- 個人用のメモ、ポエムなので、情報に誤りが含まれている可能性があります
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- 強整合性の提供
- 合意形成アルゴリズムの利用
- データ構造としてLSM-Treeの採用
- ACIDトランザクションのサポート
多くのNoSQL DBでは読み取り、書き込み操作での強整合性を提供し、ノード間のレプリケーション、リーダー・エレクションなどに合意形成アルゴリズムを採用しています。
A Survey on the Usage of Consensus Algorithms in Key-Value Databases
次の論文では10種類の強整合性を提供しているNoSQL DB(Key-Value Database) 10種類について調査を行っています。
A Survey on the Usage of Consensus Algorithms in Key-Value Databases
引用箇所の通り、4製品ではRaft, PaxosをDBMS内のいずれかのコンポーネントのリーダー・エレクション、あるいはデータのレプリケーションの合意形成に利用していることがわかります。
残り6つのNoSQL DBについてはprimary-backup方式であり、実装のシンプルさが採用の理由として推測されており、製品による多様性があるようです。
Secondly, Raft is used more often than Paxos in implementing strong consistency for the database surveyed. In the 10
databases surveyed in detail, etcd and Hazelcast use Raft for
data replication and ArangoDB uses Raft for configuration
replication, while only Oracle NoSQL DB uses Paxos, and
Paxos is only used for new leader election in primary-backup
failure recovery but not the full data replication process
A majority of systems (Couchbase, Ehcache, Apache Ignite,
Aerospike, ArangoDB, and Oracle NoSQL, which is 6 out of
10) in our survey use protocols based on primary-backup
instead of consensus algorithms for state machine replication. Possible reasons for this are that primary-backup is
significantly easier to implement than consensus algorithms
and the systems using primary-backup for replication mostly
only do replication within a cluster of machines in the same
data center, making the synchrony assumption valid.
Fault-Tolerant Replication with Pull-Based Consensus in MongoDB
In this paper, we present the design and implementation of
strongly consistent replication in MongoDB. MongoDB provides linearizability and tolerates any minority of failures
through a novel consensus protocol that derives from Raft.
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB: A Scalable, Predictably Performant, and Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service
Developers can request strong or eventual consistency when reading items
from a table.
The replication group uses Multi-Paxos [14]
for leader election and consensus. Any replica can trigger a
round of the election. Once elected leader, a replica can maintain leadership as long as it periodically renews its leadership
NoSQL DBもLSM-Treeは広く採用されています。
次の論文ではLSM-Treeを利用したインデックス、Key-Value Storeについての調査を行っています。
A survey of LSM-Tree based Indexes, Data Systems and KV-stores
A survey of LSM-Tree based Indexes, Data Systems and KV-stores
In recent years, LSM-Tree has gained popularity and has been adopted by a number of NoSql databases, and key-value stores.
A number of open source NoSql data systems implementing
LSM-Tree have been proposed by the research community
namely, RocksDB [22], Cassandra [27], LevelDB [29], HBase
[28], and AsterixDB [15].
NoSQL DBにおいても、製品によって様々な形でACIDトランザクションをサポートしています。
NoSQL DBではスケーラビリティやパフォーマンスを求める関係でRDBと同じスタイルのトランザクションを実行できるわけではなく、やはり製品によりどのようなユースケース、ワークロードに最適化しているのかをよく確認する必要があります。
また、「It is one of the first systems to combine the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL architectures with the power of ACID transactions (a.k.a. NewSQL)」と力強く主張しています。
FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store
FoundationDB is an open source transactional key value store created more than ten years ago. It is one of the first systems to combine
the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL architectures with the power
of ACID transactions (a.k.a. NewSQL).
OrientDB: A NoSQL, Open Source MMDMS
While OrientDB’s initial open source release was in 2010, many improvements like the multi-model API / query language
and full ACID support came with a recent re-design.
As one of the first MMDMSs, OrientDB provides a single,
multi-model persistence with ACID transactions (cf. differentiator (3)), whose main aspects we briefly introduce.
Amazon DynamoDB
次の論文ではAmazon DynamoDBでのACIDトランザクションのサポートについて解説しています。
Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB
This paper explains how transactions
were added to Amazon DynamoDB using a timestamp
ordering protocol while exploiting the semantics of a keyvalue store to achieve low latency for both transactional
and non-transactional operations. The results of experiments against a production implementation demonstrate
that distributed transactions with full ACID properties
can be supported without compromising on performance,
availability, or scale.
次の論文ではGoogle FireStoreでのACIDトランザクションのサポートについて解説しています。
内部的にGoogle Spannerのトランザクションに一対一でマッピングされることが説明されています。
Firestore: The NoSQL Serverless Database for the Application Developer
Firestore’s schemaless data model, ACID transactions, strong consistency,
and index-everything default means that developers can focus
more on the data they wish to store and present to the
end user without worrying about the details of the database
transactions map directly to Spanner transactions, which are
lock-based and use two-phase-commits across tablets.
A Guide to ACID Properties in Database Management Systems
In MongoDB, a write operation is atomic on the level of a single document, even if the operation modifies multiple embedded documents within a single document. For situations that require atomicity of reads and writes to multiple documents (in a single collection or multiple collections), MongoDB supports distributed transactions, including transactions on replica sets and sharded clusters.
おまけ: ジョインのサポートについて
どのような形でサポートが行われているのか、そもそも記述が正しいのかは要確認ですが、wikipediaのNoSQLのページにてジョインやACIDトランザクションをサポートしたNoSQL DBの一覧とさせるものが掲載されています。
Database | ACID | Joins |
Aerospike | Yes | No |
Apache Ignite | Yes | Yes |
ArangoDB | Yes | Yes |
Amazon DynamoDB | Yes | No |
Couchbase | Yes | Yes |
CouchDB | Yes | Yes |
IBM Db2 | Yes | Yes |
InfinityDB | Yes | No |
LMDB | Yes | No |
MarkLogic | Yes | Yes[nb 1] |
MongoDB | Yes | Yes[nb 2] |
OrientDB | Yes | Yes[nb 3] |
- Joins do not necessarily apply to document databases, but MarkLogic can do joins using semantics.[31]
- MongoDB did not support joining from a sharded collection until version 5.1.[32]
- OrientDB can resolve 1:1 joins using links by storing direct links to foreign records.[33]
- 強整合性の提供
- 合意形成アルゴリズムの利用
- データ構造としてLSM-Treeの採用
- ACIDトランザクションのサポート
またNoSQL, NewSQLという名称にも明確な定義があるわけではなく、どういった問題課題を解決する製品であるのか、どういった経緯でその仕組み、機能が採用されているのか等を個別に見ていく必要があります。