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Chatter Groupのエラー

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-18


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別の問題が発生しましたが、英語(Trailblazer と Playground)に設定することで解決しました。ただし、この設定は Chatter Expert では機能しません。

この問題を解決する方法を見つけました。Salesforce Classic に切り替えると、グループを作成できるようになります。

I had another trouble and i solved it by setting to english (Trailblazer and Playground). But, This setting doesnt work for Chatter Expert.

I found a way, to jump this issue, switch to salesforce classic then you will able to create the group.



  1. Try changing the playground language setting to English.
  2. Try switching to classic



  1. Try changing the playground language setting to English.
  2. Try switching to classic


I was able to create it by changing to classic

Create a Trailhead Playground and Update Chatter

I actually resolved it. The instructions say to click on the (blue) "Launch" button but in actual fact you need to click on the text box (3 dots) and then select create playground.


Error in $A.getCallback() [panelService#_preparePanelBodyDesktop() - Component creation failed for: forceChatter:groupCreationWizard, Error during LWC component connect phase: [Invalid currency code : ]]

eval()#Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead

To resolve the issue you have to change the currency locale to English USD:

Setup > Company Information > Edit > Currency Locale > English (United States) - USD


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