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About OSPO SWG / OSPOサブグループについて

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-09

*Please scroll down for the English version.


OSPOサブグループは、今年6月に活動開始した、OpenChain Japanの8番目のサブグループで、その名の通り、Open Source Program Office(OSPO)に関して考察や議論をおこなう目的で集まっています。

Open Source Program Office(OSPO)とは?




  • OSPO/OSS推進に必要となる役割の明確化と実践方法の提案
  • OSPOネットワーク作り
  • 課題やケーススタディの共有とディスカッション



発足以来の半年間は、まずメンバー間の「OSPOとは」のイメージの共有と、自組織の状況を他メンバーとシェアするための用語や指標の共有を目的として、「OSS Good Governance Handbook」の読解をおこない、多くの学びを得ました。OSS Good Governance Handbookについては明日の投稿で詳しくお伝えいただきます。



こちらのリンクから、OpenChain JapanのSlackに参加していただき、「ospo-sg」のチャンネルを見てください。



OSPO Sub Work Group(known as OSPO SWG) is the 8th sub group of OpenChain Japan. It was started in June of this year, to consider and discuss Open Source Program Office(OSPO).

What is Open Source Program Office(OSPO)?

A lot of people have explained the definition of OSPO already. In my understanding, OSPO is a group or organization which is in charge of the OSS strategy and policy of the company or organization, and OSPO’s mission is to influence people to communicate within the eco system that they rely on. People can develop software without OSPO, but if they have an OSPO, their company’s various activities will connect organically to each other. OSPO is like an OSS champion, facilitator, or orchestrator for the company.
Recently Japanese companies’ OSPO are increasing. Because companies are creating OSPO in their organization, it means there is a definite need for OSPO, and people find value in them. I, as a consultant who helps companies to use OSS effectively and efficiently, feel delighted by this trend.

Launch of OSPO SWG

According to one theory, OSPO has been discussed since over 20 years ago. Have the mission and role changed from that time? What is the OSPO which we need now? We, people who have those questions, came together and started this OSPO SWG.
The mission of OSPO SWG is below;

  • Identify necessary roles of OSPO or driving OSS and proposal of practical actions
  • Networking
  • Sharing issues and use studies, discussion

We are a team of people who have passion to share issues and discuss them, so sometimes we spend a lot of time on discussion other than making outputs. It is OK, though! We have a great time communicating with each other.

Theme that we are currently working on:

We set our goal to that of finding our answer to the issue “What is a Japanese company’s OSPO?” and share nice outputs for companies who try to make their own OSPO, but the answer is a long way off. We need to go step by step.
Firstly, we spent 6 months to share our image of OSPO with each other and read the “OSS Good Governance Handbook” to learn key words and KPIs to share each other’s situations. We took a lot away from this handbook. To learn about the OSS Good Governance Handbook, please check tomorrow’s blog.

Interested in OSPO SWG?

If you are interested in this activity, please feel free to join OSPO SWG. To get involved with us, join our Slack from this link and see the “ospo-sg” channel. We post the schedules of our meetings: they will be held 1 or 2 times per month.
We are looking forward to your participation!


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