- lvncer@lvncer
- MASAKAZU TANAKA@tanamasa0427
- 坂道アイドル好きの ITエンジニア@nogizakapython
データ分析エンジニアとして主にPython3で開発しています。 また細々したところでVBA、Powershell、Java、C#を使った開発、データベースの構築、メンテナンス、RPAエンジニアをやってます。 障害者枠で就業していますが、気にせずエンジニア生活を送っています。
- @Ryuta-prog
- 慎治 林@asdffrstwk
土木系高専 ⇒ 建築系大学 ⇒ 建設コンサル ⇒ 中小コンサルのIT系担当(python主)2023年~ 気づいたらコピペラマ―に。
- Dev Software@devsoftware
Our goal is to be a destination of choice for organisations looking to improve their ROI by implementing best-of-breed, world-class, and robust DevOps and DevSecOps solutions.
- Frank Schmid@Sprour1
I am a professional graphic designer. I've extensive experience in web design, print design, infographics, creating illustrations in different styles.
- 勉強中 raspberrypi@raspberrypistudy
- Spetsnaz Security International @LondonCloseProtectionBodyguard
- Matt Renshaw@mattrenshaw13
I'm Matt Renshaw, working as a digital marketing expert At Navicosoft. Navicosoft is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides you with A to Z solutions to brand your business digitally.
- Carpet Repairs Melbourne Carpet Repair Specialist@carpetrepair2022
Carpet Repair Experts are a must for any home, and that's why we have experts in Melbourne who can handle the tedious task with ease. Whether you have stains, wear and tear.
- Đại Học Tiếng Anh Hàng Không@daihoctienganhhangkhong
Bao Đi Học luôn ưu tiên mang đến cho các bạn chất lượng giáo dục tốt nhất từ chương trình Đại học từ xa Tiếng Anh Hàng Không
- Syntax Technologies@techssyntax
Syntax Technologies is all about providing people with another chance in an IT career. It has expanded its premise since its inception in 2017.
- Save On Cannabis@saveoncannabis
Save on Cannabis is the #1 online cannabis coupon code website for consumers and medical marijuana patients.
- sanaigmore merit@ainamikigawa
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- Maemu@Manaburominng
プログラミング初心者です。 現在HTML CSSの基礎学習を終えJavaScriptの基礎を勉強中です!