- Python 3.12.1
- poetry 1.7.1
TravisCIでPython3.12のテストをする際、poetry install
$ poetry install
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (18.9s)
Package operations: 6 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
• Installing six (1.16.0)
• Installing numpy (1.26.3)
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
• Installing pytz (2023.4)
• Installing tzdata (2023.4)
• Installing pandas (2.0.3): Preparing...
poetry installの出力は、• Installing pandas (2.0.3): Preparing...
この記事では、poetry install
$ docker run -it python:3.12 /bin/bash
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# python --version
Python 3.12.1
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# pip install poetry
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# apt update
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# apt install vim
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# poetry create test
root@56ddaaaca88a:/# cd test
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# vim pyproject.toml
です。Python3.8から3.12をサポートするため、python = "^3.8"
name = "test"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Your Name <you@example.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.8"
pandas = "*"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
poetry install
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# time poetry install -vvv > poetry-install1.log
Creating virtualenv test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12 in /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
real 16m49.591s
user 16m12.142s
sys 0m22.319s
poetry install
の最後の方に"Complete version solving took 26.276 seconds with 22 overrides"と記載されているので、バージョン解決に16分かかった訳ではないようです。
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# poetry show pandas
name : pandas
version : 2.0.3
description : Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
- numpy >=1.20.3
- numpy >=1.21.0
- numpy >=1.23.2
- python-dateutil >=2.8.2
- pytz >=2020.1
- tzdata >=2022.1
Using virtualenv: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.731 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.279 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.299 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.347 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.403 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.443 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.313 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.20.3)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.20.3)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.20.3)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.3)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.2)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.1) requires Python <3.13,>=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.1)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.0) requires Python <3.13,>=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.0)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.2)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.1)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.0)
1: selecting numpy (1.24.4)
1: Version solving took 20.246 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.21.0)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.21.0)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.21.0)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.350 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.076 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.118 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.162 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.200 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.245 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.290 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.307 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.077 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.120 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.160 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.195 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.271 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.305 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.323 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Complete version solving took 26.276 seconds with 22 overrides
0: Resolved with overrides: ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.20.3)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.21.0)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}})
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 6 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
• Installing six (1.16.0)
• Installing numpy (1.26.3)
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
• Installing pytz (2023.4)
• Installing tzdata (2023.4)
• Installing pandas (2.0.3)
Writing lock file
Installing the current project: test (0.1.0)
- Building package test in editable mode
- Adding test.pth to /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages for /test
- Adding the test-0.1.0.dist-info directory to /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages
を削除して再度poetry install
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# poetry env list
test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12 (Activated)
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# poetry env remove test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12
Deleted virtualenv: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# rm poetry.lock
root@56ddaaaca88a:/test# time poetry install -vvv > poetry-install2.log
Creating virtualenv test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12 in /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs
real 0m9.715s
user 0m9.179s
sys 0m0.663s
すぐにpoetry install
には"Complete version solving took 5.596 seconds with 22 overrides"と記載されていました。バージョン解決の時間は前回よりも短くなったようです。
Using virtualenv: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.482 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.081 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.121 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.163 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.205 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.261 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.311 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.20.3)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.20.3)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.20.3)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.3)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.2)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.1) requires Python <3.13,>=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.1)
1: fact: numpy (1.26.0) requires Python <3.13,>=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.26.0)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.2)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.1)
1: fact: numpy (1.25.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not numpy (==1.25.0)
1: selecting numpy (1.24.4)
1: Version solving took 0.670 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.21.0)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.21.0)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.21.0)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.354 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.079 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.120 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.163 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.210 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.254 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.294 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.321 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.079 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.121 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4,<2) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2,<2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0,<2) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.161 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version == "3.11" and numpy (>=1.26.0) with markers python_version >= "3.12".
1: Version solving took 0.219 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.22.4) with markers python_version < "3.11" and numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.253 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
0: Duplicate dependencies for numpy
0: Different requirements found for numpy (>=1.20.3) with markers python_version < "3.10", numpy (>=1.23.2) with markers python_version >= "3.11" and numpy (>=1.21.0) with markers python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11".
1: Version solving took 0.341 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Retrying dependency resolution with the following overrides ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}).
1: fact: test is 0.1.0
1: derived: test
1: fact: test depends on pandas (*)
1: selecting test (0.1.0)
1: derived: pandas
1: fact: pandas (2.2.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.2.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.4) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.4)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.3) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.3)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.2) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.1) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.1.0) requires Python >=3.9
1: derived: not pandas (==2.1.0)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on pytz (>=2020.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: fact: pandas (2.0.3) depends on numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: selecting pandas (2.0.3)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.23.2)
1: derived: tzdata (>=2022.1)
1: derived: pytz (>=2020.1)
1: derived: python-dateutil (>=2.8.2)
1: fact: python-dateutil (2.8.2) depends on six (>=1.5)
1: selecting python-dateutil (2.8.2)
1: derived: six (>=1.5)
1: selecting six (1.16.0)
1: selecting pytz (2023.4)
1: selecting tzdata (2023.4)
1: selecting numpy (1.26.3)
1: Version solving took 0.323 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
0: Complete version solving took 5.596 seconds with 22 overrides
0: Resolved with overrides: ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.20.3)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.22.4)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.21.0)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}}), ({Package('pandas', '2.2.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.4'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.2'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0,<2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.1'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.26.0)>}, Package('pandas', '2.1.0'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}, Package('pandas', '2.0.3'): {'numpy': <Dependency numpy (>=1.23.2)>}})
Finding the necessary packages for the current system
Package operations: 6 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
• Installing six (1.16.0)
• Installing numpy (1.26.3)
• Installing python-dateutil (2.8.2)
• Installing pytz (2023.4)
• Installing tzdata (2023.4)
• Installing pandas (2.0.3)
Writing lock file
Installing the current project: test (0.1.0)
- Building package test in editable mode
- Adding test.pth to /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages for /test
- Adding the test-0.1.0.dist-info directory to /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-swbZ_4R8-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages
poetry 2.0.3は2023/07/28にリリースされました。また、Python3.12は2023/10/02にリリースされました。したがって、poetry2.0.3のPython3.12に対応したビルドパッケージはPyPIに存在しません。
この場合poetry(pip?)はPython3.12用にビルドします。このビルドに時間がかかっているため、初回のpoetry instal
参考情報として、pip install
でpandas 2.0.3をインストールしたときのログを記載します。
# time pip install "pandas==2.0.3"
Collecting pandas==2.0.3
Using cached pandas-2.0.3.tar.gz (5.3 MB)
Installing build dependencies ... done
Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Collecting python-dateutil>=2.8.2 (from pandas==2.0.3)
Using cached python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (247 kB)
Collecting pytz>=2020.1 (from pandas==2.0.3)
Obtaining dependency information for pytz>=2020.1 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9c/3d/a121f284241f08268b21359bd425f7d4825cffc5ac5cd0e1b3d82ffd2b10/pytz-2024.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata
Using cached pytz-2024.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (22 kB)
Collecting tzdata>=2022.1 (from pandas==2.0.3)
Obtaining dependency information for tzdata>=2022.1 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a3/fb/52b62131e21b24ee297e4e95ed41eba29647dad0e0051a92bb66b43c70ff/tzdata-2023.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata
Using cached tzdata-2023.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (1.4 kB)
Collecting numpy>=1.21.0 (from pandas==2.0.3)
Obtaining dependency information for numpy>=1.21.0 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c4/c6/f971d43a272e574c21707c64f12730c390f2bfa6426185fbdf0265a63cbd/numpy-1.26.3-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata
Using cached numpy-1.26.3-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (61 kB)
Collecting six>=1.5 (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->pandas==2.0.3)
Using cached six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
Using cached numpy-1.26.3-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (18.0 MB)
Using cached pytz-2024.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (505 kB)
Using cached tzdata-2023.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (346 kB)
Building wheels for collected packages: pandas
Building wheel for pandas (pyproject.toml) ... done
Created wheel for pandas: filename=pandas-2.0.3-cp312-cp312-linux_x86_64.whl size=46076278 sha256=4c6fcc0627c35a877fd9288852168b2954dafde64f2da412b0beca1c9dfd9442
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/08/95/b7/15a2a9958c1fde0807c23b05bfed1a32ff9c7225c55d270d27
Successfully built pandas
Installing collected packages: pytz, tzdata, six, numpy, python-dateutil, pandas
Successfully installed numpy-1.26.3 pandas-2.0.3 python-dateutil-2.8.2 pytz-2024.1 six-1.16.0 tzdata-2023.4
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.2.1 -> 24.0
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
real 18m6.067s
user 17m44.919s
sys 0m20.609s
- Python3.8から3.12をサポートするツールで、pandasのバージョンを指定しないと、pandas 2.0.3をインストールしようとする
- pandas 2.0.3はPython3.12で動くビルドパッケージがPyPIに存在しないため、ローカルでビルドする必要がある
- Python3.12環境で
poetry install
を実行すると、pandas 2.0.3をビルドするため15分以上時間がかかった
- poandasやnumpyなどビルドが必要なパッケージは、実行したいPython環境でのビルドパッケージが存在するかを意識する