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Google Apps Scriptで画像データからビットマップを作成する

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Google Apps Script(GAS)でPNGファイル自動生成したいと思ったところ、当然ながら<canvas>が無いので、Javascriptのようには行かないことがわかりました。



  width, heightは横縦のピクセル数。
function toBMP( data, width, height ) {
  const RGBA_BYTES = 4;
  const BMP_BYTES_PER_DOT = 4;
  const BYTES_PER_DOT = 4;
  if ( data == null || width == null || height == null ) {
    throw new Error("引数が不足しています。");
  data = Uint8ClampedArray.from( data.map( v => ( v >>> 0 ) & 0xff) );
  if ( data.length != ( height * width * RGBA_BYTES ) ) {
    throw new Error("データの長さが画像サイズと一致しません。");
  const rowCount = height;
  const rowByteCount = width * RGBA_BYTES;
  const paddingCount = ( BMP_BYTES_PER_DOT - ( rowByteCount % BMP_BYTES_PER_DOT ) ) % BMP_BYTES_PER_DOT;
  const imageDataSize = paddingCount == 0 ? data.length : ( rowByteCount + paddingCount ) * rowCount;
  const imageData = new Uint8ClampedArray( imageDataSize );
  const paletteData = new Uint8ClampedArray( 0 ); //フルカラーなら要らない
  for ( let rowIndex = rowCount -1, j = 0; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex-- ) {
    const offset = rowIndex * rowByteCount;
    for ( let i = offset, end = rowByteCount + offset; i < end; ) {
      const [ red, green, blue, alpha ] = data.slice( i, i += BYTES_PER_DOT );
      for (const ori of [ blue, green, red ]) {
        const color = (ori * alpha / 0xff) | 0;
        imageData[ j++ ] = color;
    for ( let i = 0; i < paddingCount; i++ ) {
      imageData[ j++ ] = 0;
  const paletteDataSize = 0;
  const informationHeaderSize = 40;
  const fileHeaderSize = 14;
  const imageDataOffset = fileHeaderSize + informationHeaderSize + paletteDataSize;
  const fileSize = fileHeaderSize + informationHeaderSize + paletteDataSize + imageDataSize;
  const bmpData = new Uint8Array( fileSize );
  let cursor = 0;

  // Bitmap File Header //
  for ( const bfType of "BM".split("").map( ch => ch.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = bfType;
  for ( const bfSize of UnsignedLong( fileSize ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = bfSize;
  for ( const bfReserved1 of UnsignedInt( 0 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = bfReserved1;
  for ( const bfReserved2 of UnsignedInt( 0 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = bfReserved2;
  for ( const bfOffBits of UnsignedLong( imageDataOffset ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = bfOffBits;

  // Bitmap Information Header //
  for ( const biSize of UnsignedLong( informationHeaderSize ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biSize;
  for ( const biWidth of Long( width ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biWidth;
  for ( const biHeight of Long( height ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biHeight;
  for ( const biPlanes of UnsignedInt( 1 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biPlanes;
  for ( const biBitCount of UnsignedInt( 24 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biBitCount;
  for ( const biCompression of UnsignedLong( 0 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biCompression;
  for ( const biSizeImage of UnsignedLong( imageDataSize ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biSizeImage;
  for ( const biXPixPerMeter of Long( width ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biXPixPerMeter;
  for ( const biYPixPerMeter of Long( height ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biYPixPerMeter;
  for ( const biClrUsed of UnsignedLong( 0 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biClrUsed;
  for ( const biCirImportant of UnsignedLong( 0 ) ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = biCirImportant;

  // Palette Data //
  for ( const palette of paletteData ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = palette;

  // Image Data //
  for ( const image of imageData ) {
    bmpData[ cursor++ ] = image;
  const blob = Utilities.newBlob( bmpData, MimeType.BMP );

//  const blob = new Blob( [ bmpData.buffer ], { type: "image/bmp" } );

  return blob;



BMP ファイルフォーマット



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