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image filter template w/ swift

Last updated at Posted at 2014-09-09
//  TopViewController.swift
//  Created by Yusuke Sugomori on 9/9/14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Yusuke Sugomori. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class TopViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
        let screenWidth = screenSize.width
        let screenHeight = screenSize.height
        let image = UIImage(named: "test.jpg")
        // Core Image context
        let ciContext = CIContext(options: nil)
        // CIImage, think of a CIImage as image data for processing, nothing is displayed or can be displayed at this point
        let coreImage = CIImage(image: image)
        // pick the filter
        let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectTransfer")
        // pass image as input
        filter.setValue(coreImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
        // retrieve the processed image
        let filteredImageData = filter.valueForKey(kCIOutputImageKey) as CIImage
        // returns a Quartz image from the Core Image context
        let filteredImageRef = ciContext.createCGImage(filteredImageData, fromRect: filteredImageData.extent())
        // final UIImage ready to be displayed
        let filteredImage = UIImage(CGImage: filteredImageRef)
        let imageView = UIImageView(image: filteredImage)
        imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight)
        imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit


    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


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