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Share CRM Data with Your Partners > Create a Partner Portal, Enable Partner Account and Users, and Add Members

Last updated at Posted at 2023-06-14

Share CRM Data with Your Partners > Create a Partner Portal, Enable Partner Account and Users, and Add Members

Couldn’t find the following users in the org as partners with the Partner Community license and Partner Community User profile: Sean Forbes, Rose Gonzalez, Babara Levy, Josh Davis.

Actually , I deActivating and Activating all those 4 users from setup>>users>>edit> de/active , and it worked eventually.


You need to log in with all the 4 partner user at least once.
少なくとも 1 回は 4 つのパートナー ユーザー全員でログインする必要があります。

You don't have to activate, deactivate or any of the above.

The problem is, when you go to Change Owner you have to change the group that is being searched to Partner Users, the default group it searches is Users which will not display the 4 Partner Users you created.

Once you switch to Partner Users they will automatically display.



Share Data Using an Account Relationship

portal users cannot own partner accounts


I'm not seeing anything in that unit telling you to change the Account Owner for Pyramid Construction Inc. They do have you change an Opportunity Owner though:

  1. Click the Pyramid Emergency Generators opportunity and click Change Owner from the dropdown.

I'm wondering if this could be the issue.

There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

It eventually worked for me. I had disabled 2 partner contacts then re-enabled them, and renaming First and last names of the corresponding disabled users fixed it.


それは最終的に私にとってうまくいきました。 2 つのパートナーの連絡先を無効にしてから再度有効にし、対応する無効になっているユーザーの姓名を変更すると問題が解決しました。

I just started over in a whole new playground., and it worked fine. So, it must have been an issue with the playground I was originally using.

I know that is probably not the best answer, but it worked for me.



I redid the whole challenge by creating a new Trailhead playground on the first unit and I confirm that it works. Josh Davis's name was NOT switched. I did everything from the first step as instructed.

最初のユニットに新しい Trailhead プレイグラウンドを作成してチャレンジ全体をやり直し、それが機能することを確認しました。 Josh Davis の名前は変更されませんでした。最初の手順からすべて指示に従って実行しました。

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: YHJNICKS.

I had change the my domain URL. Changing the my domain to the original value fixed the verify challenge system. I was able to complete the trail head.

So do not make any changes to my domain URL , use the existing provided by the playground, else the system cannot verify that all steps are complete.

Use Sharing Rules for External Users

There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

Thanks for provided the org access. I have reviewed the issue in your org and found that there are 2 user records created with the name Sean Forbes.



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