- macOS 11.4 (Big Sur)
- PowerPoint for Mac 16.49(Office 365、2021)
- 表を生成(ダイアログで行数と列数を指定、書式も事前に設定)
- 列の追加(選択部分の左に列を追加。列数はダイアログで指定)
- セルの結合(選択部分について)
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
-- 表の位置とサイズ、行数列数を設定
set x_position to 30
set y_position to 30
set dia_width to 100
set dia_height to 100
set n_row to 3 -- 行数:3
set n_col to 3 -- 列数:3
set n to slide index of slide range of selection of active window
tell slide n of active presentation
-- tableを生成し、TheShapeTableと命名
set TheShapeTable to make new shape table at the end with properties {number of columns:n_col, number of rows:n_row, left position:x_position, top:y_position, width:dia_width, height:dia_height}
end tell
end tell
ダイアログ自体はdisplay dialog
display dialog "作成する行,列を数字で入力" default answer "3,3"
set ans to text returned of result
set org_delimi to text item delimiters of AppleScript -- オリジナルの区切り文字をとっておく
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "," -- ","で区切る
set ans1 to text item 1 of ans -- 1つめの値を変数ans1 に格納
set ans2 to text item 2 of ans -- 2つめの値を変数ans2 に格納
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to org_delimi -- 操作終了後にオリジナルの区切り文字に戻す
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
-- 表の位置とサイズを設定
set x_position to 15
set y_position to 15
set dia_width to 300
set dia_height to 100
display dialog "作成する行,列を数字で入力" default answer "3,3"
set ans to text returned of result
set org_delimi to text item delimiters of AppleScript -- オリジナルの区切り文字をとっておく
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "," -- ","で区切る
set n_row to text item 1 of ans -- 1つめの値を変数n_rowに格納
set n_col to text item 2 of ans -- 2つめの値を変数n_colに格納
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to org_delimi -- 操作終了後にオリジナルの区切り文字に戻す
set n to slide index of slide range of selection of active window --現在のスライド番号を取得
tell slide n of active presentation --現在のスライド内で操作
-- tableを生成し、TheShapeTableと命名
set TheShapeTable to make new shape table at the end with properties {number of columns:n_col, number of rows:n_row, left position:x_position, top:y_position, width:dia_width, height:dia_height}
end tell
end tell
get border
を用いて、セルの中の枠線(上、左、下、右、右斜め斜線、左斜め斜線)を設定し、それぞれにline formatを設定していく必要があります。
tell cell xx of row xx of table object --セル(xx,xx)内で操作
set vertical anchor of text frame of shape of it to anchor middle --左上詰めを中央に変更
set font size of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to 14 --フォントサイズを14に
set font color theme index of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to second dark theme color --文字色をdark2に
set fore color of fill format of shape of it to {234, 234, 234} -- 背景色をグレーに
set alignment of paragraph format of text range of text frame of shape of it to paragraph align center --文字のアライメントを中央揃えに
-- ●枠線の設定(上)
set currentCell to get it
set topBorder to get border currentCell edge top border
set line weight of topBorder to 1
set fore color of topBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(左)
set leftBorder to get border currentCell edge left border
set line weight of leftBorder to 1
set fore color of leftBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(右)
set rightBorder to get border currentCell edge right border
set line weight of rightBorder to 1
set fore color of rightBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(下)
set bottomBorder to get border currentCell edge bottom border
set line weight of bottomBorder to 1
set fore color of bottomBorder to {200, 200, 200}
end tell
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set x_position to 15
set y_position to 15
set dia_width to 300
set dia_height to 100
display dialog "作成する行,列を数字で入力" default answer "3,3"
set ans to text returned of result
set org_delimi to text item delimiters of AppleScript -- オリジナルの区切り文字をとっておく
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "," -- ","で区切る
set ans1 to text item 1 of ans -- 1つめの値を変数ans1 に格納
set ans2 to text item 2 of ans
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to org_delimi -- 操作終了後にオリジナルの区切り文字に戻す
--display dialog "ans1:" & ans1 & ", ans2:" & ans2
set n_row to ans1
set n_col to ans2
set n to slide index of slide range of selection of active window --現在のスライド番号を取得
tell slide n of active presentation --現在のスライド内で操作
-- tableを生成し、TheShapeTableと命名
set TheShapeTable to make new shape table at the end with properties {number of columns:n_col, number of rows:n_row, left position:x_position, top:y_position, width:dia_width, height:dia_height}
-- ●tableの書式を設定
tell TheShapeTable
-- ●タイトル行の書式設定
set nr to 1
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col
tell cell nc of row nr of table object --セル内で操作
set content of text range of text frame of shape of it to "R" & nr & "C" & nc --文字入力
set vertical anchor of text frame of shape of it to anchor middle --左上詰めを中央に変更
set font size of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to 14 --フォントサイズを14に
set font color theme index of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to second dark theme color --文字色をdark2に
set fore color of fill format of shape of it to {234, 234, 234} -- 背景色をグレーに
set alignment of paragraph format of text range of text frame of shape of it to paragraph align center --文字のアライメントを中央揃えに
-- ●枠線の設定(上)
set currentCell to get it
set topBorder to get border currentCell edge top border
set line weight of topBorder to 1
set fore color of topBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(左)
set leftBorder to get border currentCell edge left border
set line weight of leftBorder to 1
set fore color of leftBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(右)
set rightBorder to get border currentCell edge right border
set line weight of rightBorder to 1
set fore color of rightBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(下)
set bottomBorder to get border currentCell edge bottom border
set line weight of bottomBorder to 1
set fore color of bottomBorder to {200, 200, 200}
end tell
end repeat
-- ●一般行の書式設定
repeat with nr from 2 to n_row
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col
tell cell nc of row nr of table object --セル内で操作
set content of text range of text frame of shape of it to "R" & nr & "C" & nc --文字入力
set vertical anchor of text frame of shape of it to anchor middle --左上詰めを中央に変更
set font size of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to 14 --フォントサイズを14に
set font color theme index of font of text range of text frame of shape of it to second dark theme color --文字色をdark2に
set fore color of fill format of shape of it to {255, 255, 255} -- 背景色を白に
tell paragraph format of text range of text frame of shape of it
set alignment of it to paragraph align center --文字のアライメントを中央揃えに
set line rule within of it to true --行間の設定を行の倍数に
set space within of it to 1.1 --行間を1.1倍に
set line rule before of it to false --段落前の設定をポイントに
set space before of it to 3 --段落前を3ポイントに
end tell
-- ●枠線の設定
set currentCell to get it
-- ●枠線の設定(左)
set leftBorder to get border currentCell edge left border
set line weight of leftBorder to 1
set fore color of leftBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(右)
set rightBorder to get border currentCell edge right border
set line weight of rightBorder to 1
set fore color of rightBorder to {200, 200, 200}
-- ●枠線の設定(下)
set bottomBorder to get border currentCell edge bottom border
set line weight of bottomBorder to 1
set fore color of bottomBorder to {200, 200, 200}
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
start log
log "xx"
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
start log
tell shape table 1 of shape range of selection of active window
set n_row to number of rows --表の行数
set n_col to number of columns --表の列数
set selListR to {} --選択された行のリスト
set selListC to {} --選択された列のリスト
--どこが選択されているかをSCAN ------
repeat with nr from 1 to n_row --行をSCAN
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col --列をSCAN
tell cell nc of row nr of table object
if selected of it then --選択されているかどうかの判定
set end of selListR to nr
set end of selListC to nc
log "R" & nr & "C" & nc & " is Selected!"
end if
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
log selListR
log selListC
end tell
split cell XX of row YY number of rows X number of columns Y
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
start log
tell shape table 1 of shape range of selection of active window
set n_row to number of rows
set n_col to number of columns
set selListR to {}
--どこが選択されているかをSCAN ------
repeat with nr from 1 to n_row
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col
tell cell nc of row nr of table object
if selected of it then
set end of selListR to nr
log "R" & nr & "C" & nc & " is Selected!"
end if
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
-- 選択されている行を抜き出し-----
set firstRow to first item of selListR
set lastRow to last item of selListR
set numRow to (lastRow - firstRow + 1)
display dialog "挿入する行数" default answer numRow
set numRow to text returned of result
log "numRow is " & numRow
tell table object
set cellHeight to height of row (firstRow - 1)
set cellHeight2 to height of row lastRow
log "Hight is " & cellHeight
log "Hight2 is " & cellHeight2
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col
--split cell nc of row 2 number of rows 3 number of columns 1
split cell nc of row (firstRow - 1) number of rows (numRow + 1) number of columns 1
end repeat
set height of row (firstRow - 1) to cellHeight
end tell
end tell
end tell
merge AA merge with BB
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
start log
tell shape table 1 of shape range of selection of active window
set n_row to number of rows
set n_col to number of columns
set selList to {}
--どこが選択されているかをSCAN ------
repeat with nr from 1 to n_row
repeat with nc from 1 to n_col
tell cell nc of row nr of table object
if selected of it then
set currentCell to get it
log currentCell
set end of selList to currentCell
log "R" & nr & "C" & nc & " is Selected!"
end if
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
-- 選択されているセルを抜き出し-----
set firstCell to first item of selList
set lastCell to last item of selList
-- そのセルを結合
merge firstCell merge with lastCell
end tell
end tell