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LLM入門: 無料講座「Generative AI with Large Language Models」で入門してみた

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無料のCoursera機械学習入門コース「Generative AI with Large Language Models」を受講しました。そろそろLLMや生成AIも理解しないと、という動機です。無料と言っても、ハンズオンをするには7000円ほど払う必要があるので注意してください(私は払いました)。ハンズオンはAWSで実施しますが、コース料金と別の課金はありません。
体系的に基礎を学べ、わかりやすい点はオススメです。以前受講したCoursera機械学習入門コースも良かったです。ただ、ところどころである程度知識ないと理解が浅くなるポイントもありました(例: RNNやTransformer)。知識なくてもそのままやってしまえばいいと思いますが、少し気持ち悪いかもしれません。逆に一つ一つをゼロから覚えていくと時間がいくらっても足りないと思います。


以下がサマリです。あまりよく理解できていない点もどんどん飛ばしています。Coursera上ではIntermidiate Levelです。

項目 内容
目的 LLMと生成AIの基礎を学ぶため
期間(実績) 約3日
総時間(実績) 22時間弱
期間と期限 全3週
使用プログラム言語 Python
講義形式 ビデオ・スライド・クイズ・プログラム演習















以下の点を事前に知っていると理解が深まるとは思います。Tansformerに関しては、記事「[Transformer入門]TensorFlowチュートリアル: Transformer」のときに学習していたのが非常に役立ちました。

  • ニューラルネットワークやディープラーニング基礎
  • NLPの基礎(RNNやTransformer)
  • 強化学習の基礎(私は全く知らなかったので理解がイマイチ)




週.章 内容 コンテンツ数 学習時間 備考
1 Generative AI use cases, project lifecycle, and model pre-training 25 6h
1.1. Introduction to LLMs and the generative Al project lifecycle 17 4h LLM概要, Prompt Engineering, Inference parameters, 生成AIのプロジェクトライフサイクル
1.2. LLM pre-training and scaling laws 8 2h LLM Pre-training方法, Scaling時考慮点, ドメイン適合
2 Fine-tuning and evaluating large language models 14 5h
2.1. Fine-tuning LLMs with instruction 7 2h Fine-tuning方法, 精度評価方法とベンチマーク
2.2. Parameter efficient fine-tuning(PEFT) 7 3h 少ない演算能力でのFine-tuning方法
3 Reinforcement learning and LLM-powered applications 27 7.5h
3.1. Reinforcement learning from human feedback 13 4h LLMを実用的・効果的に使うための人間評価とその反映
3.2. LLM-powered applications 12 3h LLMを実用的・効果的にに使うためのシステム連携
3.3. Course conclusion and ongoing reseach 2 0.5h Responsible AIと講座まとめ



1. Generative AI use cases, project lifecycle, and model pre-training


  • Discuss model pre-training and the value of continued pre-training vs fine-tuning
  • Define the terms Generative AI, large language models, prompt, and describe the transformer architecture that powers LLMs
  • Describe the steps in a typical LLM-based, generative AI model lifecycle and discuss the constraining factors that drive decisions at each step of model lifecycle
  • Discuss computational challenges during model pre-training and determine how to efficiently reduce memory footprint
  • Define the term scaling law and describe the laws that have been discovered for LLMs related to training dataset size, compute budget, inference requirements, and other factors.

1.1. Introduction to LLMs and the generative Al project lifecycle

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Course Introduction Video 6min
2 Contributor Acknowledgments Reading 10min 講師紹介。ほぼ全員AWS関係者。
3 Introduction - Week 1 Video 5min 1週目の概要
4 Generative AI & LLMs Video 4min パラメータ数, Prompt, Model, Competion
5 Intake Survey App Item 1min
6 Have questions, issues or ideas? Join our Community! App Item 5min
7 LLM use cases and tasks Video 2min ユースケース
8 Text generation before transformers Video 2min RNNの簡単紹介
9 Transformers architecture Video 7min TransformerとAttention
10 Generating text with transformers Video 5min Transformerでのテキスト生成
11 Transformers: Attention is all you need Reading 10min 論文紹介
12 Prompting and prompt engineering Video 5min In-context LearningとZero/One/Few-shot inference
13 Generative configuration Video 7min Inference Pramaeters
14 Generative AI project lifecycle Video 4min 生成AI プロジェクトライフサイクル
15 Introduction to AWS labs Video 4min AWS Lab紹介
16 Lab 1 walkthrough Video 14min 1週目ハンズオンの説明
17 Lab 1 - Generative AI Use Case: Summarize Dialogue App Item 2h Prompt EngineeringとInference parameter調整

1.2. LLM pre-training and scaling laws

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Pre-training large language models Video 9min Autoencoding, Autoregressive, Seq2Seq
2 Computational challenges of training LLMs Video 10min BFLOAT16でのQantization
3 Optional video: Efficient multi-GPU compute strategies Video 8min
4 Scaling laws and compute-optimal models Video 8min 演算予算・データサイズ・モデルサイズのトレードオフ
5 Pre-training for domain adaptation Video 5min ドメイン固有の訓練とBloombergGPT
6 Week 1 quiz Graded Assignment 1h 10問で簡単
7 Week 1 resources Reading 10min 論文リンク

2. Fine-tuning and evaluating large language models


  • Describe how fine-tuning with instructions using prompt datasets can improve performance on one or more tasks
  • Define catastrophic forgetting and explain techniques that can be used to overcome it
  • Define the term Parameter-efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT)
  • Explain how PEFT decreases computational cost and overcomes catastrophic forgetting
  • Explain how fine-tuning with instructions using prompt datasets can increase LLM performance on one or more tasks

2.1. Fine-tuning LLMs with instruction

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Introduction - Week 2 Video 4min
2 Instruction fine-tuning Video 7min In-context Learningの限界とFine-Tuning
3 Fine-tuning on a single task Video 3min 単一タスク(文章要約等)への適合
4 Multi-task instruction fine-tuning Video 8min FLAN(Fine-tuned LAnguage Net)
5 Scaling instruct models Reading 10min FLANの論文紹介
6 Model evaluation Video 10min ROUGEとBLEU
7 Benchmarks Video 5min GLUE, SuperGLUE, HELM, MMLU, BIG-Bench

2.2. Parameter efficient fine-tuning(PEFT)

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) Video 4min Selective, Reparametererization, Additive
2 PEFT techniques 1: LoRA Video 8min LoRAでの低ランク近似(Reparametererization)
3 PEFT techniques 2: Soft prompts Video 7min Prompt tuning(Additive)
4 Lab 2 walkthrough Video 17min
5 Lab 2 - Fine-tune a generative AI model for dialogue summarization App Item 2h Full Fine-tuneとPEFT(LoRA)とROUGE評価
6 Week 2 quiz Graded Assignment 1h 簡単な10問
7 Week 2 Resources Reading 10min 論文リンク集

3. Reinforcement learning and LLM-powered applications


  • Describe how RLHF uses human feedback to improve the performance and alignment of large language models
  • Explain how data gathered from human labelers is used to train a reward model for RLHF
  • Define chain-of-thought prompting and describe how it can be used to improve LLMs reasoning and planning abilities
  • Discuss the challenges that LLMs face with knowledge cut-offs, and explain how information retrieval and augmentation techniques can overcome these challenges

3.1. Reinforcement learning from human feedback

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Introduction - Week 3 Video 4min
2 Aligning models with human values Video 3min Helpful, Honest, Harmlessの3Hを考慮
3 Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) Video 8min LLMモデルと別にReward Modelを作って学習
4 RLHF: Obtaining feedback from humans Video 6min 訓練データの作り方
5 RLHF: Reward model Video 2min RLHFの報酬モデルと損失関数
6 RLHF: Fine-tuning with reinforcement learning Video 3min 強化学習のFine-Tuning
7 Optional video: Proximal policy optimization Video 13min PPO。数式あり難しい。
8 RLHF: Reward hacking Video 6min Rewardが望ましくない状況の回避
9 KL divergence Reading 10min 強化学習での最適化
10 Scaling human feedback Video 6min Constitutioanl AIでの自動訓練。RLAIF(Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback)
11 Lab 3 walkthrough Video 18min
12 [IMPORTANT] Reminder about end of access to Lab Notebooks Reading 2min
13 Lab 3 - Fine-tune FLAN-T5 with reinforcement learning to generate more-positive summaries App Item 2h RLHFで有害情報を除くようなFine Tuning。

3.2. LLM-powered applications

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Model optimizations for deployment Video 7min Distillation, Quantization, Pruning
2 Generative AI Project Lifecycle Cheat Sheet Video 2min LLMと向き合うCheat Sheet
3 Using the LLM in applications Video 9min RAG(Retrieval Augmented Generation)で外部連携
4 Interacting with external applications Video 4min E-CommerceのBotの例
5 Helping LLMs reason and plan with chain-of-thought Video 5min 主に計算問題に対して思考途中経過も含めて学習
6 Program-aided language models (PAL) Video 7min PALのフローなど
7 ReAct: Combining reasoning and action Video 9min PropmtでReasoningとAction PlanningのChain of thoughtを結合
8 ReAct: Reasoning and action Reading 10min ReActの論文リンクと簡易紹介
9 LLM application architectures Video 5min LLMを使ったアプリのアーキテクチャ
10 Optional video: AWS Sagemaker JumpStart Video 5min
11 Week 3 Quiz Graded Assignment 1h 少し難しくて2回もリトライ
12 Week 3 resources Reading 10min 各学習内容の論文やGitHubへのリンク

3.3. Course conclusion and ongoing reseach

No. Title Type Time Remarks
1 Responsible AI Video 9min Toxicity, Hullucinations, Intellectual Property
2 Course conclusion Video 3min LLM関連としてHotな研究領域紹介など

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