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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-07-05

console.dirの第2引数にオブジェクト{depth: null}を渡すと深い階層も省略されずに全部見れます。

Node.js console.dir

const menu = {
  main: {
    currey: 500,
    udon: 450,
    rice: 150
  side: {
    soup: {
      misoshiru: {
        wakame: 250,
        asari: 250
      potage: {
        corn: 250,
        potato: 250
    dessert: {
      icecream: {
        vanilla: 100,
        chocolate: 100

  main: { currey: 500, udon: 450, rice: 150 },
  side: {
    soup: { misoshiru: [Object], potage: [Object] },
    dessert: { icecream: [Object] }

console.dir(menu, {depth: null})
  main: { currey: 500, udon: 450, rice: 150 },
  side: {
    soup: {
      misoshiru: { wakame: 250, asari: 250 },
      potage: { corn: 250, potato: 250 }
    dessert: { icecream: { vanilla: 100, chocolate: 100 } }

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