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--- FAIL: TestSlogtest (0.03s)
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	message
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	INFO	message	{"k": "v"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "c": "d"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: INFO	msg	{"k": "v"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "k": "v"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "G": {"c": "d"}, "e": "f"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "e": "f"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "c": "d", "e": "f"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	a Handler should inline the Attrs of a group with an empty key	{"a": "b"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	a Handler should handle multiple WithGroup and WithAttr calls	{"a": "b", "G": {"c": "d", "e": "f"}}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"a": "b", "G": {"c": "d"}}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"k": "replaced"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"G": {"a": "v1", "b": "v2"}}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"k": "replaced"}
    \zapslog\logger.go:130: 	msg	{"G": {"a": "v1", "b": "v2"}}
{"G": {"a": "b"}}
{"a": "b", "G": {"c": "d", "H": {"e": "f"}}}
// WithAttrs returns a new Handler whose attributes consist of
// both the receiver's attributes and the arguments.
func (h *Handler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
	var cloned Handler

	if h.holdGroup != "" {
		handler := h.withFields(zap.Namespace(h.holdGroup))
		cloned = *handler
	} else {
		cloned = *h
	cloned.holdGroup = ""

	fields := make([]zapcore.Field, 0, len(attrs))
	for _, attr := range attrs {
		fields = append(fields, convertAttrToField(attr))
	return (&cloned).withFields(fields...)

// WithGroup returns a new Handler with the given group appended to
// the receiver's existing groups.
func (h *Handler) WithGroup(group string) slog.Handler {
	var cloned Handler

	if h.holdGroup != "" {
		handler := h.withFields(zap.Namespace(h.holdGroup))
		cloned = *handler
	} else {
		cloned = *h
	cloned.holdGroup = group
	return &cloned

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