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Sabayon Linux の Portage Profile が 17.0 から 17.1 に / Daily builds のインストールメディアを使い最新版 Sabayon を導入してみる

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今回の変更は Sabayon 新規導入時にわりと戸惑う部分かな?と感じたので。

Portage Profile が更新

Sabayon の Portage Profile が 17.0 から 17.1 へと変更されたので、Entropy/equo と Portage/emerge を併用する場合、特に注意が必要です。

アナウンスによると「今回の更新以降、どのパッケージも /lib32 や /usr/lib32 以下にファイルをインストールすることがなくなり、また、/lib はシンボリックリンクではなくなります」とのこと。

Sabayon has changed profile to 17.1

Sabayon is based on Gentoo, and Gentoo has a concept of profiles that can be thought as distro wide configuration.

In Sabayon the profile has been switched (or will be switched when you perform an update) to default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop, following Gentoo. From now on, no package installs to /lib32 or /usr/lib32 and /lib is no longer a symbolic link.

Profile switch has been automated to provide you a seamless experience, however there is a couple of things you may want to be aware of.

Following notice is especially directed towards power users.

Applies to all users

No package installs to /lib32 or /usr/lib32, however it is possible that you have some stale packages with files installed there. It is not required to clean them up, but you may consider doing so.

Important: do this only if you are sure that you are already on the new profile! If /lib is NOT a symbolic link, and both /lib32 and /usr/lib32 are symbolic links, you are on an updated system and can continue. Otherwise do the update first.

If in doubt, ignore this step.

a. As a sanity check of the qlist tool used in the process, verify that this command:

qlist -eC app-portage/portage-utils

produces several lines that contain some paths.

b. Find packages that install to /lib32 or /usr/lib32.

equo query list installed -qv | while read pkg; do qlist -eC "$pkg" | grep -q -E "^/lib32/|^/usr/lib32/" && echo "$pkg"; done

Note: if the list of packages exceeds 10, you are probably not updated to the new layout. Make sure to update first.

c. This command should only produce list of old and useless packages. In the first case, just remove them with equo. If you are not sure whether the package can be removed, stop at this point (and ask for help if you would like to continue).

d. Using the command from point b., confirm that there are no packages that install to these directories (execute it again). If there are none, you can remove the symbolic links: rm /lib32 /usr/lib32.

Additional information for Portage users

If you don't use Portage (emerge) you can skip this section.

Make sure to execute:

eselect profile set default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop

There could be packages that install to lib32 directories which you emerged yourself. Rebuilding them is recommended. After doing it, you can follow steps a-d above if you like.

That's all!

Additional information from Gentoo for the curious:

amd64 17.1 profiles are now stable によると、amd64 17.1 profile では 64bit アプリケーション/ライブラリ向けには、lib64 ディレクトリが用意され、lib は lib64 へのシンボリックリンクではなく独立のディレクトリとして用意されるとのこと。どうやらこの流れで lib32 が廃止されるようです。

A new set of 17.1 amd64 profiles has been added to the Gentoo
repository in Dec 2017. These profiles switch to a more standard
'no SYMLINK_LIB' multilib layout, and require explicit migration as
described below. They are considered stable at the moment, and we would
like to request all users to upgrade their systems. The old profiles
will be deprecated in the near future.

In the new profiles, the lib->lib64 compatibility symlink is removed.
64-bit libraries need to be installed directly to lib64. /lib
and /usr/lib become real directories, that are used for cross-arch
and native non-library packages (gcc, clang) and 32-bit libraries
on the multilib profile (which improves compatibility with prebuilt x86


Sabayon のデイリービルドイメージ

現在最新安定版イメージが 19.03 であり、これから最新版に更新するのは少々手間です。よって、新規インストール時はデイリービルドイメージから導入するのが色々楽かもしれません。






※ Monthly は 2019 年 3 月で止まっている模様



※ 今回の更新で標準の壁紙が変わりました。


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