking of dashboards, I’m also having issues with another #Trailhead challenge
The 'Supplies' report doesn't include the following column: 'Unit Cost'
Error."The 'Supplies' report doesn't include the following column: 'Unit Cost"
Error."The 'Supplies' report doesn't include the following column: 'Unit Cost"
The 'Supplies' report doesn't include the following column: 'Total Cost'
Navigation Itemsが表示されない
Create the Battle Station App- Blank Navigation Items
We couldn't find a 'Supplies' related list on the 'Battle Station' Page Layout. same error is getting
- We couldn't find a 'Supplies' related list on the 'Battle Station' Page Layout. same error is getting
- Modify the User Experience challenge. The project is not verifying as it is saying "We couldn't find a Supplies'' related list field on the 'Battle Station' page layout."
For " Modify the User Experience", can't find Obliteration Station option.
We coudn't find a Resoues related list field on the Battle Station page layout
- The 'Resources' related list was not found on the Battle Station Page Layout.
- Battle station App Build > Modify User Experience
- Estou Tentando validar o projeto Criar um aplicativo de estação de batalha (Adicionar lógica de negócios) e não estou conseguindo, clico para verificar a etapa mais não obtenho nenhum resultado ou erro! podem me ajudar?
- Battle Station Error with 'Add Business Logic Unit'
Validation rule is wrong
Try to insert the Utilization Field via the add Field Button and double check your error message to make sure it doesn't have a extra space at the end.
[フィールドの追加] ボタンを使用して利用フィールドを挿入し、エラー メッセージを再確認して、最後に余分なスペースがないことを確認してください。
We couldn't find the 'Total_Cost__c' custom field on the 'Supply' object.