Customize a Salesforce Objectに戻る
- Customize a Salesforce Object >Create Picklists and Field Dependencies
- Customize a Salesforce Object > Create Formula Fields
Customize a Salesforce Object > Work with Standard and Custom Fields
The 'Central and Eastern Target Accounts' report does not appear to have a filter where Rating equals 'Hot, Warm'.
Make sure there are no duplicate reports and share the screenshot of the filter, check all criteria again
- i cant change the field name from prospect rating to rating please help
- The 'Central and Eastern Target Accounts' report does not appear to have a filter where Rating equals 'Hot, Warm'.
We can’t find a Lightning record page named ‘Customer_Account_Page.
Make sure that the Customer Account Page has been activated for the ‘Sales User’ profile.
Thank you for helping me out. I have missed cloning the standard user profile to sales user and support user as mentioned in the beginning of the module So later I have changed the assignments to this profiles as mentioned.
助けてくれてありがとう。モジュール の冒頭で述べたように、標準ユーザー プロファイルを営業ユーザーとサポート ユーザーに複製するのを見逃しました。フィールド そこで、後で、前述のようにこのプロファイルへの割り当てを変更しました。
cant see region,zone in the fields section
Have you created the fields in the first place as per this module?
No Region, Zone, Has Support Plan or Support Plan Expiration Date fields in Account
Step 13
ステップ 13 では、以下のスクリーンショットで強調表示されている [フィールド] タブをクリックし、[詳細] タブの [追加情報] セクションの上にフィールド セクションをドラッグ アンド ドロップする必要があることを示しています。
step 13 is saying that you have to click on the Fields tab as highlighted in the screenshot below and drag and drop the Field Section above the Additional Information section in the Details tab.
Step 14
Customize Record Pages
We can’t find a Lightning record page named ‘Customer_Account_Page’.
We can’t find a Lightning record page named ‘Customer_Account_Page’.
Make sure that ‘Customer Account Page’ has been upgraded to use Dynamic Forms.
Incorrect parameter type for operator '='. Expected Text, received Boolean
Check if the field called Has_Support_Plan__c is of type Boolean.