2020年8月〜 独学 / 2021年2月〜 受託開発会社にて勤務
Following Organizations
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- ながた いちこ@nagataichiko
- Willaim Dark@Fixlocal
FixLocal is a highly experienced tech team specializing in repairing and maintaining all tech devices, including computers, laptops, smartphones, mobile phones, and analog and digital watches.
- Johnson Rivers@johnsonplaid
I began my career in retail management, but a few years ago, I was drawn to the IT department. I've always been skilled at bringing people together and working towards common goals.
- 尚大@naotakawai
- Ruky Muhammed@rukymuhammed
I am Khalid Hasan. I have been a successful entrepreneur since 2010. Now, I have a Group of companies.
- Katarina Solaris@katarinasolaris
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia on Aug 24, 1995. Currently I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I work as a Programmer at Assignzen. I like to travel with friends and explore new places.
- AlphabetAZ@AlphabetAZ
- Trung Cap Tu Xa@trungcaptuxa
Đào tạo trung cấp, trung cấp nghề, sơ cấp theo hình thức đào tạo từ xa, tự học có hướng dẫn .
- ハタ ハタ@0322yuto1999
- Hiro K Matthews@hiro1017
- 湊 宏平@kochige
普段は基幹系サーバーのミドルウェア運用保守をしています。 DB2を業務で扱い、日々勉強中です。 他にも個人的にHTML/CSS/JavaScript/Python/PHP 等々勉強中です!
- まかき はら@cottonfever
- Khai Luong@luongkhai45
Theo dõi những tin tức, sự kiện và kết quả thể thao thế giới mới nhất tại soikeobongdavn.
- @okjm3324
WEBエンジニア志望で、学習のアウトプットとして利用しています。 主にRailsが中心 RUNTEQ38期生
- 橋本 橋本@icenpon
- Buy google reviews@buygooglereviews22
If you are attempting to shop for Google reviews, then you’ve come to the proper place. The lengthy and quick of its miles that we get it.
- nyacoEngineer@nyacoEngineer
- Astrology Tips To Get Ex Back@Loveproblems
How To Get Ex love Back With Name, picture or photo By Vashikaran. Follow easy Acharya ji mantras remedies and get lost love back a short time. Win back Ex boy.
- Jac son@skywayfare
Skywayfare is a third-party online travel booking agency located at MS-15 Laurel, MS, USA.
- @scythercas
- q t@kige
- @cgshimo
周りはネコ好きが多いですが、ポメラニアンが好きです。 主にバックエンドを触っています。 AWS (Solutions Architect Associate), Python, R, Linux/macOS, Ruby, etc...
- @kujimichiryo
札幌でシステムエンジニアをしています。 好きな山岡家はプレミア塩とんこつです。
- @hiro_hiro_0425