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numpy > csvファイルを読み込んで、 1列目と2列目の値をinput1,outputとして取得 > input1 = data[:,0] / output = data[:,1]

Last updated at Posted at 2016-11-12
GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB)
ASRock Z170M Pro4S [Intel Z170chipset]
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop amd64
TensorFlow v0.11
cuDNN v5.1 for Linux
CUDA v8.0
Python 2.7.6


0.74597, -0.91122
0.33339, 0.95432
0.03281, 0.29314
0.49378, 0.12754
0.59515, -0.47443
0.19094, 1.02040
0.04446, 0.36420
0.02983, 0.27479
0.72129, -0.89531
0.97207, -0.08616
0.54730, -0.20436
0.47366, 0.25323
0.58349, -0.41239
0.42188, 0.55983

参考 http://www.mwsoft.jp/programming/numpy/csv.html
参考 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11739796/turn-2d-numpy-array-into-1d-array-for-plotting-a-histogram

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm

data = np.loadtxt('input.csv', delimiter=',')
input1 = data[:,0]
output = data[:,1]
>> input1
array([ 0.74597,  0.33339,  0.03281,  0.49378,  0.59515,  0.19094,
        0.04446,  0.02983,  0.72129,  0.97207,  0.5473 ,  0.47366,
        0.58349,  0.42188,  0.4674 ,  0.78199,  0.36685,  0.3272 ,
        0.08699,  0.50938,  0.30515,  0.29046,  0.1528 ,  0.6754 ,
        0.493  ,  0.87203,  0.50209,  0.47111,  0.6476 ,  0.07248,
        0.68567,  0.45286,  0.31038,  0.65485,  0.22235,  0.99213,
        0.80919,  0.2719 ,  0.48896,  0.50926,  0.30707,  0.05993,
        0.10803,  0.13582,  0.34657,  0.69719,  0.34416,  0.017  ,
        0.69265,  0.49431,  0.17915,  0.85606,  0.84609,  0.14715,
        0.86554,  0.60495,  0.60713,  0.02405,  0.05717,  0.49937,
        0.24258,  0.68672,  0.11015,  0.50363,  0.88794,  0.11778,
        0.93471,  0.33972,  0.04038,  0.79928,  0.5235 ,  0.52673,
        0.31692,  0.78884,  0.25574,  0.69226,  0.57933,  0.96118,
        0.5842 ,  0.07607,  0.82006,  0.1139 ,  0.84374,  0.43982,
        0.63605,  0.58926,  0.15797,  0.38462,  0.69245,  0.14642,
        0.71501,  0.43495,  0.31003,  0.62805,  0.44885,  0.60561,
        0.07738,  0.62272,  0.31518,  0.5267 ])
In [22]:
>> output
array([-0.91122,  0.95432,  0.29314,  0.12754, -0.47443,  1.0204 ,
        0.3642 ,  0.27479, -0.89531, -0.08616, -0.20436,  0.25323,
       -0.41239,  0.55983,  0.29185, -0.89141,  0.83086,  0.97311,
        0.60824,  0.02958,  1.02903,  1.05633,  0.90771, -0.80368,
        0.13243, -0.63173,  0.07535,  0.26899, -0.71161,  0.52828,
       -0.83096,  0.38033,  1.01737, -0.73807,  1.07341,  0.03901,
       -0.84318,  1.07901,  0.15776,  0.0303 ,  1.02486,  0.45619,
        0.71632,  0.84196,  0.90996, -0.85699,  0.91849,  0.19506,
       -0.84732,  0.12419,  0.99101, -0.69759, -0.73475,  0.88684,
       -0.6594 , -0.52421, -0.53495,  0.23899,  0.44   ,  0.09242,
        1.08738, -0.83353,  0.72663,  0.06563, -0.55887,  0.76276,
       -0.31034,  0.93374,  0.33948, -0.86399, -0.05864, -0.07869,
        1.00135, -0.88191,  1.08781, -0.84645, -0.38959, -0.15306,
       -0.41627,  0.54842, -0.81622,  0.74458, -0.74305,  0.45762,
       -0.66599, -0.44341,  0.92587,  0.75158, -0.84686,  0.88407,
       -0.88747,  0.4859 ,  1.01817, -0.63208,  0.40437, -0.52746,
        0.55574, -0.60844,  1.00576, -0.07853])

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