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Monadic Scripting in F# for Computer Gamesを読んで

Last updated at Posted at 2014-04-02


Monadic Scripting in F# for Computer Games



  • コルーチンのサポートが欲しいよね
  • プログラミングし易くしたいよね(シンプルに)
  • スピードが欲しいよね(ゲームは非常に高速な実行が必要)
  • 拡張性が欲しいよね(より良くゲームエンジンに適合させるために)






namespace Monadic
open System

module Script = 
  type Script<'a,'s> = 's -> Step<'a,'s>
  and Step<'a,'s> = 
   | Done of 'a 
   | Next of Script<'a,'s>

  let sreturn x = fun _ -> Done x
  let rec (>>=) m f = fun s ->
    match m s with
    | Done x -> Next(f x)
    | Next m' -> Next(m' >>= f) 

  type ScriptBuilder internal () =
    member this.Zero() = fun k -> (sreturn ()) k
    member this.Return(x) = fun k -> (sreturn x) k
    member this.ReturnFrom(x) = x
    member this.Bind(p, k) = p >>= k
    member this.Combine(f, rest) = fun k -> f rest
    member this.Using(res: #IDisposable, body) =
        body res 
        match res with null -> () | x -> x.Dispose()
    member this.TryWith(f, h) = try f () with e -> h e
    member this.TryFinally(c, f) = try c ()  finally f ()
    member this.Delay (f) = f
    member this.Run(f) = f ()

  let script = ScriptBuilder ()

  let rec runS s gs =
    s gs |> function
    | Done x -> x
    | Next k -> runS k gs

  let liftS f s = s >>= (fun x -> sreturn(f x))
  let liftS2 f s1 s2 = s1 >>= (fun x1 -> s2 >>= (fun x2 -> sreturn(f x1 x2)))

  let notS s = liftS not s
  let andS s1 s2 = liftS2 (&&) s1 s2
  let orS s1 s2 = liftS2 (||) s1 s2
  let ignoreS s = liftS ignore s

  let (!!.) s = notS s
  let (&&.) s1 s2 = andS s1 s2
  let (||.) s1 s2 = orS s1 s2

  let rec guardS c s = 
      let! x = c
      if x then
        return! s
        return! guardS c s }

  let repeatS n k =
    let rec f s n c =
      script {
        let n = n - 1
        match c >= n  with
        | true -> 
          return! k ()
        | false -> 
          let! _ = k ()
          return! f s n c }
    f k n 0

  let ifS c a b = 
      let! x = c
      if x then
        return! a
        return! b}

  type ScriptBuilder with
    [<CustomOperation("not'", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
    member this.Not (source, f) = !!. f
    [<CustomOperation("and'", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
    member this.And (source, f) = f &&. source
    [<CustomOperation("or'", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
    member this.Or (source, f) = f ||. source
    [<CustomOperation("guard'", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind=true)>]
    member this.Guard (source, f) = guardS f source
    [<CustomOperation("ignore'", MaintainsVariableSpace=true)>]
    member this.Ignore (source) = ignoreS source
    [<CustomOperation("repeat'", MaintainsVariableSpace=true)>]
    member this.Repeat (source, f) = repeatS f (fun () -> source)



いげ太さん作の IOモッナードを利用してみる。

Tiny IO Monad - F# Snippets


namespace Haskell.Prelude
open System 

type IO<'T> = private | Action of (unit -> 'T)

module MonadIO =
    let private raw  (Action f) = f
    let private run  io         = raw io ()
    let private eff  g   io     = raw io () |> g
    let private bind io  rest   = Action (fun () -> io |> eff rest |> run)
    let private comb io1 io2    = Action (fun () -> run io1; run io2)
    type IOBuilder() =
        member b.Return(x)              = Action (fun () -> x)
        member b.ReturnFrom(io) : IO<_> = io
        member b.Delay(g) : IO<_>       = g ()
        member b.Bind(io, rest)         = bind io rest
        member b.Combine(io1, io2)      = comb io1 io2
        member b.Zero ()                = Action ignore // add

    let io = new IOBuilder()
    let (|Action|) io = run io

module PreludeIO =
    let putChar  (c:char)   = Action (fun () -> stdout.Write(c))
    let putStr   (s:string) = Action (fun () -> stdout.Write(s))
    let putStrLn (s:string) = Action (fun () -> stdout.WriteLine(s))
    let print x             = Action (fun () -> printfn "%A" x)
    let getChar     = Action (fun () -> stdin.Read() |> char |> string)
    let getLine     = Action (fun () -> stdin.ReadLine())
    let getContents = Action (fun () -> stdin.ReadToEnd())
    let randNext min max = Action (fun () -> let rnd = new Random() in rnd.Next(min,max)) // add


open System
open Haskell.Prelude // Reference : Tiny IO Monad http://fssnip.net/6i Author:igeta
open Monadic.Script 

type GameState = 
  { HP:int; IsGameOver : bool }
  member this.Damage (x) = let s = this.HP - x in { this with HP = if s <= 0 then 0 else s }
  member this.Repare (x) = { this with HP = this.HP + x }
  member this.GameOver () = { this with IsGameOver = true }

let damage s x = script { let! gs = s in return (gs:GameState).Damage(x) }
let repare s x = script { let! gs = s in return (gs:GameState).Repare(x) }
let gameOver s = script { let! gs = s in return (gs:GameState).GameOver() }
let isNotGameOver s = script { let! gs = s in return (gs:GameState).HP > 0 } 
let isGameOver s = !!.(isNotGameOver s)
let damageIfGameOver s x = script{ return! ifS (isGameOver s) (gameOver s) (damage s x) }
let repareIfGameOver s x = script{ return! ifS (isGameOver s) (gameOver s) (repare s x) }
let showHP (gs:GameState) = (sprintf "残りHP:%s" <| string gs.HP) |> putStrLn

let rec update gs = 
  io {
    let! x = randNext 5 10
    let s = damageIfGameOver (sreturn gs) x
    let gs = runS s gs 
    if gs.IsGameOver |> not then
      do! putStrLn (sprintf "%sダメージを受けた" <| string x)
    do! showHP gs

    let! x = randNext 3 5
    let s = repareIfGameOver (sreturn gs) x
    let gs = runS s gs
    if gs.IsGameOver |> not then
      do! putStrLn (sprintf "%s回復した" <| string x)
      do! showHP gs

    if gs.IsGameOver  then
      return! putStr "GAME OVER" 
      return! update gs }

let main _ =
  let (Action ()) = update { HP = 50; IsGameOver = false }
  Console.ReadKey () |> ignore


※コンパイラ オプション --tailcalls


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