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[OCI]MongoDBクライアントからAutonomous JSON Databaseに接続してみた(Node.jsアプリケーション編)

Last updated at Posted at 2022-01-22


これまでの以下の記事で、Oracle Database API for MongoDBを利用することによりMongoDB Shell、mongoexport/mongoimportなどのMongoDBクライアントからAutonomous JSON Databaseを操作できることを確認しました。

[OCI]MongoDBクライアントからAutonomous JSON Databaseに接続してみた(MongoDB Shell編)
[OCI]MongoDBクライアントからAutonomous JSON Databaseに接続してみた(mongoexport/mongoimport編)

今回は、MongoDBの使用を前提に書かれているアプリケーションが、接続先をAutonomous JSON Databaseに変更するだけで動作するかを確認しました。



const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
var async = require('async');

var url = "mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@";
//var url = "mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@XXXXXXXXXX-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true";

console.log("Connected to  " + url + "\n");

MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  var dbo = db.db("mongo");
  var coll = "dept";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert Single Row
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var obj = {"deptno":10,"deptname":"ACCOUNTING","location":"NEW YORK"};
      dbo.collection(coll).insertOne(obj, function(err, res) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Inserted 1 document into collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "first");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "second");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// INSERT Multiple Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var obj = [
      dbo.collection(coll).insertMany(obj, function(err, res) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Inserted 3 document into collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "third");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "fourth");
  function (err, results) {
    if (err) {
      throw err;
    console.log('All done. ');


[opc@work3 mongo]$ node insert.js 
Connected to  mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@

Inserted 1 document into collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48b"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NEW YORK'

Inserted 3 document into collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48b"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NEW YORK'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48c"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48d"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48e"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON'

All done. 
[opc@work3 mongo]$ 

次に、接続先のみをAutonomous JSON Databaseに変えて実行してみます。

[opc@work3 mongo]$ node insert.js 
Connected to  mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@XXXXXXXXXX-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true

Inserted 1 document into collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ed"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NEW YORK'

Inserted 3 document into collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ee"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ef"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6f0"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ed"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NEW YORK'

All done. 
[opc@work3 mongo]$

INSERT処理、SELECT処理をおこなうMongoDBのアプリケーションが、接続先を変更しただけで、そのままAutonomous JSON Databaseで実行できることが確認できました。



const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
var async = require('async');

//var url = "mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@";
var url = "mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@XXXXXXXXXX-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true";

console.log("Connected to  " + url + "\n");

MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  var dbo = db.db("mongo"); //DB名
  var coll = "dept"; //コレクション名

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update Single Row
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var where = {deptno: 10};
      var set = {$set: {location: "NY"}};
      dbo.collection(coll).updateOne(where, set, function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Updated 1 document in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "first");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "second");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var where = {};
      var set = {$set: {country: "USA"}};
      dbo.collection(coll).updateMany(where, set, function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Updated All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "third");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "fourth");
  function (err, results) {
    if (err) {
      throw err;
    console.log('All done.' );


[opc@work3 mongo]$ node update.js 
Connected to  mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@

Updated 1 document in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48b"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NY'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48c"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48d"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48e"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON'

Updated All documents in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48b"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NY',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48c"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48d"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48e"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON',
    country: 'USA'

All done.
[opc@work3 mongo]$ 

次に、接続先のみをAutonomous JSON Databaseに変えて実行してみます。

[opc@work3 mongo]$ node update.js 
Connected to  mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@XXXXXXXXXX-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true

Updated 1 document in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ee"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ef"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6f0"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ed"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NY'

Updated All documents in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ee"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ef"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6f0"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ed"),
    deptno: 10,
    deptname: 'ACCOUNTING',
    location: 'NY',
    country: 'USA'

All done.
[opc@work3 mongo]$ 

UPDATE処理をおこなうMongoDBのアプリケーションが、接続先を変更しただけで、そのままAutonomous JSON Databaseで実行できることが確認できました。

#3 .DELETE(deleteOne()/deleteMany())

const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
var async = require('async');

//var url = "mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@";
var url = "mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@SYA6VPHK3PZLKHQ-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true";

console.log("Connected to  " + url + "\n");

MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  var dbo = db.db("mongo"); //DB名
  var coll = "dept"; //コレクション名

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete Single Row
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var where = {deptno: 10};
      dbo.collection(coll).deleteOne(where, function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err
        console.log("Deleted 1 document in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "first");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "second");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      var where = {};
      dbo.collection(coll).deleteMany(where, function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Deleted All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "third");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select All Rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    function (callback) {
      dbo.collection(coll).find().toArray(function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log("Select All documents in collection " + coll + ".\n");
        callback(null, "fourth");
  function (err, results) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log('All done.');


[opc@work3 mongo]$ node delete.js 
Connected to  mongodb://admin:Demo%231Demo%231@

Deleted 1 document in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48c"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48d"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba8c870e8cfc3e3c3e48e"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON',
    country: 'USA'

Deleted All documents in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.


All done.
[opc@work3 mongo]$ 

次に、接続先のみをAutonomous JSON Databaseに変えて実行してみます。

[opc@work3 mongo]$ node delete.js 
Connected to  mongodb://mongo:Demo%231Demo%231@SYA6VPHK3PZLKHQ-AJD1.adb.ap-tokyo-1.oraclecloudapps.com:27017/mongo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&ssl=true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true

Deleted 1 document in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.

    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ee"),
    deptno: 20,
    deptname: 'RESEARCH',
    location: 'DALLAS',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6ef"),
    deptno: 30,
    deptname: 'SALES',
    location: 'CHICAGO',
    country: 'USA'
    _id: new ObjectId("61eba701a695c59e54bea6f0"),
    deptno: 40,
    deptname: 'OPERATIONS',
    location: 'BOSTON',
    country: 'USA'

Deleted All documents in collection dept.

Select All documents in collection dept.


All done.
[opc@work3 mongo]$ 

DELETE処理をおこなうMongoDBのアプリケーションが、接続先を変更しただけで、そのままAutonomous JSON Databaseで実行できることが確認できました。


Oracle Database API for MongoDBを利用することで、MongoDBを使用するNode.jsアプリケーションが、接続先を変更するだけでAutonomous JSON Databaseに接続して利用できることが確認できました。


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Delete article

Deleted articles cannot be recovered.

Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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