
The requested package doesn't yet exist or has been deleted. If this is a recently created package version, please try again in a few minutes or contact the package publisher.​​​​​​​

Last updated at Posted at 2024-04-23


Mass Delete 何か問題がある?


Yes I have "Download AppExchange Packages" system permission and tried in incognito mode too. No luck when I try installing it on Client's ORG. I was able to install the app successfully in sandbox as well as in other orgs.

Contacted Salesforce Support team and we got the below reply:

Mass Delete being an unmanaged package can be installed only if the organization used to upload the package still exists. If that organization is deleted, we may not be able to install the package.

Additionally, we can install the package on those org where we have a copy of the package.

Article as a reference :
Developing and Distributing Unmanaged Packages - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pkg1_dev.meta/pkg1_dev/packaging_developing_unmanaged.htm

はい、「AppExchange パッケージのダウンロード」システム権限があり、シークレット モードでも試してみました。クライアントの ORG にインストールしようとしてもうまくいきません。 Sandbox と他の組織にアプリを正常にインストールできました。

Salesforce サポートチームに問い合わせたところ、次のような返答がありました。




apologies for the incovenience on this. Salesforce Labs apps are not "officially supported," but we do help out where we can.

So it appears this solution's packaging org no longer exists. We would have to repackage it again before it becomes available again for customer use. In the meantime I can turn the original listing private and can start the repackaging process. Thanks so much for flagging this!

ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。 Salesforce Labs アプリケーションは「正式にサポート」されていませんが、可能な限りサポートを行っています。


Also please make sure that you are not creating a beta as that package cannot be installed in production.

【障害認定】Package id- 04t2E000002h8DI Use Apex to Automate Business Processes


This app can't be installed.
There are problems that prevent this package from being installed.
Package Not Found The requested package doesn't yet exist or has been deleted. If this is a recently created package version, please try again in a few minutes or contact the package publisher.


This package can’t be installed.
There are problems that prevent this package from being installed.

Package Not Found | The requested package doesn't yet exist or has been deleted. If this is a recently created package version, please try again in a few minutes or contact the package publisher.


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