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Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-13







  1. 現行システムを稼働したままアップグレードが可能になるので、ダウンタイムが"ほぼ"無くなる。(新規ディスクに切り替える時にはリブートが必要になるので、ほぼ。)
  2. 現行システムは旧ディスクに残したままなので、何かあった際のロールバックが容易。


  1. NIMサーバーが必要
  2. 同サイズの新規ディスクが必要



NIMサーバー: AIX7.2 TL5 SP6
AIX区画(移行前): AIX7.1 TL5 SP3
AIX区画(移行後): AIX7.2 TL5 SP6




  • NIMクライアント名: adachi-AIX7
  • lpp_source名:lpp_source_AIX72TL5
  • SPOT名:spot_AIX72TL5
  • 代替ディスク番号: hdisk2


  1. NIMサーバー上でnimadmコマンドを実行

    # nimadm -c adachi-AIX7 -l lpp_source_AIX72TL5 -s spot_AIX72TL5 -d hdisk2 -Y


    # nimadm -c adachi-AIX7 -l lpp _source _AIX72TL5 -s spot _AIX72TL5 -d hdisk2 -Y
    Initializing the NIM master.
    Initializing NIM client adachi-AIX7.
    Verifying alt_disk_migration eligibility.
    Initializing log: /var/adm/ras/alt_mig/adachi-AIX7_alt_mig.log
    Starting Alternate Disk Migration.
    Executing nimadm phase 1.
    Cloning altinst_rootvg on client, Phase 1.
    Client alt_disk_install command: alt_disk_copy -M 7.2 -P1 -d "hdisk2"
    Calling mkszfile to create new /image.data file.
    Checking disk sizes.
    LOGICAL_VOLUME= hd11admin
    FS_LV= /dev/hd11admin
    Creating cloned rootvg volume group and associated logical volumes.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd5.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd6.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd8.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd4.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd2.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd9var.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd3.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd1.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd10opt.
    Creating logical volume alt_hd11admin.
    Creating logical volume alt_lg_dumplv.
    Creating logical volume alt_livedump.
    Creating /alt_inst/ file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/admin file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/home file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/opt file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/tmp file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/usr file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/var file system.
    Creating /alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump file system.
    Generating a list of files
    for backup and restore into the alternate file system...
    Backing-up the rootvg files and restoring them to the alternate file system...
    Phase 1 complete.
    Executing nimadm phase 2.
    Exporting alt_inst filesystems from client adachi-AIX7
    to NIM master adachi-nim:
    Exporting /alt_inst from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/admin from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/home from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/opt from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/tmp from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/usr from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/var from client.
    Exporting /alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump from client.
    Executing nimadm phase 3.
    NFS mounting client's alt_inst filesystems on the NIM master:
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/admin.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/home.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/opt.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/tmp.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/usr.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/var.
    Mounting adachi-AIX7:/alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump.
    Executing nimadm phase 4.
    nimadm: There is no user customization script specified for this phase.
    Executing nimadm phase 5.
    Saving system configuration files.
    0505-161 nimadm: WARNING, client nfs mounts may be out of sync.
    Checking for initial required migration space.
    Setting up for base operating system restore.
    Restoring base operating system.
    Merging system configuration files.
    Can not remove the glbd subsystem
    WARNING: rmitab failed! Unable to remove "mkatmpvc" entry from /etc/inittab.
    WARNING: rmitab failed! Unable to remove "atmsvcd" entry from /etc/inittab.
    No such file or directory
    /lpp/devices.common.IBM.atm/deinstl/devices.common.IBM.atm.rte.unconfig[76]: /etc/atm.defs: cannot open
    sum: Can't open /usr/lib/hal_hfi.o
    sum: Can't open /usr/hfi/hal/lib/hal_hfi.o
    sum: Can't open /usr/lib/hal_hfi64.o
    sum: Can't open /usr/hfi/hal/lib/hal_hfi64.o
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge Config_Rules.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SRCextmeth.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SRCsubsys.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SWservAt.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge pse.conf.
    Running migration merge method: privcmds_mig.
    Running migration merge method: privdevs_mig.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge vfs.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge xtiso.conf.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdAtXtd.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdDv.
    Running migration merge method: convert_errnotify.
    Running migration merge method: passwd_mig.
    Running migration merge method: login_mig.
    Running migration merge method: user_mrg.
    Running migration merge method: secur_mig.
    Running migration merge method: RoleMerge.
    Running migration merge method: methods_mig.
    Running migration merge method: mkusr_mig.
    Running migration merge method: methods_mig.
    Running migration merge method: mkusr_mig.
    Running migration merge method: group_mig.
    Running migration merge method: ldapcfg_mig.
    Running migration merge method: ldapmap_mig.
    Running migration merge method: secvarscfg_mig.
    Running migration merge method: convert_errlog.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge GAI.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdAt.
    Running migration merge method: merge_smit_db.
    Running migration merge method: ODM_merge fix.
    Running migration merge method: merge_swvpds.
    Running migration merge method: SysckMerge.
    Running migration merge method: nscontrol_mig.
    Executing nimadm phase 6.
    Installing and migrating software.
    0505-161 nimadm: WARNING, client nfs mounts may be out of sync.
    Expanding /alt_inst/opt client filesystem.
    Filesystem size changed to 262144
    Checking space requirements for installp install.
    Expanding /alt_inst/usr client filesystem.
    Filesystem size changed to 6029312
    Expanding /alt_inst/var client filesystem.
    Filesystem size changed to 458752
    Installing software with the installp installer.
    Executing nimadm phase 7.
    nimadm: There is no user customization script specified for this phase.
    Executing nimadm phase 8.
    Creating client boot image.
    bosboot: Boot image is 61441 512 byte blocks.
    Writing boot image to client's alternate boot disk hdisk2.
    Executing nimadm phase 9.
    Unmounting client mounts on the NIM master.
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/var
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/usr
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/tmp
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/opt
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/home
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst/admin
    forced unmount of /adachi-AIX7_alt/alt_inst
    Executing nimadm phase 10.
    Unexporting alt_inst filesystems on client adachi-AIX7:
    Executing nimadm phase 11.
    Cloning altinst_rootvg on client, Phase 3.
    Client alt_disk_install command: alt_disk_copy -M 7.2 -P3 -d "hdisk2"
    ## Phase 3 ###################
    Verifying altinst_rootvg...
    Modifying ODM on cloned disk.
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/var/adm/ras/livedump
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/var
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/var
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/usr
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/usr
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/tmp
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/tmp
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/opt
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/opt
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/home
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/home
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/admin
    forced unmount of /alt_inst/admin
    forced unmount of /alt_inst
    forced unmount of /alt_inst
    Changing logical volume names in volume group descriptor area.
    Fixing LV control blocks...
    Fixing file system superblocks...
    Bootlist is set to the boot disk: hdisk2 blv=hd5
    Executing nimadm phase 12.
    Cleaning up alt_disk_migration on the NIM master.
    Cleaning up alt_disk_migration on client adachi-AIX7.


  2. NIMクライアントの再起動

    # shutdown -Fr







# startsrc -s nimsh
0513-059 The nimsh Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4718730.





# nimadm -c adachi-AIX7 -l lpp_source_AIX72TL5 -s spot_AIX72TL5 -d hdisk2 -Y

Initializing the NIM master.
Initializing NIM client adachi-AIX7.
0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master":
   /usr/bin/lslpp: Fileset bos.alt_disk_install.rte not installed.

0505-204 nimadm: SPOT spot_AIX72TL5 does not have bos.alt_disk_install.rte installed.
0505-205 nimadm: The level of bos.alt_disk_install.rte installed in SPOT
spot_AIX72TL5 ( does not match the NIM master's level (
Cleaning up alt_disk_migration on the NIM master.


Unable to access a special device file


0516-082 /usr/sbin/lchangelv: Unable to access a special device file

0516-082 /usr/sbin/lchangelv: Unable to access a special device file - viosupgrade



# alt_disk_copy -d hdisk# -DV



# lvlstmajor



# cd /dev
# ls -al | grep <メジャー番号>,
# rm XXXX
# rm XXXX


# odmget -q value1=<メジャー番号> CuDvDr
# odmdelete -q value1=<メジャー番号> -o CuDvDr
# odmget -q value1=<メジャー番号> CuDvDr
# savebase




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