

Last updated at Posted at 2023-10-03





We can't find a try-catch assertion in the method “CalculatorTests” from the “AccountWrapperTests” class.

You should use the system.assertEquals assertion then you will complete the challenge.

I was having the same issue while using Assert.isEqual to compare the messages or the nameType of the exception, you have to use Assert.isTrue and then compare the values, then it's detected as correct.

We couldn't find the multi-select picklist on the Opportunity object ...?

Graph Engine reached the path expansion upper limit (809). The analysis preemptively stopped running on this path to prevent an OutOfMemory error. Rerun Graph Engine and target this entry method with a larger heap space.

Ensure that you have selected the correct template

I created new Playground and it worked

'EUR 19.99' is not valid for the type xsd:double

you can check pricebook object in your salesforce org.you may have assigned any other pricebook there and you are mentioning another pricebook id in your code.


We can't find the Care Program object. Make sure you select the right org from the Hands-on Challenge picklist.

I was checking the challenge against the right org, thanks!

We could not find Apex class named 'AccountController'.

I did verify my correct playground where my scratch org connected to it, I did pass my last step successfully.

On the More Detaols,we can't find a component named 'Description'.

I have reviewed the issue in your org and see that there are multiple record pages on the Opportunity object with the label "Opportunity Record Page" and with the different API names.


And the record page you have assigned as org default has API name as "Opportunity_Record_Page2" because of this the error thrown while checking the challenge.

I request you to please create a new playground org and complete this challenge requirement in a new playground org again. Hopefully it works in a new playground org.

組織の問題を確認したところ、Opportunity オブジェクトに「Opportunity Record Page」というラベルと異なる API 名を持つ複数のレコード ページがあることがわかりました。

また、組織のデフォルトとして割り当てたレコード ページの API 名は「Opportunity_Record_Page2」です。これは、チャレンジのチェック中にエラーがスローされたためです。

新しい Playground 組織を作成し、新しい Playground 組織でこのチャレンジ要件を再度完了してください。新しい Playground 組織で機能することを願っています。

PersonMailingPostalCode, PersonMailingState

Happy to confirm that although these fields are still not referenced in the documentation, they do exist and I was able to import into them (for the benefit of anyone finding this thread in future).

We couldn't find the record you're trying to access. It may have been deleted by another user, or there may have been a system error. Ask your administrator for help


We tried to create an opportunity with tomorrow as the CloseDate, but we couldn’t. Make sure the validation rule fires only when the CloseDate is in the past.

Figured it out. Error was resolved by deleting the discount field.
Credit : https://trailblazers.salesforce.com/profileView?u=0054S000001UDnCQAW

I ended up creating a brand new Trailhead environment, copied the Validation rule and it cleared.

To add this user to the team, first ask the account's owner to share the account with the user.

Turns out it was that their Role had this setting: Users in this role cannot access cases that they do not own that are associated with accounts that they do own

The user was trying to Data Load Account Teams with CaseAccessLevel = Read

The solution was to change CaseAccessLevel = None and they were able to successfully data load

[NoErrorObjectAvailable] Script error.

As of my experience, the most common reason why [NoErrorObjectAvailable] Script error appears is when because a custom event is handled by a ghost method, meaning a method that does not exist on the JS controller.


DataflowInstance 03C2G0000021PSzUAM cancelled. Something went wrong while executing the Sync_Account node: Fields [PersonFirstEmailDateTime, PersonFirstCallDateTime] are not available. Verify that the fields exists and that the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile has Read level access on the fields.

  1. Remove these fields from loading in to any recipe and dataflow
  2. In the Account object, uncheck all fields. When I did this, the Save button was no longer grayed out
  3. I rechecked the fields I needed, excluding those 2

Executing the generateStringArray method failed. Either the method does not exist, is not static, or does not hum the proper number of strings.


I ended up getting passed this by just hitting the complete quiz button over and over again until the test passed, eventually you will get an execution where the expection (10 items) matches the integer passed into the method (always 10).

Ensure that you are following all the instructions for posting to a Chatter group.

We couldn't find the contact records from the CSV file. Make sure you import the CSV file correctly. Looks like 20 records failed to load for some reason.

FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION:You can't create an account or contact using an Individual record type because your org has enabled Person accounts. Create the account or contact using a different record type instead.:-

Admin Beginner > Salesforce Platform Basics > Get Started with the Salesforce Platform

We can’t find the Record Page target in the parent component’s metadata file. Please complete the prework.

We couldn’t find the State/Province field in the report.

Please make sure you Add the State/Province and Lead Source Fields



Make sure you saved the report
It may have changed so many times that an old state remains in the cache.

Please try logging out and logging in again to verify.


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