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Laravel Snippets for a fast TDD workflow

Last updated at Posted at 2018-03-28

A Page I refer to when I do TDD development with Laravel. Cover most of my use cases without going to the official docs. Will be updated continously.

Handy Artisan Commands

# Create Migrations
php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users
php artisan make:migration add_votes_to_users_table --table=users

# Create a test in the Feature directory...
php artisan make:test PurchaseTicketsTest

# Create a test in the Unit directory...
php artisan make:test UserTest --unit

# Laravel Dusk Testing Commands

php artisan dusk:make LoginTest

composer require --dev laravel/dusk
php artisan dusk:install
php artisan dusk

# Create a model and migrations
php artisan make:model Photo --migration

# Create a factory
php artisan make:factory PhotoFactory --model=Photo

# Create a Seeder
php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder

# Create a Resource Controller
php artisan make:controller PhotosController --resource

# Create a Resource Controller with methods type hinted for route-model binding
php artisan make:controller PhotosController --resource --model=Photo

php artisan make:controller API/PhotosController --api
php artisan make:controller PhotosController --api

# Create a Policy
php artisan make:policy PostPolicy --model=Post

# Commands for Backpack (Copied from backpack documentation website)

# STEP 1. create a model, a request and a controller for the admin panel
php artisan backpack:crud tag #use singular, not plural

# STEP 2. add a route for this admin panel to routes/backpack/custom.php
php artisan backpack:base:add-custom-route "CRUD::resource('tag', 'TagCrudController');"

# STEP 3. add sidebar item to resources/views/vendor/backpack/base/inc/sidebar_content.blade.php
php artisan backpack:base:add-sidebar-content "<li><a href='{{ backpack_url('tag') }}'><i class='fa fa-tag'></i> <span>Tags</span></a></li>"

Feature & Unit Tests References

Factories Snippets

Defining Factories

$factory->state(App\User::class, 'delinquent', [
    'account_status' => 'delinquent',

$factory->state(App\User::class, 'address', function ($faker) {
    return [
        'address' => $faker->address,

Using Factories

$user = factory(App\User::class)->make();

$users = factory(App\User::class, 3)->make();

$users = factory(App\User::class, 5)->states('delinquent')->make();

$users = factory(App\User::class, 5)->states('premium', 'delinquent')->make();

$user = factory(App\User::class)->make([
    'name' => 'Abigail',

// Make and save to database
$user = factory(App\User::class)->create();

Making Factories

# https://github.com/JeffreyWay/council/blob/master/database/factories/ModelFactory.php

$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
    static $password;
    return [
        'name' => $faker->name,
        'username' => $faker->unique()->userName,
        'email' => $faker->unique()->safeEmail,
        'password' => $password ?: $password = bcrypt('secret'),
        'remember_token' => str_random(10),
        'confirmed' => true


https://github.com/adamwathan/laracon2017 (Controller Design)

https://github.com/ziming/is439-iot-power/blob/master/app/Http/Controllers/Api/ApiController.php (A good ApiController Super class)

Resource Controller

Verb URI Action Route Name
GET /photos index photos.index
GET /photos/create create photos.create
POST /photos store photos.store
GET /photos/{photo} show photos.show
GET /photos/{photo}/edit edit photos.edit
PUT/PATCH /photos/{photo} update photos.update
DELETE /photos/{photo} destroy photos.destroy

Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently

  1. You get articles that match your needs
  2. You can efficiently read back useful information
  3. You can use dark theme
What you can do with signing up

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