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Spring 23で何か変更されたのかもしれない:トレイルヘッド の影響

Last updated at Posted at 2023-02-16


We can't find the 'BankService' External Service.


Error: Restforce::ResponseError. Message: 239: Dashboard state conversion failed: null RESPONSE: [{"errorCode":"239","message":"Dashboard state conversion failed: null"}]


Hello. I had the same problem on Friday and gave it up. This morning I just tried again (the task had been left done), with the same Dev org, and it worked.

Very glad to hear it. I did the same, and mine worked as well. So clearly something was wrong on the back end and it has been fixed over the weekend.


RESPONSE: [{"message":"An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 595520715-117329 (319400915)","errorCode":"UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION"}]

not able to see connected objects in recipe


Errors using the CRM Analytics App

When I try to use the search, I get an error. Example:
Looks like we couldn't complete that action. Please try again. If you see this message again, let your admin know it's Error ID: 2013573154-148884 (1140150367)

When I try to use favorites, I get an error. Example:
Looks like we couldn't complete that action. Please try again. If you see this message again, let your admin know it's Error ID: 1209818530-176858 (-124109159)

When I try to import my subscriptions, I get an error. Example:
An error occurred while processing an action [733718975-166996 (908605162)]

When I try setting up subscriptions via the app, I get an error: "Specify a valid value for the action type." however, I don't see any missed fields on the form.

Perhaps there is an issue with the connection to your Salesforce org. Perhaps delete your user mapping as documented here https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.slack_apps_disconnect.htm&type=5 and try connect to your account again.

common.exception.SqlNoDataFoundException: ORA-01403: no data found

Unable to upload files

common.exception.SqlNoDataFoundException: ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at "DOPEY.CONTENTFOLDERS", line 286
ORA-06512: at line 1
SQLException while executing plsql statement: {?=call ContentFolders.get_root_fdr_details(?)}(07H6g000000kBqF); [conn=STANDARD:1:1:2611:39025]

Salesforce modified something in the back-end and the issue is resolved.

Error with Sdocs


Health Cloud Console




Try clearing out cache and verifying it. If it doesn't work, signup for a new org and verify it in an incognito window.

Custom Attribute MAX_IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE not working

I created a case for the issue and a known issue has been created. Please report that issue if you have the same issue.


Error occurred while trying to get AR setup fields for record Id: 5006T000029rKqOQAU




trlhdtips:tt_install_package_cmp$controller$onScriptsLoaded [Penpal is not defined]


I did not find a solution, but I was able to create a new playground and install the package.

I can resolve my problem! It´s so easy, only you need Create a new Playground:


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