

Last updated at Posted at 2023-11-01





In the Customer Insights Analytics Opportunity recipe, we can't find the correct configuration on the join for the 'Reseller Account Plan' object. Make sure to select 'Account ID' as the join key for 'Account'.

Update on this after checking for a while:

  1. We can ignore it since it is not really needed.
  2. Not a problem too since Salesforce still recognizes it.
    3 and 4. The document is definitely missing steps for adding Output node as a terminating node. After adding Output node for Join20, I can run Receipt successfully.

The Apex class TestFactory doesn't have the expected method 'getAccount'. Make sure the prework is configured in the playground

I ended up creating a new playground org to complete the challenge.. It's strange that it doesn't work with existing playground. Something is wrong!

Apex Integration Services > Apex Web Services

Please check this article.


As shown in the link from Kieji's earlier answer, the instructions must be interpreted more loosely: The getAccount method is of type Account, but it actually should return an Account with embedded related Contacts.

Kieji の以前の回答からのリンクに示されているように、指示はより大まかに解釈する必要があります。 getAccount メソッドは Account タイプですが、実際には関連する連絡先が埋め込まれた Account を返す必要があります。

Error element Activate_Employment_Contracts_Access (FlowActionCall).Can only activate permission sets that require activation.

B2B Commerce * When I add to cart from catalog I get "Something went wrong while adding a product to the cart. Try again later."

The filter doesn't match the JSON string in the instructions. Check your filter carefully. Even one character missing or out of place can cause problems.

I encountered the same error while utilizing my current Developer Org. Despite multiple attempts the error persisted. To resolve this issue, I registered a new Developer org and followed the instructions again. This proved successful, allowing me to complete the module.

We can’t find the Product family named Service Packages

We couldn’t find the expected fields assigned to the 'Prospecting' stage value in the sales path named 'North American Sales Path'. Please double check the instructions.

When adding items to the 'Prospecting' stage of 'North American Sales Path', one of the following may be missing:

Account Name
Expected Revenue
Lead Source
Next Step

Executing the 'getAnimalNameById' method on 'AnimalLocator' failed. Make sure the method exists with the name 'getAnimalNameById', is public and static, accepts an Integer, and returns a String.

The 'AccountProcessorTest' test class doesn't call the 'AccountProcessor.countContacts' method between Test.startTest and Test.stopTest.

We can’t find a lead with the name ‘Chantal Smith' and a company ‘Get Cloudy South'.

This is because the last step of the challenge tells you to convert the lead to a contact and account, thereby deleting the lead automatically.

I was able to clear the error by creating a new lead with the same name and then progressing to Working-Contacted and recreating the call task. It seems this is the only way for the system to see that you went through the steps, since converting the lead removes this info.

We couldn’t find the correct URL for the Tableau Viz tab on the Home Page. Make sure it was customized according to the requirements.

If you've followed all the steps correctly and have no luck in completing the challenge. I'd then suggest you to redo the challenge in a new playground.


we cant find Broker__c custom obj

Kindly install the package in the new playground and don't skip any steps while installing the same.

1 error prohibited this Api Trailmix from being saved: Slug Validation Error.

I fixed it by removing the last "-" in the generated URL.

We can’t find a task for Shelley Major, i can't earn the points.

I created a new playground and created the Shilley lead, then proceeded to create the task, after which I checked if it would give the same response "We can't find a task for Shelley Major." or " event with the subject xxx hasn't been created."

The response I got was " event with the subject xxx hasn't been created." since I was yet to create the event. and which showed that the "task" created was duly assessed. So I Just went on to create the event, checked again and finished the challenge.

We can’t find all the ‘Component Control’ records set with ‘Powered’ checked.




Make sure the Approver Settings for your username has Courtney Brown set as the Manager.

Have you done the following. In the approver settings set Delegated Approver to Courtney Brown and also Manager field to Courtney Brown .


We can’t find the API name for 'System Voltage' in the Target Field picklist on the Configuration Attribute object.

Please ensure you are checking the challenge in the correct Playground. Also, make sure you copy and paste the API name from challenge on to the org to avoid spelling miskates or extra spaces. Can you please also share the link to the trailhead unit as well?

Record Type Inquiry is assigned to the support process 'Inquiry Process'.

Please make sure you are checking the challenge in correct org

Northwest Diesel Generator が表示されない?

I re-entered all the data and everything work fine.

We can’t find a field with the API name 'Match_Billing_Address__c' on the Account object.

Setup> Object Manager>Account> Feilds & Relationships> New> check on 'Checkbox'>Next> Field Label: Match Billing Address > Field Name will be auto filled> Next> Next> Save

{Response: 'False', Error: 'Incorrect IMDb ID.'}Error: "Incorrect IMDb ID."Response: "False"[[Prototype]]: Object

I solved it by activating the firewall , then suddenly everything works well again. Cannot remember it was ever enabled before but anyways.


We couldn’t find the Amount column on the Opportunities to Work report.

言語設定を英語にする。また通貨はUS ドルにする


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