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Installing enebular-runtime-agent real quick. (Using Docker)

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In this post, we will learn how to install enebular-runtime-agent on mac etc etc real quick. Takes 5 min of your time and 15 min of your computer time.

Prereqs: Downloading AWS IoT thing certificates for enebular-runtime-agent (https://qiita.com/BSatyaKishore/items/bf168cb2c7c759e751f2)

Install docker.
Mac Users, use this link. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/


  • Create a folder. And add Certificates which you download from the AWS console in a certs folder. Download the root-CA.cert of amazon and add to this folder. Now, in the folder you created, create a new file called Dockerfile. Add the below lines of code in that file.
FROM satyakishore/enebularagent

COPY ./certs/ /enebular-runtime-agent/ports/awsiot/example/certs/
COPY ./config.json /enebular-runtime-agent/ports/awsiot/example/

CMD cd /enebular-runtime-agent/ports/awsiot/example/ && DEBUG=info npm run start
  • Next create a config.json file add contents like this. Replace the <> with the thing name you created. Forgot? No worries, you can get it from the certificates folder. Replace the host address from see step MISC below.
  "host": "a3********qn69.iot.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",
  "port": 8883,
  "clientId": "<<Test>>",
  "thingName": "<<Test>>",
  "caCert": "./certs/root-CA.crt",
  "clientCert": "./certs/<<Test>>.cert.pem",
  "privateKey": "./certs/<<Test>>.private.key",
  "topic": "aws/things/<<Test>>/shadow/update"
  • Open terminal in this folder and run

docker build -t enebularagentv2 .

  • Running the agent

docker run --privileged -it enebularagentv2

  • You should see something like
    internal: aws-iot: Connected to AWS IoT

Folder Structure should be something similar to
Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 1.40.58.png


  1. Open Manage > Things on AWS console. Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 1.31.32.png
  2. Click on your thing name. Test in this case. You should see something similar to this. Click on Interact in the left panel. Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 1.32.19.png
  3. You should see something similar to this. Copy the highlighted code. That is the host. Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 1.33.26.png

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